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Posts posted by JCon

  1. 2 hours ago, Fan Boy said:

    I am sure everyone is happy the Bombers are working on their portion of the debt. I know government involvement can be a sore point but just think Arlington Texas owns the 1.3 Billion dollar stadium the Dallas Cowboys play in. The Dallas Cowboys make a a bit of money too (620 million in 2014) and are worth supposedly 4 Billion dollars but could not afford to build their own stadium (or chose not to). The Bomber are paying a big part of IGF .

    So when you hear the Bombers are paying down their debt even if it is slowly then I would have to say it is a good thing. 

    No doubt, not denying that but...

    The Bombers are paying down their debt, with the help of more, borrowed,  public funds.

    The City, the Province both benefitted greatly with having the Grey Cup here. Probably even earned more money than they kicked in for the game. But, the Bombers also were the benefactors of a new stadium, a renovated Convention Centre, etc. This is probably the best case scenario where all parties benefit, so thumbs up!

  2. I wish they would finally fix the bussing, specifically after the game....

    Currently, they have people line up at a spot, then the bus stops 5  (to 20) feet behind or ahead. Then everyone at the back of the line gets on and others, near the front can't.

    Sometimes they have multiple busses at each stop open and other times they don't.

    I would like to them make a decision and stick with it.

    It's quite remarkable (and embarrassing)  that after three full seasons, that they can't coordinate this and give us a consistent experience.


    I'm pleased they've added the large water jug (I don't know what to call it) on the west side upper deck. Waiting in line for a water refill was painful.


    Stadium food. They don't triage very well. I can understand why they don't want a big line building up, after paying, for hot food but not everyone in line is waiting for hot food. I wish they would still take patrons that are after drinks, chips, popcorn, etc.


    I say all this as a father who brings his 5 year old son to most games. If it's just me and another adult, I can cope with bussing and water much easier. It's not so easy with a little one. Consistency is key.

  3. 7:30 starts are more of a challenge for me because I bring my 6 year old son. That's pretty late. He may have to carry me home.


    EDIT: But I guess that's the way it's been. Just seems like more 7:30 starts this year. 

  4. I hope those are not our jerseys. Can't place my finger on it but something looks "off". Perhaps it's because the "69" is not centered. Perhaps the blue isn't quite correct. Perhaps its the squiggly gold piping (I'm guess that's piping?). 

    But I do love gold. So all gold, head to toe, will be awesome. We'll call them the Golden Boys. Like the Golden Girls but with less broken hips. 


  5. 1 minute ago, nate007 said:

    Not a CFL FA, but as a likely US college UDFA, we should take a look at Zach Vraa out of NDSU. In 2013 he had almost 500 more reception yards than Ryan Smith: http://www.gobison.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=6271&path=football 

    It would be nice to get a WR out of North Dakota before the Riders do.


    I thought the entire state was on their neg list!


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