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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Well...when you write a column that is akin to writing "Byfuglien doesn't want to be a Jet, Trade him for Crosby or Giroux," how much respect do you deserve.
  2. Maybe. I would say you are under-valuing Muamba's worth to the rest of the league though. He is a very good player with the chance to develop into an all-star. A playoff team won't trade a player off their 42 at this point of the season, let alone their current starting QB. If Muamba hits the market he'll have offers from 9 teams, but that doesn't really equate to trade value in Week 13. At best we'd get a draft pick. Look at the guys we just acquired...Parenteau, not playing, Foster, not playing.
  3. Just brutal analysis. For someone so "connected," he writes like a guy who's been stuck behind a screen playing Madden where you just hit "sign" and the guy is on your roster. Our city should trade for some sports columnists who aren't ham-fisted. In the CFL, and most pro leagues, if you are offering, you are unlikely to get value. Mitchell and Collaros could very well be starting for their teams into the playoffs, and they are both on 1st place teams. If you think a team is going to trade a QB that is winning games for them for a linebacker at this point of the season, you're crazy. There isn't going to be any significant trade market until after the Grey Cup.
  4. Hall is more experienced as a passer. His arm isn't good enough and he trusts it too much, trying to hit tight windows against a safety. He might throw for 300 yards, but it'll be with 3-4 picks.
  5. His parents drive from Montana for every game. I went on a roadtrip to Montana last summer and it's two full days of driving from here. That could very well have been a factor. The only closer CFL city to where Reilly's family lives is Calgary. If Reilly thought he couldn't win the job from Buck, Elliott and Brink while having a starters contract in his back pocket, he must have low self-esteem. Not a lack of self-esteem, more of a lack of confidence in management in making a prudent decision. Hard to prove yourself with a million Qbs in camp - limited reps in exhibition games. Mack blew it by not releasing one or both of them earlier instead of dithering around although it's doubtful he would have taken a chance swapping picks to speak with Reilly (would have been worth risk for a QB). As for Montana, I can drive there in eight hours. That's a days drive. Depends on the part of the state his parents are from I guess. It's not like arrangements couldn't have been made to get his parents to games here anyways. Kalispell. On the other side of the continental divide.
  6. His parents drive from Montana for every game. I went on a roadtrip to Montana last summer and it's two full days of driving from here. That could very well have been a factor. The only closer CFL city to where Reilly's family lives is Calgary. If Reilly thought he couldn't win the job from Buck, Elliott and Brink while having a starters contract in his back pocket, he must have low self-esteem.
  7. The historic natural rivalries are in the West. Not Ottawa or Hamilton. Especially Ottawa next year. I'm hoping to see another Winnipeg/Hamilton GC someday. But the Bombers better hurry. I'm not getting any younger. One of the things I am finding out is that whether we are a West or East team, by fan perspective, depends on age. My dad for instance said he's happy to be back in the west as we've always been a west team. But by comparison, I told him in my opinion that we are an East team because for most of my adult life the Bombers have been in the east. Once there's 9 teams there will be little variation in everyone's schedule. The only thing the division counts for is playoffs and ensuring an East-West Grey Cup with the odd chance of a crossover team sneaking in. It really doesn't matter IMO.
  8. If he's worried about Jyles, he's an idiot. If he's getting paid $200,000 plus bonuses he's not getting paid to stand on the sideline. A little entitled from a guy who had thrown 77 passes.
  9. Really? He was scared to compete with Elliott, Brink and Buck, and would have been worried about Jyles? That attitude kind of turns me off anyways.
  10. Lapolice wanted him to be something he's not. Tossing him corner routes and outs all the time. He's a deep threat and probably the best receiver in the league next to SJ Green at running a hard dig or skinny post into the field and coming down with it strong in coverage. He has trouble adjusting to passes over his outside shoulder. A good coach would have been able to harness his talent and give him a productive role. An idiot would cut him in September.
  11. Are those guys any more dangerous than Dressler? Besides that the Bombers zone defense is the worst thing in history and I wouldn't want to watch a game of that again. You just watched zone blitzes all day lead to a win. You can't blitz HB's and safeties the amount of times they did on Sunday and play man.
  12. why? what has he ever done to make you think he's better than Goltz? What has Hall done for that matter? Or is this simply a case of "I don't like this guy cause he's not an allstar so maybe one of the other guys is an allstar"? That statement is based solely of the fact that I think Goltz sucks. Hall showed promise when he played so Id like to see him some more. Goltz vs. Hall in the qb rating is 64.2 compared to 67.9. Not sure how that equates to one guy sucks and the other showed promise. Hall showed promise for opposing DB's to meet their contract bonuses.
  13. I disagree. The level of play is highest in the PFC. (Prairie Football Conference) The PFC, where the Rifles play, has proven to be the strongest division in the CJFL. The PFC champion won the national championship 7 of the past 10 years, and 15 of the last 20. The level of play is much stronger in the PFC than in the BCFC as demonstrated by playoff wins over the short, medium and long term. Furthermore, Winnipeg should have an advantage in that CJFL players can practice with CFL clubs, so the proximity is there. It's tougher in BC, where for example, it is a long road from the Okanagan Sun to Vancouver. The only advantage that the BCFC has is that their costs are lower, due primarily lower travel costs. Against that the Lions financially support all 6 junior team, while the Bombers only fund 1. (Primarily through a portion of 50/50 revenue) The advantage is the rights to 6 rosters worth of players compared to 1. BCs whole development system is more advanced than ours, even though their high school league plays American rules. BC and Saskatchewan produce far more CIS players than they should, Manitoba produces far less, although we are getting better. BCs junior league also has a following. They have a lot more money and a lot to offer their players in terms of scholarships and job placements depending on what players want and need. Good luck finding a dozen people who aren't related to Rifles players who care or attend their games. There's also some interest in Edmonton and the Saskatoon Hilltops. Everywhere else they play in front of crowds you could count by hand before the first series is over. The Quebec league is getting better too, and some interest in the Montreal suburbs.
  14. Go Okanagan Sun go!!! Theo Deezar future BC Lions starting Quarterback. Hopefully, that would help us with the move to the West.
  15. Code of conduct doesn't seem to mean much, clearly just a PR stunt in the wake of the Trevis Smith embarrassment. Pretty common in most professions for people to go on paid leave while a serious court case such as this is settled.
  16. Had our Jets draft last night...I ended up with the game on the 19th, which I can't attend. So, if anyone is interested I'm offering up the Bomber tickets plus 2 P5 Jets tickets for the preseason game against the Wild for $200. That's about $70 less than face value for the 4 tickets.
  17. More home games against the Riders= several hundred thousand more in gate revenue every few seasons.
  18. The losses in 3 eastern markets are as big as the profits in Regina. Luckily they have 3 owners as of now who are willing to sign off on them. If Wetenhall died tomorrow, the Alouettes would be a big problem for the league. Same goes for the Argos with Braley. Young at least got a stadium built in Hamilton, so that should provide stability and a chance to make money. The league is very far from being out of the woods. The best hope for long-term stability is probably that MLSE takes on the Argos, and Molson takes on the Alouettes eventually. But those conglomerates don't operate charities, so it could be tough to find owners.
  19. which is exactly why it's bullshit to move them now. Let's at least wait and see if any of the eastern teams get off life support before moving the Bombers yet again. With the new TV contract starting next year, none of the teams in the East should be on life support. That will hardly make a dent as the cap goes up, especially for teams like the Argos and Als that bleed money. The Ticats should be fine in the new stadium for awhile.
  20. Hey everyone, I can't attend the game on the 20th. I'm selling my row 1 tickets for a little less than face value. PM me if interested.
  21. I highly doubt the Crown would want to lay charges, especially very serious ones like aggravated assault, on Rider players unless there is a high likelihood of conviction, certainly a higher standard than they'd apply to the alleged gang members involved. They don't want or need media. Something happened, and they need to have a pretty good idea that there was intent to cause serious physical harm to someone (often use of a weapon) to proceed with aggravated assault charges. Safe to say they didn't grab the guy by the belt loops like the last Rider brought before the courts.
  22. He can't block. I'd rather pay Sorensen half as much to not block anyone, at least he doesn't get carried to the QB by DT's regularly.
  23. Most efficient thing in my opinion is every team gets two bye weeks. With one team per week getting a bye? Does this work with 18 games? One team will have to play 2 in a week in pre-season, another team will have to play 2 in a week regular season, otherwise it works with a 20 week season. So every 9th season you'll have a brutal week.
  24. doesn't it make more sense to have divisions when the team is larger? also, I'm trying to think back to when Ottawa was in the league last time, was there a lot of byes with the odd number of teams? With 10 teams you would have 2 games against every team to get your 18 games. So no need to have a division. I think having 9 stable franchises will be enough of a struggle. Let's find the Argos a place to play first.
  25. I wonder which punch they decided to fine him for. Picard was literally wrapping himself around Anderson every play.
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