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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. some Good Lapo there, complex misdirection fakes out the entire D, Adams gets 20 yards...
  2. terrible ball. even if it had been placed so Adams could make a play on it, the safety was going to kill him. big boiullette gashing the blacks.
  3. hate hate hate seeing a receiver running horizontally after they make a catch three yards behind the first-down stick. Behar got away with it, but still... some sweet sack dancing from the rouge et noir but shocked that TSN reran it like six times given how crotchy it was. Rod and Matty .. best CFL broadcast team.
  4. Don't blame the FBI for this. They're just following the instructions from the DemocratMasterPlan2022.pdf file they found on Hunter Biden's laptop.
  5. interesting. I don't think I've seen him referred to as "Former President Trump" on right-wing nutjob TV. It's always "President Trump." Reality is like water, in the long run it gets inside... I'm not 100% on all of the details of why this is civil instead of criminal .. but one thing I did note about the NY lawsuit is that the AG is asking for Trump and his fleshy brood to be excluded from corporate governance or ownership in New York state forever, which is a pretty significant penalty. They're also asking for a quarter billion dollars but I think that's probably just icing.
  6. there are so many very good choices for the ring of honor, but this is an excellent one. congrats Joe Pop!
  7. don't see Corny as a dime store Prukop, see him more as a high-upside Goltz with fewer imaginary cufflinks. also, judge learns to need to be patient with his postgame revenge. If you're going to attack someone after the game, attack them AFTER THE GAME. I still kinda wonder if this attack was kayfabe or not. these two OGs put a lot of heat on the 2011 Grey Cup.
  8. That fumble sack was a weird one for ZC ... Cats rushed an extra man who was completely unblocked but ZC didn't realize he had an extra blitzer to deal with until it was too late. The way I understand it, if a man comes unblocked on a passing play, it's the QB's job to locate that guy and deal with him with a move or a quick throw ... ordinarily ZC is real good at that part of the game so that sack was surprising. I remember Doug Flutie telling his teammates "just tell me who my man is" on six-pack plays.
  9. Around 3:03 of the game highlights posted on cfl.ca. You can see Marshal giving a "throw it over here" wave at Corny for a few seconds before the snap and then Mitchell just owns him on the go route.
  10. just picture it: Roughies score a TD Lauther misses the convert and this turkey has to work overtime.
  11. come on that was not a great play by Nick Marshall. that was an underthrown ball. Suitor in the tank for all the garbage DBs of the league.
  12. I remember when it was the War Amps telling us "when you play, play safe."
  13. not a great defensive play, Suitor. Gainey had all day to react to that floater.
  14. Quick Parker was a beast. Had some legendary battles vs. Walby in the 80s.
  15. run setting up the pass bigtime for the Elks. Sankey is stranded in no-man's land spying Corny, Corny is slinging the ball right over his head.
  16. oh man I did not catch that Marshal wave in real time. thanks to Sanchez for pointing it out. sometimes I think the roughrider rhetoric on this board is a little overheated. but no, that is a garbage db ******* around and finding out and it's hilarious to see. can you imagine facing O'Shea on the sidelines after clowning like that and getting owned? btw, congrats to Fajardo on his new baby. welcome to earth, kid, it's stupid here.
  17. Patrick Roy must've given the mosaic goalposts a good talking-to tonight.
  18. need TrueBlue4Ever to crunch the numbers and figure out if Edmonton can take the crossover spot while keeping its home losing streak intact. that would be weird even for the CFL. would do it myself but I've been imbibing so it would just be jazz math.
  19. someone needs to show him some Joe Lobendahn clips. Will always remember his dope strip on ... Chris Williams? ... at the one yard line. one of the few highlights of that year's bomber team.
  20. Riders try to play contain on Corny, rushing only four and leaving an LB to spy him ... he goes over the top and makes a fool of Marshall.
  21. strong Justin Goltz energy to Cornelius where he can do damage with his legs but as a passer? Seems like the Riders would want to play with a disciplined pass rush, keep him in the pocket, see how he fares as a passer. like the burst from #4 Brown but when an RB fumbles during a tackle in the secondary you have to wonder whether he's really cut out for the pros or not.
  22. love to hear it from the Ukranians. even if it was just a psyop, it's a good one ... with the Russian military command scrambled and ineffective this is basically the Ukranians offering the Russian fighting man a "get out of war free" card. If morale is as low as the news says there could be an avalanche of Russians tossing down their rifles and covering up their Z tattoos. Stalin hated POWs and would often re-imprison liberated Soviet POWs, figuring they were bad soviets for choosing captivity over death, and furthermore they would be ideologically polluted by their time in captivity. I wonder what kind of repercussions a modern Russian soldier would face for surrendering?
  23. as the Russian invasion collapses, please enjoy this retro tweet where Ted Cruz confessed his Russian Army boner. aged like milk, as the kids say.
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