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Posts posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. 14 hours ago, Noeller said:

    I only see Al's posts when someone quotes them, but honestly half of what he said about Mulroney makes me very glad he was PM. And because I don't want even MORE demerits, I'm going to end the Poli talk at that ...

    Typical Noeller. I wasn't criticizing. I was listing some of the things he did by memory. Hence Boeing & not Bristol Arerospace. Noeller was 6 when Mulroney was PM.

  2. 28 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Every once in a while, I like to gauge the intelligence level of the posters with an esoteric title to see how they respond. Thankfully, I won’t have to resort to knock knock jokes for the rest of the thread. Lol. 

    Yeah, let's make fun of JFK getting the back of his head blown off with his brain matter & shattered skull covering his horrified wife. Well done.... wisers-slow-clap.gif

  3. 1 hour ago, Goalie said:

    Good. Dallas owns the Jets so tanev not being available yet helps I liked tanev more 5 years ago. 10 years ago even. More. Did he not play for the moose? Vancouver’s farm team. So he’s been around a while. Veteran for sure. 
     We  stylistically don’t match well against Dallas for some reason tho. 

    Dead Kennedys a solid punk band tho so not too soon at all. 


  4. Not the greatest PM in Canadian history. He brought in the free trade agreement, with the US & Mexico, saw the CF 18 contract given to Bombardier in Montreal rather than Boeing in Winnipeg which led to the rise of Western Populism & the Reform Party with the slogan, "The West Wants In". He brought in the GST, the Meech Lake Accords & had a few scandals in his second term that caused the Liberals to come back... Certainly Jean Chretien's career was resurrected from the ashes because of it. May he Rest in Peace.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    No way in Hell that the CFL needs a sexual predator as even a minor player, let alone a star. I have worked with raped women and even my late wife who was a nurse suffered because of this sort of thing on the job. The damage is catastrophic in many cases, and rape has nothing to do with sexual gratification. It is an act intended to humiliate the victim and reduce her/him to an object of powerlessness and utter defeat. Most predators have been victims or vicarious victims but that in no way excuses them from responsibility or consequences. 

    I agree but let's let the investigation take place before we jump to conclusions.

  6. 36 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I'm thinking like 81 or 82. I was about 11 or 12 so it's a bit murky exactly what year. It was at a BBQ at his house. My brother took us there as he was our babysitter and he was invited by Leo's sister. There were other Bomber players there but I wasn't a fanatic until I was about 15 or 16 so I don't really recall who exactly.

    Leo turned into a very good OLB. Too bad we had to trade him to Hamilton along with SB Gord Patterson. Patterson & Jauch couldn't stand one another. He benched Patterson in 1979 even though we were the first team in the CFL to get rid of the TE (Ezerins) in favour of an extra SB.. That should have been Patterson but Jauch said nope.

  7. 1 hour ago, Doublezero said:

    Since we're talking memorabilia, here's a jersey that claims to be a game worn Leo Lewis 1958 Grey Cup game jersey. There's a letter of authentication but it means nothing, just says that the jersey looks like one Lewis wore at the time. There is no provenance outlining the chain of ownership etc so I'd be wary. I think it was for sale, or one like it, couple years ago for around the same asking price. Looks cool though:





    Certainly looks real. Man, have styles & tastes changed.

  8. 21 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

    In every interview I have seen he has said he did that for his family. Second generation Canadian just wanted to maximize his earnings to take care of his family.

    Yes, I certainly get that but my reaction is good for him. As a GM, you can't build a defense around guys like Muamba that just leave every year. I'm sure Adam Bighill wanted to provide security for his family as well. Yet, when he was still in his prime in 2018 he came to Winnipeg & in this world of one year deals put down roots. He even restructured his contract to take less to help sign other Bomber & CFL free agents.

    I hate the one year deals. They do nothing for the CFL except let guys move around unfettered & have driven up salaries. We're the only pro league I know of that doesn't have some kind of restricted free agency yet we have a ridiculously low salary cap. Like most things the CFL does, to me it makes no sense.

  9. 48 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    What year range? That’s super cool. 

    Leo played TE & OLB for the Bombers from 1978-82. If the jersey just has normal stripes on the sleeves then it's from 1978 or 79. If it's 1980, it has the Bomber logo with a 50 on top of the arm stripes to mark 50 years as an organization. (It was the Bombers 50th birthday in 1980). In 1981-82, the Bomber logo is on top of the three stripes.

    1980 50th anniversary logo: 6298_winnipeg_blue_bombers-anniversary-1

  10. 6 hours ago, greenrider55 said:

    Not sure if it’s been mentioned here, but Henoc Muamba retired.

    One of the better CFL ambassadors we’ve ever had. Always found him to be very personable and likeable.

    Muamba always chased a paycheque rather than a championship. He'd rather play for a winless team as long as they paid the most. He could have gone down as one of the greats. Money rather than championships was his priority.

  11. 4 hours ago, bustamente said:

    The amount of high school football stadiums in Texas is unbelievable and we aren't taking like 1or 2k buildings, They have numerous 7, 10k stadiums and even have one that holds 19k.

    Just remember for every dollar they spend on building high school football stadiums that's just means less money for the classroom.

  12. 2 hours ago, MOBomberFan said:

    I was curious and did some googling... I didn't know that CFL greats Damon Allen, Mike Pringle, and Allen Pitts all played for Cal State. I'm sure some of you already knew that but it's news to me!

    SFU once held a record for most 1st overall picks... so much for that... :(

    There's no Cal State. It's Cal State Fullerton. They dropped their football program years ago.

  13. 5 hours ago, voodoochylde said:

    Much smaller population and audience which translates into significantly smaller broadcasting deals .. limited reach (in terms of global audience and awareness) and a somewhat insignificant approach over the years to grow the game at a grassroots level.

    Football is religion in the US (I know you know this well);  Hockey is Canada's.

    And yet, is hockey failing in Winnipeg? Again?????

  14. 1 hour ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Jones’ decision to walk was purely family related, according to her. Wants to be there for her daughters more. 

    Yeah, tough to be away from young kids every weekend. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Didn’t the bombers have a dude who killed his wife and her body never was found. I mean that’s going back in the past tho. Recently. I guess Jonathan Hefney probably and that’s not even that recent. And I think his issues happened after football. 

    Yes, former Bomber TE Brian Jack allegedly killed his wife back in the late 80's. I think he had 3 separate criminal trials & was convicted of second degree murder on unsubstantiated evidence in the first trial in 1990 as Jack's wife Christine's body has never been found. He was sentenced to life in prison.

    His lawyer appealed to the Manitoba Court of Appeal & in 1992 a new trial was granted. The second trial found Jack not guilty & the Crown appealed the outcome. It went to the Supreme Court of Canada who backed the outcome of the second trial.

    The Crown had a third trial & convicted Jack to 4 years in prison for manslaughter in 1994. Jack's lawyer appealed all the way to the Supreme Court who overturned the Lower Court decision in 1995 & Jack walked away a free man. His daughter feels that Jack knows where her Mother is buried & has appealed to her Father to come clean & confess to her murder as well as tell Police where her mother's remains are but Jack refuses to talk to her. 

    Jack had played in the CFL from 1973-79 for the Bombers & Ottawa. He was an unemployed football player & a decade after he last played the money must have been tight. The night jack's wife died, they had a big argument & she had stormed out of their house in St. Vital & she drove off in their Chevy Blazer never to be seen again.

    I think just about everyone who knows about this case believes Brian Jack did kill his wife but there was no hard evience to convict as well as no body. However, knowing what we know now about traumatic brain injuries that we didn't know about back then is how brain injuries & head trauma  affects & changes behaviour. Although unproven, it may also be safe to say that CTE may have contributed to Jack's behaviour that night. The argument may have triggered something inside Brian Jack that caused him to do a terrible thing.

    Much like former Blue Bomber Al Brenner suddenly leaving his family in 1986 & disappearing for 12 years. Maybe he also had thoughts of murder & violence on his mind & realized that he had to get away for their safety.  Although, before his death in 2012, Brenner always claimed he couldn't explain why he left.  Or didn't want to. Just surmising on my part. 

  16. 6 hours ago, Stickem said:

    I think it's time to face the facts....the argo's have a 'loose cannon' on their club ...The history of this guy suggests it could be a mental issue....Besides the moral obligation that the team has , there now exists a criminal element as well....Until this goes through the courts a suspension of this player should be brought forward by the league ....Anything less will be seen as inaction.....I'm afraid Kelly has dug himself a hole and his history suggests this kind of thing 'could' happen again....The league going silent on this mess is deafening

    Randy Ambrosie is a coward. The shittiest Commissioner the CFL has ever had.  Oh look, an Ambrosie sighting coming out of his cave. 



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