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Posts posted by TheBandit

  1. 7 minutes ago, wpgallday1960 said:

    I think the better team lost today.  However Nichols should consider his job on the line.

    The bombers have lost 3 in a row. The riders have won 3 in a row. The riders scored TDs in all aspects of the game. Pull your head out of the sand. Our team is not better. Our team has a better running game. End of story.

  2. The guy has a 63% completion rate. 1 Passing TD's and 2 INTS in two games. He won last nights game because a kicker hit the goal post.

    Sorry, but to even consider him in the same tier as Mike Rielly and SAY HES BETTER...is a joke... Lay off the bathsalts pal.

  3. 14 hours ago, J5V said:

    Agreed and here's my strange mindset ... after the egg Nichols laid last game followed by the whining  I'd start Streveler against Calgary and call it a "hunch". If he sucked I could always revert to Nichols, but it would definitely send Nichols a message and if he kept whining he wouldn't get any more starts. I'd continue to play whichever one was producing on the field, loyalty be damned. It would force Nichols to STFU and play better and/or it would give Streveler the development time he needs. A win-win situation AFAIC.

    This is literally the dumbest suggestion. Its a good thing that fans don't manage a team.


    Backup QB's are always a fan favorite. You do realize wins started to happen when Nichols came back right?

    You also do realize our defense is crapping the bed?

  4. 2 hours ago, blueingreenland said:

    Hmmm. Not sure. Toronto is starting to win. Ottawa leads the East. Hamilton has been hot and cold.

    I'd say we would have a better shot of going through the East, but there might not be a cross over spot this year. 

    Bombers need to stay ahead of SK and B.C. 

    We could still finish in 2nd, but Nichols needs to start playing better or else 3rd or 4th is where we'll be at.


    I’m sorry but this Bombers team is not better than the Eskimos. Not going to happen.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    I'm still a big fan of Brandon Bridge... love to see him in Blue & Gold as a backup or 1b with Streveler eventually

    Stephen McAdoo is the worst OC in the league and there's some bad OCs this year

    Bridge sucks. He cant even hit a screen pass. His accuracy rating was 20% last night. Cant open up the playbook if he cant execute the basic plays.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    For a good laugh visit the riderfans forum gameday thread.... such hilarious highlights of:

    O'Shea being a dirty coach because he called blitzes in the in the last 5 minutes of the game....

    Laing shouldn't of got roughing the passer because the hit wasn't low (despite him grabbing the ankles)

    Mike being a troll despite a Rider fan posting the exact same message right above the one Mike posted....

    The Blue Bombers apparently made zero big plays outside of the refs giving us all of our yards on offense...

    Apparently they still want Franklin....

    About 99% of the posts crying about the refs....

    Why do you care so much about that place??? You're a bombers fan correct??

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