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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. gotta send out a HH to Bomber photographer Robert Reyes Ong who shot this ludicrous photo of Sheed's pylon TD. this is just such a great photo with everyone freeze-framed staring at the ball. good shot of an official doing their thing too, finding the line of sight to the ball through the chaos. More of Ong's stuff is available at https://www.instagram.com/therobong
  2. for sure. mutually assured destruction still holds. the tricky bit is that Russia is wounded and humiliated, it's a totalitarian pretend empire with a paranoid streak, and they might not make the best decisions under duress. like, if Russia uses tactical nukes to defend Crimea, what then? or if Putin goes full strangelove, is there enough of a rational russian state to stop him? the first scenario is the one that worries me more. easy to tiptoe across the nuclear line and light the armageddon fuse.
  3. that pink blazer is super dope and maybe its the gummies talking but i will fight anyone who says otherwise.
  4. if you got a divinity you like, this is a good prayer for them. As much as I want to see Russia's ass kicked I got deep worries about what a humiliated nuclear power might do to get its mojo back.
  5. A lot of people wondered if the Kherson attack that the Ukrainians prepared so publicly and carefully was a feint, a play they were running to set up a kill shot elsewhere. It sure looks like at some point they said "Kherson? Kharkiv? Why not both?" Slava Ukraini! Go blue and gold!
  6. The news about the Uigurs is heartbreaking. I have no idea what can be done ... capitalist North America is addicted to cheap Chinese goods and cheap Chinese money.
  7. I think that les Rouge et Noir vs the Argos may be a pretty fine lead-in to the Banjo Bowl. Lapo seems like a better coach when he's desperate and it would be weird / cool to see history repeat itself 40 years later -- Ottawa finds a quarterback, turns their season around instantly, beats a couple other mediocre East teams, and then gives the reigning champs the only real scare of their five-year dynasty. (except this time we are the dynasty and I guess the Ticats already gave us a scare last year) anyway, I'll be tuning in, hope it's an entertaining game, Ottawa attendance has not cratered hard yet even though the team has been bruuuutal.
  8. Don't most teams script their opening drives to attack the D where they've scouted weakness? I see a lot of games where an O comes out looking dominant in Q1 and then stalls as the DC makes adjustments. Figured the LDC was one of those games, where Maas planned a solid first quarter but Hall caught up with him.
  9. wish I could get a blue bomber bucket hat like the stamps one that the bearded guy on the stamps sidelines is wearing. sharp looking unit there.
  10. glad to see the UR call on that tackle on the pick. that was like a horsecollar tackle using the back rim of the helmet. looked pretty dangerous. Maier underperforming. Should've kept Arbuckle, Huff.
  11. agree it was a terrible play call and a terrible throw, but also give some credit to our pass rush for that final pick -- we only rushed four but WJ got around his guy clean and Fajardo tried to step up but Sayles had crushed the pocket. the Riders were blocking six vs. four and still couldn't keep the Faj tidy.
  12. seriously man, I think it goes a different way if duke keeps his mouth shut. Riders had found another gear, they were moving the ball at will on that drive, and all things being equal they needed just another FG to beat us.
  13. looking in on CFL Reddit, even the Rider fans want Marino gone.
  14. maybe I'm taking Collaros for granted but Leggs is my #1 star. I gotta wonder who wins this game if dookie williams keeps his mouth shut. Riders were driving like they meant it and he shat it all away. When a guy just straight-up kneecaps his team from the bench, how do you not cut him immediately? I guess the timing is bad for the Riders on that because his salary became guaranteed after Labour Day, right?
  15. nice read by ZC tho, looked like that play was there if Schoen had been tuned in.
  16. Roughrider recruiting strategy: 1. our QB1 is at his best when the play breaks down and he has to improvise. 2. therefore a crappy OL is the best way to get peak performance out of our QB1.
  17. yeah, it looked like he had room outside but he stopped and deliberately turned inside. weird.
  18. ugly ugly throw there in the most dangerous part of the field.
  19. how you liking the game, GR55? gotta say that Fajardo is playing pretty much the best Fajardo game he can play, within his limitations. if the Riders could protect him better...
  20. the panel is based in Toronto ... penny pinching to not fly em out west, I'd bet. Panel is hyping the Stamps / Elks ... no Lawler for the Elks. They are gonna get murdered by Maier.
  21. man you go back to watch those eighties games on youtube, I can't believe guys like John Hufnagel aren't all in wheelchairs. Pocket QBs just getting absolutely torpedoed three steamboats after throwing, no flag.
  22. most of the time Suitor doesn't bug me, but that was 100% stupid. hit to the head on a defenceless receiver, that's a penalty, don't care who does it. Edem didn't have to come in low and out of control.
  23. entertaining game. headsup running by Prukop to get us into field goal position with seconds left on the clock.
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