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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. there's roster churn and then there's what Chris Jones does.
  2. think VAJr is a pretty decent fit for BC. Those receivers they've got win a lot of 50/50 balls...
  3. I hope those reports add up to a Ukranian victory. that said, I have really little faith in any play-by-play reporting on the war. It's difficult to know the significance or truthfulness of anything I read about it. This internet of ours rewards speed and spice over truth, and both sides have pretty extensive online propaganda operations...
  4. Watching the Ukraine news very closely now .... they have been planning/announcing this counterattack for a long time and have no element of surprise. Not ideal conditions to attack under. Hopefully the Russian supply crunch on the west bank of the Dnipro is as decisive as forecast. Good luck and godspeed to the blue and gold.
  5. Milt says "Kenny Lawler is a bright spot on a bad team." Milt knows that story.
  6. one-score game. can Lapo close this one out or is this another 4Q heartbreaker for him? Even Suitor is calling him out for playing not to lose.
  7. in 6 of their 8 losses the Redblacks led at one point. that is some strong 2010 Bomber energy there. hey, did the CFL change the Terrance Edwards rule where it's a penalty when a receiver makes the "throw a flag" symbol? or did Locksley get away with one there?
  8. every time I see the Elks I just think about how on earth anyone would give Chris Jones 4 years as your GM/coach/DC. massive massive albatross.
  9. I love seeing the effort when a receiver is recklessly fighting off multiple tacklers but question the wisdom. They're playing right into the hold-em-up-and-punch-the-ball-out thing. most WRs aren't gonna have the ball security powers of an RB.
  10. couple nice throws from O'Connor to get the late game rolling
  11. yeah that's definitely the hardest I've been punned in awhile I wish I could react with every emoji at once to this
  12. Boris Bede is like the Michael Bishop of kickers, less reliable than you'd prefer but on a good day he will make you go wow
  13. he was out there at the very end blocking on Augustine's runs, right in the thick of things. He got wrestled down hard by 44 Calgary after the play. makes me happy seeing a wide receiver challenge linebackers in the box at crunch time.
  14. remembering Maier's first start last year -- he threw an astonishing wide-side corner route in his first quarter, put it about 50 yards on a rope, right over the DB's hands, hit his receiver in stride. The DB's eyes were huge in the replay. 90% of rookie CFL QBs who try that throw get it picked. It sure looked like Maier had some legit fundamentals to work with. Nice to see that wasn't a mirage. Love watching young QBs make a splash in the league, doesn't matter who they play for.
  15. missed watching the game tonight so I'm just catching up on the cfl.ca highlights. holy smokes that McCrae TD catch. Landed right in his lap as the Calgary guy was PI'ing him. a lucky strike or a ludicrously good throw? Seems like Collaros gets lucky a lot, on those deep shots.
  16. yeah, he was still playing with five minutes left in the laugher against the Elks. I was wondering what Campbell was doing with his prize kid there.
  17. Hate to hear the news on Rourke. brightest new star the CFL has seen in forever and he loses half a season to a freak foot injury. Hope O'Connor has some game in him.
  18. that Western Final last year, tho. pretty safe to say that without him running wild, the good guys don't make it to the cup. not to say the Bombers were mistaken moving on from him but I'm always going to remember that last vintage Harris game.
  19. when you hear Albertans talk about senate reform what they're after is a situation like the USA where you have lawmakers who regions instead of people. do Albertans still talk about senate reform? I remember Preston Manning going on and on and on about the triple-E senate...
  20. I can't really talk about how Trump ****** up the Iran deal or judge whether we are worse off for how he attacked it. I don't know enough about the effectiveness of the pre-Trump Iran nuclear supervision / management program. My uneducated take is that it seems like a very tall order to rein in the nuclear ambitions of a regional power with soft power only, but I know less about international nuclear proliferation strategies than I do about coaching quarterbacks. and believe me, I think Trump is human garbage and should not be anywhere near the levers of power, and I'm certain that many many many people in the USA have been imprisoned for less than he's done. but the GOP has always been garbage, from the anti-civil-rights Southern Strategy to "it's legal if the President does it" to "welfare queens" to Willie Horton to "greed is good" to "deficits don't matter" to "kick their ass, take their gas" to "MAGA" They deserve to have Trump jammed firmly up their asses. Unfortunately, the world doesn't.
  21. I have respect for Cheney's stand, but her dad's war was a huge reason why we are where we are today. They are reaping what they sowed. I think Trump made a lot of hay among voters with his consistent stance against dumb foreign wars, and he kept that promise while in the white house. Zero dumbass wars is a good record for a Republican administration. To me, that is positive progress from Bush Jr, who thought he was a Roosevelt who could bomb the world into a peaceful state. note that I suspect that Trump was isolationist because an isolationist America benefits Trump's daddy. But to Americans who were pissed off about expensive, tragic, and useless military actions, Trump's record looks pretty good here. the one good thing about the Trump administration was seeing the worst people be abused by the worst boss.
  22. man, even at 9-1 bye weeks are miserable. while we're talking about controversial topics, here's some news from Spokane about Matt Nichols' life after football. He mentions wanting to sign a one-day contract to retire as a Bomber but it didn't work out. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/aug/15/ex-eastern-washington-qb-matt-nichols-quietly-step/ I think that the org should honor Nichols -- he's definitely not ring of honor material but he was instrumental in turning around the program and I don't think we are a Grey Cup team without the wins and growing pains of 2016 - 2018.
  23. I don't blame TSN for the loss. I blame the W jerseys and the blue pajama pants, those should go in the bargain bin atop all the Jason Vega cammos. dress like a champ? play like a champ. dress ugly? play ugly. QED
  24. special teams tho Now I'm rooting for the million-dollar kickoff return giveaway winner.
  25. Nick Marshall lol how shitty a team do you have to be to have guys ejected after a touchdown?
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