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Mark H.

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Posts posted by Mark H.



    Rouse lined up at safety in practice today... love it


    so where do we get the NI spot?  On the DL?  3rd Canadian receiver?  Swiston/Pencer tandem at tackle?




    Guessing this one since Swiston didn't seem out of place against SSK there



    Most likely. That has been my #1 complaint for weeks.  If the import tackles aren't effective, at least start a Canadian and help the ratio

  2. Collaros stock has sure fallen. He looked terrible tonight. OTOH, I though BLM looked pretty decent after he got over the jitters after Glenn was injured. Well, Mr. COTY let's see how you do without Ray for another 5 weeks.


    He did throw for 250 yards...but that doesn't help if you turn it over. 


    I actually hope the kid can sort it out...this league needs some good young QB's right now


    On the panel, at half time, Dunigan didn't mind Hervey calling out Rottier, but Climie and Schultz voiced their displeasure with it.

    Oh and the game? Pretty dull.

    Collaros? Meh.

    But Montreal did find a QB who looks like Anthony....in scrambling footwork.

    Marsh is going to get hurt if he keeps holding onto the ball that long. Looked lost out there...



    QB situation in the East is unbelievable right now.


    Our OL wasn't bad once Douglas went out. 



    This - I was really worried when I heard Kowalchuk and Swiston were in... then suddenly it seemed like the offence was working way better



    Agreed. You know...there are a few bright spots on this team...no sense killing ourselves with negativity...


    Wonder if we'll give an import a look at guard.  Swiston is a much better tackle than guard at this point.

    would be something I'd look into anyway. If our RT is going to suck let's get an american inside and see if he can't be a bit of spark. 



    Gotta try pretty much bloody anything right now.

  6. Reed is just an awful head coach. They go for two (and miss) when they didn't need to. Then, when it actually would have mattered on the next TD, they don't go for two. Math fail.


    I wonder who's bright idea it was...to have Kerry Joseph run to the outside on third and short? The got away with it down at the goal line...but the second time the Stamps were all over it.


    Nobody mentored under Mack. Mack scouted players while others managed the cap the budget and the football ops dept.

    You make it sound like he was always away scouting which isn't true. He was at every practice according to Penton. And most teams have others who look after those things as well so I don't know what your point is.



    Mac had the entire database on his I-Phone...the one with the Subway OS.

  8. Before Douglas was hurt....he was average.  Now that may make him look like the great hope, compared to what else is going on, with the OL.....but seriously, we need some competent import OL's, to bridge the gap, while the young Canucks develop - assuming they are developing, under this coaching staff.......


    That could be just a bit too much logic...

  9. Without Goltz this would have been a disaster.  Hats off to him, he went in and swung for the fences.


    Too bad the supporting cast sucks so bad.     Then whole bend, then break D is not working so good. 


    No need to take chances when you're only down by 6...hope he's learned something...

  10. I know Douglas didn't play long, but wow was he horrible while he was in there, couldn't even get in front of Chick, Chick didn't even have to use a move on him.  Swiston was ok at tackle, his feet move well enough to play it and he knows the position from his whole life.  He never looks comfortable at guard.


    If Boatmen and Douglas are the best American tackles they can find...may as well start Swiston and help the ratio.

  11. One of the golden rules always has been "never believe what you read in the newspaper"


    In my opinion, I don't believe Ricky was offered to Mac first. Tillman it seems to me was doing everything

    possible to ingratiate himself with TO. 


    I can't believe how some on this forum are so down on Walters being a possibility for GM. Yes he

    does not have a lot of experience at this point, but he is sure going through trial by fire, which

    will gain him a whole lot. He could be the greatest GM ever, who the hell knows? Give the guy

    a chance at least, nothing to lose at this point.


    We have nothing to lose, except that we might keep on losing.


    I don't think people have anything against Walters per se, they just want to the Bombers to hire someone with a proven track record.


    Bleh o-line isn't even that bad, Buck has been making it looks worse than it is for years now, and everybody else is either inexperienced or uncomfortable and the position has been a complete merry go round. Let a half decent QB get comfortable back their and the o-line immediately looks better.

    The o line is horrible. We have two serviceable OL and the other 3 are the worst at their position in the league. Which team would take Sorensen, Morley, Swiston, Boatman, or Douglas as starters? Not one.



    Meanwhile...recent draft picks are doing well on OL's across the league.


    Just watched the highlights from last night. B.C. OL absolutely bulled people out of the way on that Lulay TD run.

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