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  2. No one has ever said anything negative about Lapo on TV. It's Lapo the Coach that people rightfully dislike.
  3. You’re right. Plop was limited as an oc, but is excellent on tv. I’d love to see him talk cfl offence each week in a show with blm.
  4. Warning before reading: The following opinion may not be a popular one here. When it comes to best media segments and analysis that I've seen in recent memory, I have 2 give Lapo's coach's playbook as something I both thoroughly enjoyed and thought he broke down extremely well so even the average fan could understand. There I brought his name up, I am prepared for the hate on to begin.
  5. We might have a silly looking DL for this game. Surprised they didn't keep a Canadian LB/DB type around.
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  8. This would be like Angelo Mosca vs Joe Kapp all over again. 😂
  9. Hell yeah, love the super dogs. Only halftime show I’ll stay in my seat for.
  10. I’m hoping for the best rn. But in case it doesn’t work out dibs on Sam.
  11. I look forward to debating the roster with everybody tomorrow.
  12. It seems like the marketing is always trying to push the non-fan into a social/casual fan. There's really very little attention paid to converting a casual fan to a dedicated fan by the league, team or national/local broadcasters. I assume there a lot more financial motivation to gaining casual fans, but it seems to leave a lot of people left wanting more depth. TSN simply chooses a storyline and tries to constantly (annoyingly) highlight it throughout the game, even when the flow of the game doesn't fit their chosen narrative. I assume some of that is just trying to retain the attention of the casual fan and force a storyline rather than letting the game tell a more dynamic story. I wouldn't expect a current coach to sit down and discuss anything from the current season. Having a retired player/coach do something more in depth, especially with video would be great. Could be produced by teams, league or even PA. They could even just provide general insights and use clips from current/previous seasons to give examples. My ultimate dream would be an expansion of something like CFL Plus where old games can be streamed and some original content could be produced. Surely there would be some fans willing to pay for streaming access to older games or even just to replay earlier games from the season. I'd think that would be a decent avenue for hooking casual fans into getting more in depth and giving serious fans some extra incentive to shell out some extra money.
  13. who had is real life daughter being cast....and a Back To You reunion on their season 2 bingo card https://tvline.com/casting-news/frasier-season-2-cast-patricia-heaton-kelsey-grammer-reunion-1235253880/
  14. SpeedFlex fights Ambroise. Oh and Titus Wall come on down to Winnipeg
  15. Easily one of the most talented vocalists of that era. Especially in the pop range. That Christmas tune though gaaaaaag
  16. Not to be captain mysogonist, but no qualms from me about SEEING Mariah.. especially back in the day. Whew.
  17. That’s a great book, the other belichecks book on scouting is really good for that too. At the least pre game half time and post game of the feature game of the week should have it.
  18. Last year before a Friday night back to back Matty and lapo did a good break down of some game film based on what the offense would look to do and what the D would do to try and counter it. Was a great bit but really rarely happens. The pre game is usually rushed and mindless babble from the panel. Marty is exciting/excited in the booth. Which I prefer to some of the guys we see. But he doesn’t have much interesting to say in those cases. Even on the panel his best is the start where he’s prepped what he will say. Quick Matt isn’t the best Matt.
  19. ok u guys got me! haha I will admit that I have seen Mariah Carey more than a few times as I knew one of her drummers when I was living in San Fran area...so got free tickets all the time hahaha.....don't judge me
  20. I dont think any commentator has actually educated a viewing fan in ages on TSN...Dunnigan actually when doing color will say things that will make the average fan go hmmm...interesting....even little snippets would be fine saying and showing how when a team sends a certain guy into motion....that the QB as well as the secondary recievig targets will recognize who moves with that guy tipping off coverage , and then where to attack, or modify their route/read.., or when guys in waggle/motion forward jam the breaks on...and reset....looking like they are out of sync...even a few commentators have said..."oh....Bombers...or whomever almost went off side there"....when in fact its designed to again get defense to undisguise what they are doing... so many little things that are not even talked about, lf explained would really give a viewer, and fan a better understanding of whats going on
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