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Mark H.

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Posts posted by Mark H.

  1. Canadian positions are now 3-4 OL, 1-2 receivers, Safety and something else


    Unless you have a real star at one of the alternate positions, you really should be focusing on 4 NI OL - we have had several chances to change our ratio and instead played sub-par Americans.


    The only reason losing Muamba would not hurt as much is that this team needs a total rebuild anyway.


    That's not necessarily a reason to change the ratio...it could also be a reason to scout for better Americans.

  2. Right now... we can lose Muamba. We can also replace him easier thaan it was to replace Brendan LaBatte. It won't be easy but it won't be that hard either. Most Canadian starters are on the OL on most teams, Bombers included. So the teams load up there. It would be foolish to play, say... 4 Americans on the OL & use Canadians elsewhere.


    Except that many of our NI OL are unproven. Muamba is an MLB who has proven he can be effective at his position.


    If we lose him and don't have an NI for the starting safety position, we'll need at least 4 NIs on the OL. Who would they be?



    3 imports on the oline is just crazy enough to work and more evidence just how woeful the depth is.

    Or more accurately, how stupid Tim Burke is.


    The depth on this team isn't good, but there are 4 or 5 different ways to work the lineup better than putting in three import OL. What is his plan here? It can't be talent evaluation or MSW would be in to see what we have there and Pencer would continue to get a shot. But we can't actually be trying to win, right? And if we were trying to win, wouldn't we want to play a guy like Ian Wild, who has been a significant bright spot on the team? Sure doesn't seem worth starting an ineffective Will Ford at his expense. 


    The funniest part about this is that the run game will still suck.



    That's what drives me nuts the most.


    If we're evaluating, he's doing it wrong.

    If we're trying to win, he's doing it wrong.


    The only way he's right is if we're just throwing darts at a dartboard to fill roster spots because hey, nobody can be wrong that way.



    I hope Pencer is at least dressing as the 6th OL...at least then making a ratio change is possible...



    What makes you think that. Check the history on just how slow this process has been in the past.


    Well they have to have it done at least before the season starts. 



    They haven't in the past.  The PA doesn't have a whole ton of leverage because there is no shortage of football players and they are hardly a unified group.  They will play under the terms of the current deal until they get a new one.



    Ok thanks. I've been trying to research that but haven't found a conclusive answer.

  5. At this point who cares?  Next year is full rebuild so what kind of damage is Burke really going to do?  What is he going to do that isn't already god awful?   If anything his attempt at bombing the team might actually work against him and we might see some production.   


    Aside from some guys on the D,  we really don't have any guys that we really need for the long term.   



  6. Drives me nuts that Burke gets such a free pass from guys like Kirk Penton.


    Penton is a quality writer, but his absolute hate on for Joe Mack drives me nuts.





    Instead of piling dirt on the old Blue and Gold, however, it's time to look at everything that is right with them.





    This is still Joe Mack's mess. Don't transfer the blame to Burke, whose troops are still playing for him.


    Give me a break. Such a double standard lol


    It's a pretty good article. Until he says the Bombers are missing a third of their starting 24 to injury...and cites Boatman and Morley as part of that third.

  7. Nobody finds the qb coming cold off the Bench being cold excuse hilarious? A qb can't throw a 30 yard pass off the bench?

    If a guy needs to throw several passes before throwing a bomb t then he should be cut


    This week Wally will call time out to ice Hall in fourth quarter...Burke's secret it out now...

  8. What does it say to Pencer if we sit him? Our team is terrible, we need NI talent, the season is an extended training camp but we're not going to use the time to develop you.


    Just heard from the coach's show that Pencer is indeed sitting.


    Man, this is STILL Mack's team. He built this steaming pile of crud we call a football team. How can you keep apologizing for the guy??? Burke is not a good head coach &  Mack hired him. In fairness to Burke, Mack gave him the (lack of) players to work with. I guess zippo talent at most positions is Burke's fault too??? How can you say, "chances are" he'd have brought in the same tackles?? You can't say that with any certainty. The smell coming from the U of M campus is all Joe Mack.

    I don't buy that it's a pile of crud for players. There's a hell of a lot of talent on the defense there that the coaches are utterly failing to get the most out of week in and week out. We've seen what they can do in week 2 and in the banjo bowl with proper coaching, it's damned impressive, but most weeks they're lost, that's a lack of clear direction from the coaches. I know full well who hired Burke and I've been talking about that being an issue for longer than anyone else, but to simply say the talent isn't there is a fallacy. There's talent there, the coaches aren't getting the most out of it, not even close. I can make a guess that these tackles didn't just pop up out of nowhere simply because the scouting system hasn't changed through it all. It's a pretty safe assumption that these same scouts would have presented these same players to whoever the GM was. Once you put down the haterade you're drinking and look at things objectively you might stop blaming absolutely everyone on this false notion that Joe Mack couldn't and wouldn't bring in any talent worth a damn. 



    Mike Kelly's team had an impressive defense too...DB and DL in particular.





    To be clear, I'd be ELATED with Ricky Ray... but my elation with Collaros is pretty damn close.  Ray would be one hell of a 3-4 year starter.  We'd need to develop another guy under Ray to take over not only when he hangs 'em up, but also when he's injured.  Injuries to Ray have happened with greater frequency in recent years.  Winnipeg hasn't developed a QB since Khari Jones.  Short-term thinking scares me because we could be right where we are today in 3 years.  Or shorter.


    Collaros has shown the good ability this year, and has greater long-term potential, and as Mike puts it, the quarterback "it" factor.  He has not shown to be injury-prone yet either, and is young.  Talent, youth, and upside... but he hasn't proven it over as long of a term.  Ray will likely be better in the short-term, but the Bombers are a complete rebuild.


    Frankly, I see Collaros as the better move for the Bombers.


    why do you care who your QB is in 5 years when you ought to be trying to win a Grey Cup next year??



    Because this team isn't good enough to win a GC next year, and (if there is a God) will be adjusting to new coaches and schemes.


    Why take on Ray's contract and the limitations it'll put on the rest of our roster; if we're more than Ray away from being a GC contender? 


    I'm not saying Collaros is a better QB than Ray... I'm saying Collaros makes more sense for a rebuilding team that needs more than just a QB.



    >implying that teams haven't turned around from **** to win the GC in recent years

    >implying that teams with new HCs and systems haven't won GCs in recent years

    >implying that teams with big contracts at QB haven't won GCs in recent years



    Good points all of them.  I'm implying that there have not been a disaster of the Bombers' magnitude turn it all around into a GC in recent years.


    I'd love to win a GC next year... and I'd love Ricky Ray too.  I just think we need more pieces than just Ray; and that his contract could well handcuff us from addressing those areas.  Why not spend the $400k between Collaros, Chris Best, and another piece?


    And yes, I am implying that I'd like us to trade for/sign Chris Best as well. 



    The 1999 Hamilton Ti-cats?




    So what would you give up for Collaros? Next years first round pick?

    Given that he's a FA after this season that would be a rather *ahem* high price. Maybe pull an Eskie move and deal a 3rd or similar for the exclusive right to talk to him? But obviously that doesn't guarantee anything, and given the Ottawa complications he may be smart just to wait it out and hope for a bidding war to develop.

    Considering all that, giving up a first rounder should be considered. Or maybe a second rounder and Henoc Muamba...then Toronto can work on signing him till Feb. 15

    I don't even think you need to include a 2nd rounder in that trade with Henoc. Collaros for Henoc straight up.



    Since they're both pending FA's with the dispersal draft coming up, you might be right. Plus TO has a history of starting NI LB's.


    So what would you give up for Collaros?  Next years first round pick?

    Given that he's a FA after this season that would be a rather *ahem* high price. Maybe pull an Eskie move and deal a 3rd or similar for the exclusive right to talk to him? But obviously that doesn't guarantee anything, and given the Ottawa complications he may be smart just to wait it out and hope for a bidding war to develop.



    Considering all that, giving up a first rounder should be considered. Or maybe a second rounder and Henoc Muamba...then Toronto can work on signing him till Feb. 15


    i keep shaking my head whenever i see someone suggest that Ray won't be our QB next season...


    I don't disagree with you Bluto .... but Ray is what 35? At SOME point you have to consider it, especially if you think you have a young, viable option on hand. Look at Montreal. They kept Calvillo for too long imo.  



    RR turns 34 next month...that's not bad at all. With good protection he's got 5 seasons left.


    Burke didn't pin the loss on Demond.... he blamed it on the O.   He said they had bad breaks such as dropping 2 ints ,  missing kick,  throwing ill timed picks etc....

    What??? He clearly blamed Washington for not knocking it down, saying he is too young. He did not blame it on the O. He blames everybody for everything IN PUBLIC!



    That's exactly what I heard.

  15. Sign him in the off season?


    He's thrown triple the amount of TD's that we have in only playing half the games for the Argos......   


    I'm in. And maybe, just maybe, we're on the way to building a good OL for him. Some good things shown on Friday night.



    Hall did have time in the 2nd quarter and somewhat in the 3rd.....  he had time to throw ... just couldnt' do it 


    To me it looked like the Esks made adjustments to our scheme after the first quarter. I guess it takes more than four weeks to rebuild a playbook....


    That's working under the assumption that Bellefeuille is actually a quality offensive coordinator, he isn't one either. 



    He's better than what we had. If he's not using Crowton's stuff, then there's no way the O can be very deep right now.

  17. It's football it isn't rocket science, the cure for cancer or an egg soufflé . The comment had already been made about running Ford to the wide side as an option. That play was clearly available. So lets not blame a play book especially given you bring two tackles in and prep them in 4 days.


    No, it isn't rocket science. Which why the opposition just might make some adjustments to what you're doing.


    And using OT's that have only been here few days means you have to go with a simpler playbook.

  18. No. But much like disagree with a lawless article doesn't mean he's a fat bald ugly stuttering hack with no writing ability, calling Burke a **** idiot coward is emotional. Does anyone truly believe Burke the man is a coward? Or that he knows nothing about football.

    I guess I much prefer the intelligent football discussion that this board was created to promote not the name calling.

    Having said that, if he bombers had won in overtime I do believe people would still be upset with the knee. But Burke isn't paid to "go for it". He's paid to win and he felt the knee have them the best chance. I don't agree


    Even the best people get upset sometimes, it happens.

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