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Deiter Fan

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Everything posted by Deiter Fan

  1. It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell
  2. He made the tackle on another pick he tossed a few weeks ago and I thought the same thing then. He doesn't just drop his head , get dejected and give up. It means his attitude is "it's about the team". Will he develop into an elite pivot, well, I don't know...but there's lots to like about him
  3. After last week's meltdown I was pretty choked. Because of that performance (and the other 2 similar losses that preceded it) I had no expectations of anything approaching a dominant performance last night and didn't feel near as bad then or now. From a psychological POV the #1 reason for sadness/disappointment/unhappiness is...un-met expectations. From that perspective your solution absolutely makes the most sense/will do the most to shield you from the feelings of disgust
  4. He gets slack because he's shown promise and has only started 9 games. I doubt very highly Matt would have shown any better tonight with the same play calls.
  5. I don't know if I'm "so much more confident in him"...but I am no less confident in him. He made good throws tonight with the routes he seemed to be given. Unfortunate to have a couple called off by penalty and a few poor efforts by receivers. He showed as much poise in the pocket as he was allowed by the O'line...and the Cats did a good job of shutting him and Harris down. Have to give them some credit. We didn't just get out coached tonight...we got out played too. There was no fire in this team after the Cats responded with that TD in the 1st. But I'm still ok with Chris.
  6. I think he did ok with what he had to work with but it's tough to tell on tv what the receivers were doing. I found it coincidental that like so many times before with Matt the go-to was in the 7 yard range regardless how far the 1st down marker was.
  7. I swear to god on 2 and 19 for Hamilton I said to myself..."watch this"...
  8. Some pretty lazy analysis by the panel. Frankly I'm pretty unimpressed by TSN's CFL analysis...period. I'd like to see a little more focus on dissecting play calling.
  9. Spoken like a man who remembers better days. Bless ya 🙏
  10. Cleary I did. I thought you were going for irony and failed but apparently you were going for condescension and succeeded. My mistake.
  11. Can I come over to your place and look through your dresser drawers and closets...maybe have a look in your computer and phone? Valuing one's privacy/anonymity is hardly cowardly. It's rational and reasonable.
  12. Timid is literally a synonym for cowardly. Which is why I labeled the debate as one of semantics. I am intimately aware of the ability of words to harm, assuage, manipulate and motivate...a sentiment eloquently expressed in this quote from the final Harry Potter movie... “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” As I said it's a semantical argument and one I am perfectly willing to forgo for forum harmony...so I'll leave it here...one act, one moment, one situation does not define the breadth, scope or character of a man. It is possible to behave heroically in one situation without being a hero and it is possible to behave cowardly in another and not be a coward and I recognize that not everyone will perceive it the same way. Cheers.
  13. At the risk of backlash from injecting myself into a semantical discussion... It is completely possible to be timid, scared or even cowardly situationally without it defining the entirety of a person's character. You should see me when a bat gets in the house. Every one of us knows of a qb that has, at some point, become gun-shy. Hell I bet every one of us has commented on how Drew Willy's experiences changed him as a qb but I doubt any of us would consider that those effects translated to the rest of his life/character. It really is unfortunate that this happened to Matt because after the stellar performance he put up not long prior to his injury he may have been well on his way to exorcising any demons he may have been harbouring.
  14. Fans know he's young and very inexperienced. I think if he continues to shows the type improvement he has thus far through the rest of the season, even if we don't make it to the dance, he'll be cut a good amount of slack. I think fans get pumped up by his hard-headed, breakaway style and I think they see promise in him. This will buy him a fair amount of goodwill and time to grow into the role. If he shows well through the rest of the season (regardless how the team manages in the playoffs) I think the job will be his to lose. Having said that...if Nichols comes back next year there will be quite the battle in camp and if he can show his shoulder is up to snuff and it's close I think management will go with him. I think the thing that bugged fans the most was watching Nichols throw the ball away or turtle when he couldn't make a read or pull the trigger. With Chris at least he has the ability to improvise and scramble out for a gain. Fans will appreciate the effort, I think.
  15. I just went back and am listening to it again just to make sure I didn't get it wrong...and as I said it was just paraphrased so definitely not a word for word recreation...but I appreciate your integrity. For anyone that wants to hear it https://globalnews.ca/pages/audio-vault-cjob/?gref=cjob Sept 23 - 7pm - 8min in
  16. If you're so sure I'm wrong then you must know what he actually said...so feel free to share it.
  17. Not exactly that's why I said paraphrased...but the gist is accurate. If you disagree then correct me.
  18. Paraphrasing... The guys came in at half-time all fired up over the lead talking about how they were going to run it up in the second half and I told them to calm down and re-focus...which is what good coaches are supposed to do, right? Maybe that was the wrong thing to do. Maybe I should have let them feed off their bravado. Players feed off momentum and he wanted them to forget about all the momentum they built up in the first half and go out as if it was zero-zero.
  19. My concern is that teams will never feel out of a game now. They've been shown that we are capable of epic collapses and if they just keep scrapping they have a good shot at coming back on us.
  20. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness. The Architect ‘The worst pain a man can suffer: to have insight into much and power over nothing.’ Herodotus
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