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Deiter Fan

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Everything posted by Deiter Fan

  1. And when you have a son whose reputation and career options are torpedoed from a false allegation perhaps you'll understand why rushing to judgement can be ill advised. In that case, even when proven false, the damage is irreparable.
  2. For what it’s worth from my limited knowledge…I don’t think his physical condition is his issue. Given the circumstances under which he seems to struggle the most (playoffs/highest pressure)I think what he needs is a sports psychologist.
  3. I like coming here in part for a break from the political posturing a back-biting on other sites. Can we stick to the topic and leave the rest at the door? I love Elon…I hate Elon…who gives a shot…
  4. Good gravy, man…are you familiar with the notion of adding insult to injury??
  5. I want your life 😃 I want your sarong 😤
  6. I can't say I've loved you all...but I've loved as many of you as I could. - Benjamin Franklin (Hawkeye) Pierce
  7. Just one guy’s opinion but… Hanging on to the ball too long…bad decisions…throwing an inordinate number of picks…getting happy feet This, to me, reeks of a guy tightening up due to the pressure of the moment. Seems odd for a guy with that type of experience but the weight of the pressure to deliver/lead in the biggest moments can affect anyone. We’ve all been concerned about his head but maybe for the wrong reasons
  8. Interesting point. We are always impressed when a player owns up to a poor performance and takes responsibility...and we bristle when they instead throw others under bus in defence of themselves. I am just now trying to recall MOS ever saying, "Yeah I shat the bed on that one. It was a bad decision." I've heard things like, "hindsight is 20/20"...or, "at the time it seemed like the right call"...but I'm not sure I have ever seen him fall on his sword and admitting he f'd up. "A man that can't change his mind can't change anything"
  9. The Blue Jays by NBC/Bob Costas during both Championship runs...but the BBs area close 2nd
  10. I ran into the "coach" the other day at the store...she introduced me to her great grandchildren.
  11. "Bigger girl". You mean fat. If it was a dude you'd have no problem just saying "fat".
  12. I am soooo over Milt as an "analyst". I don't know if he's going overboard to prove he's unbiased or if he has a bug up his butt about Wpg but his propensity for polishing opposing teams knobs if getting on my nerves
  13. How many fn teams are we playing today? Is this the league's idea of parity? I mean, I don't disagree one BB team is worth the Als and the Argos but I'd just like a little warning.
  14. That…actually makes me feel a bit better. Your simple acknowledgement of my concerns has exorcised the doubt demon lurking deep in my psyche and buoyed my indomitable spirit. Dammit, sometimes a man just needs to be heard and understood. Bless you, brother…sniff
  15. Like everyone else I love and appreciate ZC8 but if I'm being honest my only 2 concerns for this game are Zach being off and Buck trying more fancy-pants nonsense with Prukop at a critical juncture. That play call inside the 5 in the 4th against BC just made me wince. I guess Castillo makes me a bit nervous of late, too. But then I remember the D and the opposing qb and I smile and sigh.
  16. In case anyone wants to hear it from his own mouth
  17. That’s certainly one way of looking at it. Another way would be he minimized completions by hanging on to the ball too long.
  18. No, but he did throw the ball away a lot. Not sure I’ve ever seen a qb throw the ball out of bounds as much as Nichols did.
  19. I still have the CFL Wired episode for that cup game and my gawd was he a whiney little batch.
  20. That’s an apt description of the reserve down the highway from my small town. The way some treat their dogs is despicable. When they tire of them they drive them into town, drop them off and assume someone will take them in. Fortunately, more often than not, they’re right. It’s how I wound up with the one I have now. One might think that some of the support they receive could be used for spaying and neutering.
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