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Posts posted by trueBlue83

  1. On 2018-10-11 at 9:41 AM, 17to85 said:

    Why do you blame Nichols for that when Paul Lapolice has a long history of using his runningbacks as pass catchers? 

    Remember who our leading receivers were in 2002? It was Milt Stegall, Arland Bruce and then #3 and 4 were Roberts and Sellers. 

    Guy loves his check down passes, always has and always will. There's a reason they went and got Harris and Demski and Dressler and guys like that who can take those little dump passes and make things happen. It's because that's what Lapo wants from an offense. 

    you don't feel that he defaults to the check down more often than not because of lack of arm strength and accuracy on deeper passes?

  2. 7 hours ago, Booch said:

    Yeah we kicked a few field goals..but someone got us in field goal position..no?

    Also you have to look at an offence as a whole...passing opens up for the run..and a good running game opens up the passing...so if both are cause for concern for a defense..one or the other will benefit 

    the numbers I threw out were for previous years... just saying, it wasn't all Matt putting up points on the board.  we're late in the 2018 season, and maybe finally starting to find a good blend of play calling that's allowing this offence to start working well.  All the weapons are on the field, and things are working well.  Hopefully this can continue, and *knock on wood* everyone stays healthy.   Would be amazing to have the Blue & Gold finally have everything in sync at the right time of year!

    Saturday is going to be a fun game to be at... hopefully it's a raucous crowd!

  3. 7 hours ago, Booch said:

    Nichols has piled up quite a few wins and some good stats in 3 years here...and a lot of the wins were because of him when he had to put up 35....40 points a game to compensate for a cheescloth defense...and that's where the difference lies I think as he can put a team on his back and win a game...or at the least be the reason for the win.

    Very debatable.   You can't say it's Matt putting up 35+ when we're kicking 6 field goals a game.  In 2016, Nichols threw 18 TD passes (108 pts) , and 3600 yds, while Medlock kicked 60 field goals (180 pts) on 68 attempts. In 2017, it was Harris and his 100+ receptions and 1000 yds rushing.  No QB with a good arm needs to throw 128 passes to his running back.   The brutal truth with Nichols is, everything has to be working perfectly around him to make him shine.   Once a couple pieces are out of sync, he's very much what I have been calling him for a year:. Mediocre Matt.

  4. I'd say it matters... as we'd all love to see the Stamps start stumbling down the stretch!   Bombers control their own destiny, especially with a W from the Esks today!   Seeing the Stamps go on a bit of a slide right now would be perfect with them visiting IGF in a few weeks.  They'll be playing desperate football teams the rest of the way, and with the injuries they've been sustaining, I think they're as beatable as they've been all season!

    I don't think Montreal gets it done, but it would be nice to see a competitive entertaining game!

  5. If the Bombers are down at halftime, and the offence stagnant, do we see Streveler?   Or is O'Shea going to act like the rest of the season hasn't had major issues and just lean on the fact that we've won the last 2?

    im hoping Matt has a breakout game and shows some major improvement, but I think we can all agree that we've been waiting for that to happen all season, and it hasn't.

  6. 3 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Which was when Lankford wasn't even part of this organization (he joined the Bombers in 2017). Anyone making the claim the team kept him over Jackson is out to lunch. Or even Collins (released prior to the 2016 season).

    That being said, however, why the hell is Lankford still here? He's basically useless on offense.

    he must be a nice guy

  7. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    Maybe it's a different world...  but it feels like the league has seen a massive drop off in NFL cuts that have come into the league mid season.... 

    I don't understand how we have not had at least a handful of guys come in and try out at receiver?

    need look no further than what a practice roster player up here makes.... that's a huge risk for a player to come up here if they wind up on the PR, and still have to pay the bills.  Not a great situation financially, thats for sure.

  8. 4 hours ago, DougR said:

    I am sending some American Southwest, New Mexico-style MOJO your way in hopes of a Bomber's victory Friday night.  GO BOMBERS!

    If you are wondering about the Balloon Fiesta, I have done some videos about the event.  It is 9 days of fun and worth the trip down to my state to see it.  Here is a video from 2015 - Enjoy!

    Doug.... this is the only Albuquerque air show I've ever been aware of!



  9. 2 minutes ago, Booch said:

    we aren't in a cap crunch dilema...we just don't have a regime that can or know how to make big moves and adjust to make it work if need be...loyalty to second level players can only go so far until it's time to not be all nice and fuzzy anymore...we just dont have the stones to do it...and why we can't seem to get over the hump in the past 5 years

    agreed.  we've got an opportunity here to step up and be a contender with wounded opponents, and let a talent like Matthews slip through to the top team in the league.   bush league.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Dr Zaius said:

    When the field tipped into our end and we were in our endzone Nichols stepped up and hit wolitarsky for a 25 yard completion in a tight window. THAT was a TSN turning point, imo.

    he also hit Petterman with a nice one, and Darvin on a nice fake out route.... but connecting on 3 of these plays a game to me isn't enough to say he's 100% our guy moving forward, and the job is his no questions asked.  I have no doubt that this is the way it's going to be the rest of the season.  But if the mediocre play continues, and it's not an open competition for the starting job next season, I question the coaching's ability to assess productive QB play.

    If Matt helps win us a Grey Cup, sure... all will be forgotten and there's no way he loses his starting spot next year.  But if the team does well down here down the stretch and it's in spite of strong QB play... what's the saying 'if you're not continually looking to improve, you're going to get left behind'  ??

  11. 59 minutes ago, JCon said:

    And, he still did it last week. 

    I didn't know that we put the Esks D above Als. 

    Moving the ball downfield he has not....  5 - 2 and outs, 4 drives of 4 plays where we started with outstanding field position and settled for FG's, 2 sustained drives (1 of which ended in an INT) and 1 drive of 8 plays, at the end of the game, all of which were running plays.

    EDIT:  combining the short drives, 9 out of 12 (75%) were drives in which we barely moved the ball.  How this can be seen as successful offensive production in my mind makes no sense.  again... blinded by the Win.

  12. 11 minutes ago, JCon said:

    He did last week, as I said. 

    Ah yes... against Montreal.   He had 2 passes I would consider "long", 1 of which was right near the end of the game when Montreal was probably expecting a "run the clock out" running play.  Take away that play, and he's just a touch over 200 yds on the day.

    Collaros just put up almost 400 yards passing on that same defence.

  13. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    Given Nichols had success last week pushing the ball downfield, I think Nichols could have scored 20 points in the second half, as opposed to 13. 

    I can't prove it, obviously, but I think they could have changed gears. But they didn't need to. 


    Nichols hasn't had success pushing the ball downfield all season... what makes you think he could just flip the switch and kick it in to gear??

    His best play all game was the pump fake on a quick hook route (Dressler) making the DB bite while Adams blew by him.  They need to create more scenarios like this, and not just gun it up the middle, or throw 3 yard passes to receivers who aren't moving.

    The good thing is... there's signs of life, and that things can be improved.  But to say Nichols had a stellar game is really just accepting mediocrity and being blinded by the almighty W.

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