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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Hard to coach around horrible throwing mechanics at halftime. I'm sure Hall has been told to settle his feet his entire life, but he's still dancing and sailing passes. Maybe they could coach him to aim for a target 5 yards in front of the route he's trying to hit, then the ball would be on the money.
  2. Can we fold our team and start again next season as an expansion team?
  3. Ticket prices can only go up if there is demand. Same goes for parking and concessions. Already this season every parking lot I walk by off-campus on my way to the stadium has lowered their price. Some started at $20, some at $15, most are at $10 now, one at $8. Concessions in my area were noticeably barren. Guessing we won't be paying $9 for a 8 inch pizza much longer, or a bunch of vendors may not return.
  4. Are you kidding me? Walters has brought in Peach, Kelly, Foster, Boltus, Brown, Bo Smith since Mack got canned. Peach and Kelly are decent players... the rest are filler. Walters has another two weeks until trade deadline? Then a tiny window to sign/trade for Collaros...? If Miller has a real candidate in mind, maybe we need to get him in here in early October. The point you are missing is that teams are built in the off-season. Everyone Walters brought in are filler. If they weren't. they would have been on a roster.
  5. They can pass. They might on the import section and 2nd NI round.
  6. Pulling Hall was about the only good decision. Guy had major happy feet, even more than usual, everything was sailing, he'd have thrown 6 picks in a half if BC didn't drop a bunch. 2 TD passes do not balance that out. Just doesn't have the physical ability to play the game at this level, terrible arm.
  7. "Tyler Pencer Should be Ready, but Isn't: Bombers' Burke" Guess they had a free agent editor exodus.
  8. Well they have to have it done at least before the season starts. They haven't in the past. The PA doesn't have a whole ton of leverage because there is no shortage of football players and they are hardly a unified group. They will play under the terms of the current deal until they get a new one.
  9. Something like starting an American at guard who has never played guard over our high draft pick NI OL prospect in a meaningless game? We can't fire Burke because we don't have enough coaches on staff, but that doesn't make it the right decision.
  10. CFLdb (which is a damn good website) indcates the SMS year is based on player's contracts which run from Feb 16 of one year to Feb 15 of the next. Players get paid by the game (with roster and performance bonuses paid in lump sums on specified dates). When contracts begin and end isn't relevant to the SMS.
  11. No it doesn't. The SMS does not run on a calendar year. A new year starts in either mid-February (at the start of the FA period) or the beginning of March (I can't remember which date off the top of my head). The SMS runs on the calendar year. The only way they can apply cap money from this season forward is if they convince guys they want to sign to extensions to take money up front. High probability that Burke does not quite understand this as he spouts off.
  12. If it is 3 years after they complete their first year of eligibility, that means after their 4th year of CIS eligibility. The only change is that it was previously 4 years (of time, not eligibility) after first enrolling at CIS or NCAA school. Previously, a guy who redshirted in CIS could be drafted after his 3rd year of eligibility, that's the situation Coombs is in. They should just have guys declare for the draft when they are ready, whether they are 19 or 24, regardless of eligibility. Imagine if you're a CIS guy who has CFL talent in your 2nd year, but you are leaving school. When can you be drafted now? If you go to play in the CJFL, are you no longer draft eligible as you would have been before as someone who enrolled in a CIS or NCAA school (like Pencer).
  13. Seriously? Give me a break. Such a double standard lol The only media person in Winnipeg who I find can keep an objective mind is Ed Tait, or at least present an objective view. The rest are severely clouded by who they do and don't like personally, who gives them what in terms of information and scoops. Irving was pathetic on the post-game show making excuses for Burke and rationalizing his gaffes. Penton and Friesen openly campaign against anyone they don't like who works for the Bombers. It became pretty clear early on that criticism of Mack had a personal tinge to it from many media in the city. That's not to say that he did a good job, but the media portrayals of people involved with this team are an absolute joke.
  14. We don't need 3 IMP OL. I hope Pencer isn't sitting down. These meaningless games are the perfect time to develop him.
  15. Is it a bad thing that I have more faith in this guy's management style than Tim Burke's?
  16. So it will basically be that once you set your protected list you can't make trades, not an all out moratorium on player movement between the trade deadline and expansion draft as some have suggested.
  17. If the league said it, you'd be able to find it pretty easily.
  18. Based on Austin's clear frustration with Burris, I wouldn't be surprised if he loses his job before this season ends. There is clear confidence in Lefevour from Austin. You can just tell from Austin's body language on the sideline with Burris and while Burris is playing that he can't stand having the guy as his QB.
  19. I guess as long as there is a good backup. Harris is a free agent is he not? Likely #2 and #3 will be gone with at least 3 teams heavily hunting QB's in the off-season. If Ray misses half of next season, then what?
  20. You don't think they take a combo of Willy and Glenn? At most Ottawa will draft 1 QB. They need/want to stock up NI's in the draft, and drafting a QB gives that team the opportunity to protect more NI's. Collaros, Willy, Glenn are all free agents anyways. And of those three, if you were the GM...which one would you set your sites on talent wise only?. except in Glenn's case I guess age would have to be a factor Glenn's not a winner. A guy who threw 12 passes before this season takes over the 4th quarter of a close game while he fades away. Personally I'd have zero interest in Glenn as a starter if I were Ottawa, or any CFL team if I'm setting the goal at winning a Grey Cup. I'd target BLM heavily, offer Calgary the 1st overall pick in the draft and a high pick in 2015 too. Willy hasn't played enough, and while I like that Collaros has that mentality where he's able to put it all together in the 4th quarter, I have some doubts that he's working in a great environment for a young QB with Milanovich on a very good football team that would be hard to replicate elsewhere. I'm not sure Collaros could step onto a bad team and make them a good team. I think BLM is much more likely to be that guy, he's got the best arm (all things considered, strength accuracy placement) of all the QB's in the league IMO and he doesn't lack poise. McPherson had a nearly perfect QB rating as a starter with Milanovich BTW. That's when he was the next big thing.
  21. You don't think they take a combo of Willy and Glenn? At most Ottawa will draft 1 QB. They need/want to stock up NI's in the draft, and drafting a QB gives that team the opportunity to protect more NI's. Collaros, Willy, Glenn are all free agents anyways.
  22. I'd be considering it big time. Ray has missed a lot of games over the last two seasons and he probably has more trade value. Big SMS hit too.
  23. No kidding. To blame a DB who is trying to make a play and made multiple plays in the game for one play when you were outscored 35-7 (that 7 being a defensive TD) over the better part of 3 quarters is completely gutless. Hard to believe a coach could be so inept as to say something like that about any of his players publicly, but Burke is doing it week after week. The only reason a coach should ever publicly shame a player is if they aren't playing 110%.
  24. Or 3 feet too high. He needs to settle his feet down. Reilly has 3 guys in his face and he can stop his feet to make a throw. Hall never does. He turns an open receiver into a covered one because he can't place the ball.
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