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    shadybob reacted to Geebrr in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    It is 20 minutes to get out by bus. I don't know what you expect with 25k people all leaving an area at the same time.
    This argument is cry baby nonsense.
    Have you ever been to a Jets game and drove home? Do you think that is fast? Put twice as many people there.
    You are delusional.
  2. Thanks
    shadybob reacted to Geebrr in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    That is not a fact if you parked at Polo Park, which the majority of people did. 
  3. Like
    shadybob reacted to Geebrr in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Sedintary people  who can't be torn away from their couch use this excuse.
  4. Like
    shadybob reacted to Geebrr in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Less money and free time with more sports teams in the city, prices, local blackouts gone, are all huge factors.
    The traffic is no worse than Polo, the location is an easy excuse.
    We have been over this
  5. Like
    shadybob reacted to Arnold_Palmer in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    LOL getting in and out of those university is a breeze. People will find a way to complain about everything and anything. 
  6. Agree
    shadybob reacted to AKAChip in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    I find that most people who complain about the stadium and the location are the people who like to **** on the Bombers for any reason. Generally not fans of the team. 
  7. Agree
    shadybob reacted to Rich in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    This on going narrative about taking long to get out of IGF is for sure an issue, but it is a false narrative.  
    They really botched things the first couple of years at IGF and now can’t shake this perception.  
    Getting out of IGF is now faster for us then it ever was getting out of Polo.  
    Polo wasn’t perfect either.   Can’t expect traffic to be no line ups anywhere 25k people are leaving at the same time. 
    At most it is 10 minutes for us to get out of the U of M area once we get to our car.  Often less. 
  8. Agree
    shadybob reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    What people who ***** & complain about how far they have to come now to a game at IG Field  than at Canad Inns forget is how far others had to come to watch a game at Polo Park for nearly 60 years.  And WE didn't whine, *****, complain about it or stay home. I grew up in Riverview & it was an hour by car with traffic & 90 minutes by bus. It was what it was & we just sucked it up & went to the games.
  9. Like
    shadybob reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Have you seen the attendance in Calgary tonight? I doubt if 15,000 are in the seats tonight. McMahon Stadium has C Train & bus service right to it. One of the easiest places in the city to get to. And a shitty crowd.
  10. Thanks
    shadybob reacted to bigg jay in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    What might be a fact for you, isn't for others.  I'm in & out of the new stadium about 20 minutes faster than the old one.  No traffic jams for me at all.  Location is not an issue.
  11. Thanks
    shadybob reacted to Noeller in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    First time we went, we parked at BP's and it was perfect. Little walk in. Second time, we went to Stone Angel and parked there, had a bunch of pints and pizza and again a lovely little walk in. There's so many options. I love the stadium in the south and most of the time I'm coming from Transcona. 
  12. Haha
    shadybob reacted to Brandon in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    I live in the North and it takes 45 minutes using park and ride in an uncomfortable school bus.  
    Compared to the old location which was 20 minutes and I could drive in comfort and then be able to either go home or anywhere in town in a breeze without a traffic jam.   Huge difference.    It's not my opinion it's fact.   
  13. Haha
    shadybob reacted to Brandon in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Well considering a tonne of people complain about the location and the attendance has dropped...  yes it must be only me with this opinion. 
  14. Agree
    shadybob reacted to Geebrr in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    I honestly dont get this argument anymore.
    I think people forget that Polo was pack a lunch time to get out.
    The new stadium takes 20 mins tops and costs 5 bucks to park. We we so spoiled for too long , it actually irritates me.
    FYI trying parking around US Bank it us about $40 USD
  15. Like
    shadybob reacted to Wideleft in ALLCAPS @ Bombers game day   
    Better a Kawhi than a Kevin (Durant).
  16. Like
    shadybob reacted to Bigblue204 in ALLCAPS @ Bombers game day   
    Load management via the Toronto Raptors and Kawhi 
  17. Agree
    shadybob reacted to bearpants in ALLCAPS @ Bombers game day   
    Darrin Bauming continues to insist on using the term "healthy scratch" for Matthews... while it is possible he is almost healthy and he certainly is scratched... "healthy scratch" is a nice way of saying benched for performance or other issues... I believe it's more of a "rest up so you're healthy in the long run" type of scratch...  
  18. Agree
    shadybob reacted to Geebrr in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Stadium location is an easy excuse and not really valid. 
  19. Agree
    shadybob reacted to Booch in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    the stadium location is a dumb reason in any context..it was an inconvenient location for me before...and thousands of others in area of city where I live...but we all went....so now if it's a matter of being inconvenient for the St James/Charleswood/polo Park area crowd, and they choose to not go anymore...then they were never true fans.
    When I lived in Oakland/San Jose areas going to a pro event was usually a good hour..hour and a half venture (one way) on most occasions....so stadium location in a smaller city is a pathetic excuse if you ask me
  20. Agree
    shadybob reacted to Noeller in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    the stadium is in a phenomenal spot, and I don't buy any of the bullshit surrounding it's location for one second.....it's always going to be inconvenient for someone. I LOVE where it is....
  21. Disagree
    shadybob reacted to Brandon in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    My opinion for the lower Bomber attendance isn't so much the cost of tickets.    It's a mixture of stadium being in an inconvenient area and the lack of marketing and interest to the younger demographics (mostly kids).   I think once the Jets came back it swooped all the attention from the kids. 
    I see tonnes of Jets merch on kids at both of my kids schools and barely anything with the Blue and Gold.   When my nephew was younger and when he was in school I definitely saw Bomber (and Moose) gear on a bunch of kids. 
    I think having kids under 15 for free would make the most sense ,   they would surely make it up the ticket cost with concessions and merch that they would sell from the kids being at the game.
    It's unfortunate that they Stadium is where it is but nothing we can do about it for now.  It's unfortunate that more restaurants don't have offers where they feed and bus you to the stadium and back. 
  22. Like
    shadybob reacted to Mr Dee in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Personally, I love watching the CFL on TSN. on any night. I just hope the ratings numbers aren’t sliding like the attendance. A new TV deal, with a small bump from global markets, and we're good. 
    More teams have to take the initiative like Edmonton did to get the younger fans into the stadium. I know that’s how I got hooked.
  23. Like
    shadybob reacted to Atomic in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    Yep I like the Thursday nighters. One fewer evening without football.
  24. Like
    shadybob reacted to Jpan85 in Rivalries, Late Starts, & Game Days - Attendance   
    I like a evening game on a Thursday and Friday. Sports have become a TV based and less so attendance wise. TV demands will always go before ticket sales.
  25. Agree
    shadybob reacted to Nickthesizz in Week 5 Takeaways   
    Yet first in touchdowns and Interceptions (10-1), 
    Davis (3-7) so much for your stats 
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