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  1. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Blitzy in NEW Bombers   
    Great, just great.  Longo sets with a narrow base.  Just once, couldn't Walters find someone who sets with a wide base?  I mean, come on, what is he thinking...
  2. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from CodyT in NEW Bombers   
    Great, just great.  Longo sets with a narrow base.  Just once, couldn't Walters find someone who sets with a wide base?  I mean, come on, what is he thinking...
  3. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from comedygeek in Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC   
    Wow!  Seriously?  You honestly think that you could call in your HC, tell him he's being demoted and he'd happily clean out his office for the new guy.  What ever it is you're smoking, cut back, seriously... 
  4. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from blitzmore in Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC   
    While you wait to see, could you do so quietly?  Thanks.
  5. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from MOBomberFan in Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC   
    Wow!  Seriously?  You honestly think that you could call in your HC, tell him he's being demoted and he'd happily clean out his office for the new guy.  What ever it is you're smoking, cut back, seriously... 
  6. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Fred C Dobbs in Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC   
    Wow!  Seriously?  You honestly think that you could call in your HC, tell him he's being demoted and he'd happily clean out his office for the new guy.  What ever it is you're smoking, cut back, seriously... 
  7. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from blitzmore in Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC   
    Wow!  Seriously?  You honestly think that you could call in your HC, tell him he's being demoted and he'd happily clean out his office for the new guy.  What ever it is you're smoking, cut back, seriously... 
  8. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from iso_55 in Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC   
    Wow!  Seriously?  You honestly think that you could call in your HC, tell him he's being demoted and he'd happily clean out his office for the new guy.  What ever it is you're smoking, cut back, seriously... 
  9. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to Atomic in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    You've done this same rant enough times for me to conclude you are a Rider fan in disguise.
    Everyone watch out for this guy.
  10. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Mr Dee in Bombers interested in Jasper Simmons, UPDATE: Signed to PR   
    Given his age, I'm guessing that things would not go too well.
  11. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Logan007 in Worst starter on the team   
    Trick question 17to85 because the answer is our starting Offensive Coodinator
  12. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Floyd in Worst starter on the team   
    Trick question 17to85 because the answer is our starting Offensive Coodinator
  13. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from GCJenks in Worst starter on the team   
    Trick question 17to85 because the answer is our starting Offensive Coodinator
  14. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to Fatty Liver in [MERGED] Drew Willy Watch 3.0 Has Ended   
    Hopefully he doesn't resort to scrap heapin'.
  15. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to B-F-F-C in The Hugger vs the MadMan   
    A coach can't be concerned about injury nor can it alter his in game decisions.   To take Willy out and put Brohm in is  a message to the team that he's conceded.   
  16. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Floyd in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    Yea?  So what if our quoting system sucks.  The Riders are 0-6.  So there...
    (Actually I didn't have anything to add.  I just like typing Riders and 0-6 in the same sentence)
  17. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Nighthawk in Biggest Regret as a Bomber Fan   
    No regerts, no regerts at all.
  18. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to B-F-F-C in Biggest Regret as a Bomber Fan   
    I regret not going to more Bomber games with my dad.  We had season tickets on the west side and most of the row we sat were made up of his buddies and the section was entirely old farts who didn't appreciate the enthusiasm of the "younger" fan.  So I would buy tickets on the east side with my friends.   
    He never said anything but I'm sure he would have preferred that I sat with him.  I look back at it now and realize that I missed out on some premium father/son time. 
    I can't apologize now because he's been gone for many years but if you guys have the chance.  Take your dad to a game.  I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
  19. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to Noeller in So much for the theory...   
    If we have Willy in the game, we're always in it. Anyone who gave up after that opening drive can **** off...we don't need fans like that.
  20. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from SPuDS in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    Ever think of changing your online name?  Something like Captain Contrarian? General BuzzKill?  
    If you need any help let me know.
  21. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to TrueBlue4ever in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    I hear you and understand that viewpoint, so let's take it back to Taman's scenario. You get hired to manage a company. You have a boss (let's call him a CEO or "president") who is in control of the money, answers to shareholders, and wants a successful, profitable enterprise. You are in to be put in charge of the day-to-day stuff. You are given a budget to work with that is smaller and more restrictive than you would like, but the president says I can find another manager if you don't like the set-up, there are plenty of people looking to be managers and only 7 other companies like this one. You have grown up your whole adult life around this business and worked your way up to become a manager - do you turn this chance down on the principle that you have to make certain concessions to this president?
    You are in charge of hiring the new workers and assembling a "team" that can make your company successful and profitable. However, there are foremen (let's call them "coaches") who were already hired before you came in, and were hand-picked by the "president". You as the manager make sure the operation runs smoothly, the foreman oversees the workers directly. Your concession is that you have to accept the existing foremen and can't overhaul the whole staff yourself right away, but you are in charge of them. Not a problem because you actually work well with the foremen, and they have done a good job so far.
    Now fast forward a few years and the company has taken a hit, and the shareholders are angry. The president tells you he is pleased with your work, but hears about problems between the foremen and the workers, and recognizes that a culture change needs to happen. Calls you in and says that the foremen need to go because if nothing happens the shareholders pull out and the company collapses. You think the foremen can salvage the job, plus you have always had a good working relationship with them, but you know that the problems exist and status quo will not be acceptable to your higher ups. The president tells you point blank to fire the foremen and hire a new staff of your own choosing, and if you don't like it, we'll fire you instead, and then find a new manager who will fire the foremen. Remember that this isn't some McJob, this is your career and this ouster will follow you for the rest of your life in any future job interview. Do you really say "take a hike" on principle, knowing that every future job you apply for, the first thing your new prospective bosses will note is your defiance of authority? Or do you fire the guy who wasn't your pick anyway in the first place, bite your lip, and get on with your job? (Remember that Taman didn't run around yelling overtly about how his hands were tied, he used diplomacy and code-speak when everyone in the media knew anyway it was Bauer who pulled the trigger).
    Finally, Taman in the end did exactly what you suggest he should do if unsatisfied, which is walk away. When Kelly came in, Taman knew he could no longer accept his changed and diminished role, and opted out. He was willing to accept the job that was originally offered to him, but when the rules changed around him again and again, he adapted until he no longer could tolerate it, and then he stepped away. Hardly the back-stabbing, save my own hide to secure my survival coward that has been suggested by some.
    But I respect your point of view and was happy to engage in a thoughtful debate about it. I just think that it isn't so black and white in the real world that you can talk in absolutes like "if I disagree with my boss I tell them to take a hike, and if I lose my job, so be it - unlike Brendan Taman who would rather be a lap dog".
    Sorry if the "liar" tag came across as harsh, was trying for humour. (I thought Airplane! was always your go-to if you wanted to lighten the mood).
  22. Like
    WBBFanWest reacted to do or die in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    Yes, but Taman, throughout his career..... has always seemed to have some form of big daddy around......who was supposedly the real culprit to blame.   10 years in, you can only play the victim card, so many times......
  23. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from MOBomberFan in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    Well, you don't know me so your opinion is nothing more than your own mindset, but understand that there are people who will not do a job if they are not given the tools (authority, resources) to do it.
  24. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from Atomic in It's time for the Riders to start sucking ...   
    No I'm not self-employed and I think that you seem to have missed what I was talking about.  I'm not talking about the day to day stuff that every employee, management or otherwise, has to put up with.  I'm talking about the core stuff that one does.  If I'm hired to do a job and then I have a boss who wants to spend his time telling me how to do it, he and I would (and this has happened) have a conversation about why I was hired and what my expectations are for my job.  If we can't come to a satisfactory understanding, then yes, it's time to move on.  Fortunately, I've found that in most cases, if you show your superiors that yes, you do know your stuff and if you make sure that you keep them "in the loop" they tend to step back and let you do your thing.  If not, then why in the world would someone stay where they really aren't respected or appreciated.
  25. Like
    WBBFanWest got a reaction from robynjt in Interesting statistic   
    Another interesting stat.  In 2015, 100% of drives that ended in a touchdown, the scoring team was awarded a minimum of 6 points.  Similar results were found when looking at data from 2014.
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