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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Michael Bishop is at least two tiers higher on the all-time cfl qb ladder. You think the 2009 Bombers would've won any games with Davis starting?
  2. wonder if Carter is going to get cut at halftime..
  3. the thing that caught my ear about Lapo was when TSN quoted him as saying he's not being able to get deep in his playbook during games because his O can't stay on the field. man, why do you burn practice time on a deep playbook if you can't even get out of the shallow end? all that said I hope that Lapo turns up back on TSN. I learned stuff about football from his segments, I think he's a great explainer, real crisp and concise.
  4. crap, you hate to see it. hope he's okay.
  5. Tuning into Cats @ Argos. Steamy day down in the big smoke. Duane Forde scores a surprise zinger with "this is the turducken of sacks." Hamilton has a two-QB-on-the-field set as well. wide side hitch screen to Schiltz, who runs for a first down.
  6. yeah, I noticed that, saw two guys in the huddle checking wristbands at the same time and was like 'wha?'
  7. edit: the news is not all good. Texas has a cap on punitive damages, so it is uncertain how much Jones will be liable for. here's some more! you may have heard that on Thursday the Alex Jones jury hit him with $4.1M in damages. I wasn't super impressed with that, that's like a fine, a cost of doing business if you're a sleazebag dipshit. but today the jury awarded a further $45M in damages to the Sandy Hook parents. For whatever reason, the Texas damages jury returns their results in a little two-day festival. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/alex-jones-sandy-hook-case-decision-1392581/
  8. sure looked like face guarding, but the ball wasn't catchable really, it wasn't on target at all.
  9. I don't think the Calgary D is playing especially tight at this point. They're just keeping everything in front of them ... they know just like we do that the second read on every Lapo play is the checkdown man.
  10. I grabbed a few seconds of horn and crowd noise audio from the game highlights. here's a freq distribution for that slice. like you said, sharp peaks ... you can really see how nasty that horn is, it's 10-18db louder than the crowd depending on the frequency. That's a LOT of dBs. TSN must have had a mic pointed directly at horn people. I dorked around with notch filters and parametric eq's but couldn't make anything fine enough to preserve the crowd noise while taming the horn. I wonder if a sound engineer could fix this in the course of a broadcast or if she would shrug and tell her boss they need to fix the problem at its source, by changing up the stadium mics or taking the horns away.
  11. now starting to remind me of another bomber team, the 2013 Tim Burke no-hopers.
  12. the 2022 blacks remind me of the 2010 bombers so much. Promising pieces, some entertaining games, some fine individual performances, but zero ability to close.
  13. c'mon allcaps, you got this one. be so good for the league if the blacks stun the stamps. the East needs a legit team. those are def. nice looking helmets.
  14. that is a beautiful and literary image -- a literal sunset falling on Ty Jones as he metaphorically sunsets a quarterback.
  15. just for fun this weekend I think I'm gonna break out Audacity and the game highlights and see if I can EQ out the horn frequency, because this is what I was thinking -- the horn is going to be a sharp notch on the stadium noise frequency distribution and a notch filter will make short work of it while doing very little damage to the crowd noise (which is valuable, I agree).
  16. The anti-abortion crowd knows that they don't have popular support, so they tried to be sneaky, asking a confusing question during a low-turnout primary election and being disingenuous about what the legislature would do if the referendum passed. It wasn't making national news, but the pro-choice people I know down here were very very aware of what was going on in Kansas. unfortunately for the wingers, that primary election quickly became a high-turnout election, and everyone knew the stakes: as soon as the constitutional obstacles were dealt with, the GOP supermajority in the Kansas government would've immediately imposed a comprehensive ban.
  17. it could be that TSN moved their stadium mics, or that the horn people were in a different seat than usual. I am not a sound guy but I would think that a sound guy could EQ out the nastier frequencies in that horn sound.
  18. I think for the full Molson Stadium experience you've gotta be up in the stands. It's an extraordinarily beautiful view from up there with the mountains and the city all laid out in front of you. Especially at sunset during the summer. for me, it's every bit as charming as people say it is. (note that I find the view from IGF stunning as well, I come from the Canadian Shield and have never lived on the prairies, so when I looked south from my IGF seats at night and saw the perfect curve of the horizon, that was weird and cool to me.)
  19. the horn sucks but at least the Als don't have that clown yelling "faire du bruit" on the PA every down like they used to.
  20. Pinstripe vest and dotted tie on Sanchez ... a rare miss by the panel wardrobe team.
  21. Western Final last year, dude. It turned out ok.
  22. the podcast Knowledge Fight is plugged in with the plaintiffs' attorneys in the Alex Jones case. There's lots of discussion in their subreddit, including posts and comments by one of the attorneys. https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/ caution: this is the purest source of schadenfreude I have ever encountered. Use in moderation.
  23. damn, I wish Moe Leggett could have had some of the glory of 2019. If I'd bought a jersey in 2014-2018 it would've been his. he was such a huge part of the 2016 turnaround season. https://www.cfl.ca/games/2338/bc-lions-vs-winnipeg-blue-bombers one of my favorite games ever, so much great action & drama, and the good guys win because Moe Leggett is clutch.
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