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Posts posted by JuranBoldenRules


    We've never won anything with the incarnations since. The ones we have now with the strange designs? Ugh!!! Never buy one. I'm debating whether to buy the new third jersey when I'm in town next week as I have a 70's Brock jersey & they are virtually identical except for the Bomber logo on the sleeve striping & back. I'll be at the game next Friday! :)


    I've got the 2x Muamba jersey in the new colours and I like it, but I don't understand why it is so tight.  My 2x jersey in the old colours is big enough to drown in.  The jersies are supposed to be the same size, yet there is a big difference between the sizing, so much so that the new jersey isn't even that comfortable to wear.  I am hoping now that Wade is in charge, that he will be taking care of his fellow husky Bomber fans and correcting this oversight.  Either increase the size of the 2X jersies or add a bigger size to the options.


    Reebok has made everything fitted for the last few years.  Hockey jerseys too.  I can understand for the players, don't know why for retail.




    How Parenteau fits in that group I don't know.  He played more in his early years than he has in his prime.  He had multiple opportunities to win a starting job in both Saskatchewan and Toronto and flubbed it.  I don't know how anyone can judge him above how he's been judged by coaches, because he rarely plays 2 games in a row.  Parenteau's value is that he can play multiple positions at an average level. 


    Wasn't he Toronto's starting RG for most of last season?


    He rotated with Eppele and Andrew Jones after Gagne-Marcoux got injured.

  3. DelMonaco loves Sorensen.  That's why I think they might move him out to the right side, either as a guard or tackle, to stabilize things over there.


    Just doesn't make sense.  You can't drop a guy in to play centre who hasn't been here all season.  Sorensen was bad enough at tackle and guard that BC cut him when they were literally running out of NI's, Wally commented that he can't move his feet well enough to play in the league.  Parenteau is brutal at snapping the ball, last thing you need a shaky QB worrying about, and it's not just snapping it on the turf or over his head, putting it too low or too high but into his body throws everything off too.  We'd immediately be weaker at two positions. 


    This off-season, we brought in Dewit - a centre - and now Parenteau...  I'd say Sorenson's days as our C are thankfully numbered.


    I don't know why.


    It's weird to me how everyone bases their impression of the offensive linemen in this league off reputation alone.


    Guys like Tim O'Neill, Jeff Keeping, Chris Van Zeyl, Justin Sorensen and Marc Parenteau have really stepped their game up and developed themselves into very serviceable players despite a lackluster start to their careers. On the flip side, guys like Dmitri Tsoumpas, Andrew Woodruff and Josh Bourke have seen a pretty decent drop off in play yet they're still treated like gold in the eyes of most fans.



    How Parenteau fits in that group I don't know.  He played more in his early years than he has in his prime.  He had multiple opportunities to win a starting job in both Saskatchewan and Toronto and flubbed it.  I don't know how anyone can judge him above how he's been judged by coaches, because he rarely plays 2 games in a row.  Parenteau's value is that he can play multiple positions at an average level.  Sorensen has no ability to move laterally.  He was smart enough to learn a new position that can mask his deficiencies.  O'Neill has always been a savvy, scrappy interior lineman, not the most talented.  Van Zeyl and Keeping are two of the most athletic OL in the league who were coached into players, kind of like what we've been hoping would happen with Greaves, but hasn't likely due to our poor coaching.


    Barker has younger, better and cheaper guys. If he couldn't beat out Jeff Keeping in TO at centre that should tell people something. He may unfortunately truly be an upgrade to Morley et al.

    If that was true he wouldn't have just signed Kyle Koch to replace him.


    He proved he's not a centre in Sask, but he's a serviceable guard.



    Exactly.  The only way he's playing centre is out of desperation.  He can't snap the ball consistently.

  6. I stand by the fact I think Goltz is a terrible passer. I don't care if he can run. He's also getting into his mid to late 20's. If he hasn't learned proper mechanics by now he never will.  Guys that run have a short shelf life because they get injured. It'll be his brain, his arm & then his athleticism that determines how long he plays or even develops in the future.


    What's wrong with his mechanics?  He's a little slow on his reads (we don't appear to be doing much pre-snap), but he can make the throws from the pocket and on the move without having to wind-up.  He's been making better decisions the last couple weeks in terms of getting rid of the ball too, save for pushing too hard in the 4th quarter in Regina.  I'd like to see where he's at after half a season.




    Parenteau is a plug.  If he's still on our roster next season, that would be a concern.



    Not sure if that would be a concern for me as long as we are addressing the need by way of the draft, free agency or what have you.  Rome wasn't built in a day, our o-line won't be revamped in an off-season.  



    Look at it this way.  If Parenteau is still on our roster (top 6) next season, that basically means none of our OL prospects panned out.


    Why couldn't Greaves, Swiston, & Pencer all be on the roster at the same time as Parenteau?


    We need a starting guard, a RT, and an upgrade at C (likely difficult with Ottawa).  Parenteau is a very shaky centre in terms of snapping, Swiston and Pencer should fill the starting RT or G position and 6th OL depending on how we deploy our ratio.  That leaves a possible starting guard spot that we'll have to address through trade or free agency if we go with 4 NI's.  My assumption is that we'll go with 3 NI's and 2 IMPs with the talent spreading out 9 ways.  If Parenteau is starting for us in 2014, we're in trouble, he's a below average player, although many of those will exist on rosters next season with Ottawa coming in, I believe the addition of Parenteau was made to finish this season not for next season.


    Parenteau is a plug.  If he's still on our roster next season, that would be a concern.



    Not sure if that would be a concern for me as long as we are addressing the need by way of the draft, free agency or what have you.  Rome wasn't built in a day, our o-line won't be revamped in an off-season.  



    Look at it this way.  If Parenteau is still on our roster (top 6) next season, that basically means none of our OL prospects panned out.

  9. I say give Walters a nice title and promotion... Let him learn under Higgins for the next three to five years and then promote him to gm.... also hire Dickinson as hc in the off season


    Did they plant a money tree as part of the landscaping?  If they didn't, they better.


    Was anything said about next week's starter?  Golts got the win but didnt look good.

    My thought is, Hall started the 2nd Hamilton game because they wanted to see more, but he got hurt. Has Goltz done anything the past 2 weeks to say he is better than Hall, or deserves more of a look? I don't believe that he has.



    What potential does Hall have though?  I think you can work with Goltz to possibly become a passer, because he can make all the throws, and he's a threat with the read option.  Hall is going to have the entire defence sitting on the LOS daring him to make throws, his arm isn't great, and we won't be able to run the ball.  I don't think Hall has much potential and he limits the offence.

  11. Parenteau is a plug.  If he's still on our roster next season, that would be a concern.


    Woodson is kind of in that not good enough to be a running back at this level and not good enough to play receiver area.  He's done well on special teams, but Volny is a pretty good player, a guy who can carry the ball and block, and we have enough receivers.  Flipping Woodson and a 5th for a 3rd would have been a fine trade, getting Parenteau to finish the season is a bonus.


    The only thing Cauchy Muamba does well is blitz.  That penalty on a hook sliding Durant was about the dumbest I've seen in my life, particularly from a guy who rarely hits anyone downhill as a safety.


    Even Suitor thought that was a questionable penalty iirc since Durant didn't really telegraph that he was going to slide.


    Suitor thinks a lot of things, also thought Burke didn't have to challenge the Denmark catch in the endzone because it was a scoring play.  Muamba had more than a full stride to let up and if a QB goes down with his feet in front of his head, he's dead and the ball isn't advancing.  He doesn't have to put out a tweet saying he's done running.

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