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Posts posted by Dragon37

  1. On 11/27/2016 at 9:46 AM, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    It's no coincidence that with the increased holding allowed by the O-line, QB injuries are down significantly this year from the last two.  I believe the league tolerates this compromise in order to keep their star players healthy and in the game.

    They have let holding go for way longer than the last few years. It isn't a compromise they don't call it because there would be holding on nearly every play just like there was lots of PI/Contact not being called for the same reasons. Clean it up and you will get better o-linemen not only at the pro level but down through the amateur ranks.

  2. 1. Not all refs are full time in the NFL and being full time doesn't guarantee anything. I have often heard the reffing in the NFL isn't any better. How good or bad refs are will not be improved by paying them more. It is also a completely unnecessary cost to the league. Do you really want to pay timekeepers and the guys who work the sticks paid all year? 

    2. Scrap reviews. Reffing is a human venture and as such is fraught with mistakes. You simply cannot see everything and, in many cases, the refs get the call right. Yeah it sucks when they miss calls but that's life.

    3. Only change rules if they require it and they should be only further defined.

    4. Stop changing rules to continually benefit the offenses. For example, I also like seeing offenses challenged by a strong defensive line which has been all but eliminated by constant holding. The officials have already been forced to enforce PI and, frankly, it has improved the play of defenders. Now enforce holding so that those hard working DL can work their magic and we can have better OL.


  3. 1. I don't think we need a big fundamental change

    2. The nuanced changes we need are some skilled size at receiver, even better if its a Canuck. Another DE to compliment Westerman. I might replace Sholo with Thomas. 

    3. We have no consistent deep threat, our contain on rushing QBs must improve, and we need more press and thight coverage on receivers. We need to get a better MLB. Bass was a bit out of his element here. I think that Nichols has earned a new contract, but that doesn't mean that they should not keep on looking out for the future QB.

  4. 5 minutes ago, blueandgoldguy said:

    I took a look at the numbers and the Bomber offense had 185 yards in the second half (not including yardage from penalties).  BC's offense gained over 220 yards in offense in the second half (again, not including yards gained on penalties).  Bomber offense came away with a measly 2 field goals in the second half which is simply not good enough.  BC, on the other hand, had 3 tds in the second half.  Three of them came on their last 4 possessions.  


    The Bomber offense deserves criticism for the poor second half as 2 field goal with perfect conditions inside a dome stadium.  We have seen this story too often from Nichols with his inability to generate TDs inside the opponent's 30 yard line on a regular basis.  Happened again today.  I don't think he is the quarterback to lead us to a Grey Cup unless we have a fantastic D and an amazing run game (see 1990).  He is probably the worst starter in the West and the Bombers would need other areas of the team to be better than those of the 4 other western teams to compensate for the gap - a tall, if not, impossible task.

    With that said, the majority of the blame lies with the defense.  When the Bombers needed some stops in the second half, the D failed time and time again.  3 TDs in BC's last 4 possessions is an absolute joke.  Similar story for much of the season - over 500 yards total offense given up, 31 first downs by BC  - saw this happen quite a bit this season, but this time we did not get 4 or 5 turnovers to compensate.  


    Not sure if it's the front 4 and a couple of the linebackers or if it's Richie Hall's schemes.  Perhaps both?  One thing is for sure, there need's to be some drastic changes because the Bombers can't count on a similar turnover ratio for next season.

    As for O'Shea, that was a dumb move at the end and probably worse than any single coaching decision I ever recall Paul Lapolice making in his tenure as head coach.  Think about it - what has a higher chance of success?  A gamble on third and 4 (remember the team did have over 180 yards on offense and 10 First downs in the second half so they did actually did move the ball) with plenty of time on the clock


    a 61-yard field goal in a dome which has never been successfully completed in CFL history.


    A coach should play the odds and not a hunch.  O'Shea failed in this situation.  Hopefully he actually learns something from this and stops with the stubborness.

    Like I said it was both side of the ball that did not do enough in the second half. Trying the FG was stupid but it never should have come to having to choose. That is not letting off the coaches. If both sides of the ball fail to do their jobs then that can definitely be hung on the coaches. The TEAM was simply not good enough in the second half.

  5. So the Bombers are finished for another year. Sad yes but I was certain that they wouldn't be in this position when the year started. Yeah they had some good players but they never seemed to get their act together. 

    Well, they made me eat crow and I honestly could not be happier of that. Yeah it would have been great to go further but I thought we were just a few pieces short to do so. Surprisingly I was okay with that because this team showed me they are for real and it has been a very long, long time since I have gone into the off-season very optimistic that they ARE a few pieces away. Not even 2011 left me with that feeling.

    So I could whine and ***** about today but I would much rather enjoy the huge steps forward this team took. That has been a hard thing to obtain for the Bombers. I can easily wait a bit more because there is now light at the end of the tunnel when I thought we hadn't even entered it yet.

    Thanks to all the 2016 Bombers you brought a lot pride and honour back to this franchise and community.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Captain Blue said:

    Crappy way to lose. I would have gone for the third down gamble personally.

    All in all, these three BC games were very close and all could have gone either way. 

    The Bombers had a really solid season. Its been a long time since the arrow was pointing up for this team. Seriously, when was the last time we thought this team was going in the right direction? Not since LaPolice was head coach and even that was brief.

    We're on the right track, in my opinion. This loss hurts like crazy but I take solace in the fact we're on the upswing.

    When they went to the GC in 2011 they did it despite having a brutal second half of the season and terrible corners. Really terrible. Now I think we have much better players, we may need a few more, but not always the best game plan. So in all I think we are actually in a much better condition than the end of 2011 where a GC appearance masked some considerable shortcomings.



  7. I am disappointed but both the offence and defence just didn't do enough in the second half. Would I have gone for the four yards? Yes, but it should have never come down to that. Our run defence was brutal through the last four games and tonight. 

    Despite this loss though I have to say it is hard to be upset with how the season turned out. This team is just a few players short of being a REALLY good team. With first pick and middle of the pack first pick we should be able to fill some holes. As long as we can lock down a decent QB we should be back to strongly challenge all the teams in the league. It would have been great to go on and beat Calgary next week but this season has been IMHO a massive step forward... Massive.

  8. Defence sucked mightily today. The offence had moments but they killed themselves with turnovers and bad third down gamble decisions. I would have played Davis for the fourth. I know and Ottawa knows what Glenn can offer but no one knows Davis and that could have been the push needed to break the funk on O. IMHO

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