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Fan Boy

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Posts posted by Fan Boy

  1. 23 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    I think you guys need to bone up on your Star Wars references...and your Something About Mary references....

    Sorry don't know anything about Something About Mary except some kind of special hair tonic and some guy who sent pictures of his ... bone or something or other. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Firekid said:

    I take it as he thinks the Shmoes have a 33% better chance in winning the ball game or why would he pick them to win? I would like to tell him that he is sorely mistaken and the pounding Dumbo and his team are going to take tomorrow will drop them down two spots in the power rankings. It will make me proud to watch Hardrick and Gray kick the shlt out of their so dominant (according to the media) D Line and show them who they really are. A bunch of Dumbo lead Shmoes. There, I feel better for now lol!

    I like it better when you drop fire on the other guys instead of friendly fire. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

    Clearly there were some teams who were not all that interested in him who fed some BS to 3downnation hoping that whoever ended up with him would over pay. If he was a top 15 calibre player in this past year's draft I think we would have seen a team propose a 2nd round pick for him.  At least 5 CFL teams didn't think he was worthy of a 3rd round pick. 

    Has supplementals been this late before? I figure adding a OL is not going to affect starting line up this year anyway but it is late.

  4. 6 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    We are bound and determined to make it happen.

    I just can't stand idly by and let the proud historical association between slavic nomenclature and north american football be ignored. Think of Bronco Nagurski (the pride of Rainy River).  Naming  Wolitarsky something like a hairy 7 foot tall alien is downright disrespectful. Actually a hairy seven tall alien would be quite scoop for the D Line. Knocking down passes and making running backs go the other way sounds pretty good. Thursday is a long ways away. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    Woogie finished that game....not an issue. As Bauming reported yesterday: Expect this week's depth chart to look exactly the same as Week 1, with the possible exception of Chris Matthews in for Kenny Lawler...

    Is "Woogie" the official nickname or is this just yours? 

  6. 20 minutes ago, do or die said:

    Back in the day, wasn't sure what to call it, either....

    In any event I think we know what he meant even though I never stepped in there. Really reputation is overblown,  a guy was shot to death at a beer vendor less than an hour after I picked up a case there and that was not in the sketchy part of town. Bad stuff happens everywhere.

  7. 8 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Reporter: Could you be clear about your practicing habits since we can't see your particles?

    Tburg: Anybody tell you that I missed particles... If, If, if a Coach say I missed particles, and y'all hear it, then that's that. I mean, I might have missed one particles this year but if, if somebody say, 'He doesn't come to particles,' it could be one particles. Out of all the particless this year, that's enough... that's enough to get a whole lot started. I told Coach O'shea that you don't have to give the people of Winnipeg a reason to think about trading me or anything like that. If you trade somebody, you trade them to make the team better...simple as that. I'm cool with that. I'm all about that. The people in Winnipeg deserve to have a winner. It's simple as that. It goes further than that …

    Reporter: So you and coach O'shea got caught up on Saturday about particles?

    Tburg: If I can't particles, I can't particles man. If I'm hurt, I'm hurt. I mean … simple as that. It ain't about that... I mean it's... It's not about that... At all. You know what I'm saying I mean... But it's...it's easy … to, to talk about... It's easy to sum it up when you're just talking about particles. We're sitting in here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about particles. I mean, listen, we're talking about particles, not a game, not a game, not a game, we talking about particles. Not a game. Not, not … Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it's my last. Not the game, but we're talking about particles, man. I mean, how silly is that? … And we talking about particles. I know I supposed to be there. I know I'm supposed to lead by example... I know that... And I'm not.. I'm not shoving it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I do. I honestly do... But we're talking about particles man. What are we talking about? Particles? We're talking about particles, man. [laughter from the media crowd] We're talking about particles. We're talking about particles. We ain't talking about the game. [more laughter] We're talking about particles, man. When you come to the arena, and you see me play, you see me play don't you? You've seen me give everything I've got, right? But we're talking about particles right now. We talking about pr... [Interrupted].

    Reporter: But it's an issue that your coach continues to raise?

    Tburg: Man look, I hear you... it's funny to me too, I mean it's strange... it's strange to me too, but we're talking about particles man, we're not even talking about the game... the actual game, when it matters... We're talking about particles …

    Holy cow man you need a game. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Pete Catan's Ghost said:


    Ah memories. After the 84 cup, I crawled into a kids snow igloo for a snooze. Fortunately it was a very small fort, so 75% of my body stuck out and I was easily found by friends. 

    At the Vancouver cup where Greg Battle scored I ran onto the field which I had never done before and never will again. The goal posts came down and I wouldn't want to be the guy who caught them. As an aside that pressurised dome must have been odd to play in. I felt off as a spectator.

  9. 16 minutes ago, do or die said:

    Just look for the fancy mural.   Was in that place many, many moons ago, one nite......assume there have been improvements made since then......

    I don't think it is a hotel for quite a while. It was converted to a rehab type of place. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    I had honestly thought about starting a new thread on "who is the scapegoat this year?" and debated the good taste of it, but given the history of this forum I think the topic is ripe for debate. And great moniker for the award!  Who will join the previous luminaries who have won, like Dave Donaldson, Kito Poblah, Kerwin Bell, Brock Ralph, Sean Salisbury, Doug Brown (write-in candidate from Nasty Nate), Kevin Glenn, Kamau Peterson, and Hall of Fame member Troy Westwood?

    Coaches exempt from consideration, since every one of them since Bud Grant, save for Mike Riley, is an automatic target no matter what. 

    This year's contenders:

    Matt Nichols - the starting QB in Winnipeg is always going to be on the short list until they win a Cup or break a yardage record. Almost should be a separate category for them like coaches. Just a reminder, Streveler is 1-3 as a starter, Nichols is 30-14.

    Hecht - hilarious that the guy he replaced in Loffler (a 3-time CFL all-star mind you) got trashed fairly regularly when he played here the last couple of seasons for not being able to cover, and yet we've downgraded? Maybe safety just isn't that important a position if a scrub like Loffler can be so inconsistent and lousy yet still be the best in the league.

    Nic Demski - Just a gut feeling here. Had a couple of big games last year where he looked like a future star, but also some inconsistency and trouble securing the ball at times. With Dressler gone fans may expect the local kid (who had never come close to 500 receiving yards before last season) to step up, and if he doesn't come close to 1000 they may turn. I think Wolitarsky will get more of a pass than him for the time being.

    Michael Couture - If the o-line struggles, people will look to the replacements for Goosen and Cheung for the scapegoat, and I think as the rookie Grey will get more of a pass. Maybe Neufeld if he stays hurt or comes back playing worse because of an undisclosed injury.

    Kyrie Wilson - AKAChip write-in candidate.

    Any others?


    Where is Sam Hurl? His W was bulls eye around these parts. He was always in the tumble of bodies at the line and almost never figured in the stat lines. Honestly if the D line gets the kind of pressure that Jeffrerson and Jeffcoat could theoretically generate, Hecht might end up being an interception leader. 

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