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Posts posted by Dragon37

  1. On September 23, 2016 at 0:37 PM, 17to85 said:

    but they have been getting reviews wrong every year since they started... it's a lot easier for me to accept human error when there is no review so for that reason just get rid of it and we'll all live with the breaks evening out over the course of  a season. Plus then we wouldn't get refs afraid to throw a flag or being overzealous throwing flags because they know that the replay official will do their job for them. 

    Bang on. Video review does not fix anything. Refs will make mistakes because they have one view at one speed. It is rare that a bad call has cost a game. I have personally never seen a bad call cost a team a game.

  2. 2 hours ago, iso_55 said:

    That was a cheap call. What is it with the CFL, the rules, the officiating & interpretation of the rules with something like that? It really is a serious problem. I don't know how you fix it... There's just too much to fix. It was a great league until some idiots tried to embrace technology with stupid humans involved.

    If you move once set it is a penalty. I OLs were getting away with a lot of cheating and they rightfully have clamped down on it. I should also point out the amount of procedure was drastically reduced in the last number of years when they decided that the OL was not automatically called for procedure when they moved in response to early DL movement. I can tell you from experience that always sucked having to sit there like a target while some DL teed off on you or took a run at your QB. That was what what was expected.

  3. 3 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Wow, 3rd and inches and they call Hamilton on illegal procedure because the centre tips the ball up before the snap. That is the most mickey mouse call I have ever seen in 35+ years of attaching football.


    That is procedure, just like pointing is, once you are set you can't move. Period. 

  4. Sadly couldn't watch the game today as I had to work. Tough loss but there is no doubt now that Winnipeg is for real. They are not middle of the pack, playing above their talent, or whatever else. A loss is a loss but today I think all of Canada learned that the Bombers are the second best team in this league and should not be taken lightly. I will enjoy watching BLM eat crow when they lose the Western final.

  5. 4 hours ago, Noeller said:

    For a fan on a mesageboard to say, with confidence, that MOS is leaving more-talented players off the roster in favour of less-talented ones, is laughably arrogant. 

    Well, it did take some injuries to get some guys on the field like Bond, Loffler, Frederick, etc. Macho played well and Loffler is a rookie but still some pretty good players were riding the pine.

  6. 2 hours ago, J5V said:

    Holy crap! Not one of you guys has even mentioned Richie Hall. I mean, the D is what is carrying this team and is responsible for it's success, but everyone wants to heap the praise on O'Shea? I find that somewhat bizarre. Lapo has been Lapo and the offense shows it. Walters has done well upgrading the talent level on this team and improving some of the depth but I did not like the Willy trade for reasons I've already elaborated on and I remain concerned with our QB depth. We've also had some very fortunate turns of events with key injuries and such to other teams. We haven't had to play Ray or Collaros, the Als are in disarray, and we got 2 games against easily the worst team in the league and barely got by those games. Sure wins are wins are I'm as happy as anyone to take them but lets not get carried away here. Let's see how we do against Calgary, Edm, BC, and the RBs. When I see O'Shea outcoaching those coaches, and Nichols outplaying BLM, Reilly, Jennings/Lulay and Burris/Harris then I'll get excited. 

    They beat a Reilly led Edmonton and Nichols did out perform Reilly that day in the most important way... No picks. Reilly and co just lost to that very same team we "barely beat". Calgary needed OT to beat them once. Not many teams have played Ray in the last few years. Calgary's streak has included close wins too so why be harder on Winnipeg for close wins? It is damn important to get those as much as a 27 point blasting like they gave TO. 

    I agree we should not get carried away or ignore how the entire coaching staff has done a very good job of turning the boat around, but there is really no harm in planning ahead should they finish the season well this year. They should absolutely wait until near the end of the season to ink them but talking is beneficial. Much more so than having a great year topped by missing the bus on signing them.

    get your trepidation but man you really have to learn to just enjoy the winning while it is happening. We don't get the chance very often. 

  7. I am fine with starting talks BUT like others finalizing thing should wait ... Even though it could cost more. All those L's and snippy moments O'Shea has had must be factored in. There are six games left, and while I am getting more faith in the team, there is a long way to go. The seven game streak has relieved the pressure but I would not want to lock either up until we have more positive results. 


  8. I am fine with the trade. I still think Willy has plenty of potential and he is now in place where he has a chance. I don't know if he would have got a chance here and no way to know if the other changes made would have allowed him to improve. In Glenn we have a known commodity and a wealth of experience that can be imparted to Davis and Bennet. If worse came to worse and we needed to have Glenn in there I am confident he can perform in this offence. It is totally suited to his style of play. With Willy I didn't have the same confidence and now we are at a point where we need a known commodity as back up not a maybe.

    I wish Willy the very best because he really worked hard for the team and I welcome our new players.

  9. JFG made spectacular catch despite the defender trying to tackle him before the ball got there. If the Rider fans complain about the officiating today they can go to hell because they should have been called on a ton of other plays today. Their right tackle was jabbing his hand in the face of our defence most of the second half and there were at least three clear PIs which went uncalled (two the Bombers caught it anyway).

  10. Stats don't show how mightily Willy was struggling with the offence. His timing was bad he, held the ball far too long, and wasn't reading the field very well. Granted Bond has helped but Willy wasn't helping himself most of all.

    I feel bad for the guy but the change needed to be made. I also think he can still come back to his previous form. Perhaps not here but somewhere.

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