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    coach17 reacted to GCJenks in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    I agree CM is not my fave. Sailor Jerry or Kraken are the go to’s in this house. Pro-tip, Kraken with President’s Choice Chocolate Eggnog is incredible. 
  2. Go Bombers
    coach17 reacted to Booch in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    it's time!
  3. Like
    coach17 reacted to O2L in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    Getting ready to hop in the car and drive down the QEW! First time back in Canada in over a year and it’ll be worth it. I wasn’t the only Bomber fan on the flight up either!!
  4. Like
    coach17 reacted to Stickem in More On Jim Van Pelt   
    He came to the Bombers as almost an afterthought and did a helluva job in taking the no 1 pivot job away from Kenny.....He was just too good to have him anything else on the club.....Great passer and very savvy ...If it wasn't for a classless dirty hit out of bounds by Rollie Miles of the Esks, we could have seen the emergence of one of the best qbs. ever to grace this league....
  5. Go Bombers
    coach17 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    It's all good.  I'm deep into the CR, watching the 1984 Grey Cup, then going to watch some F1 in Vegas.  Tomorrow I want to watch the Bombers give the Alouettes an old fashioned arse kicking.  I remember back in the 80's when the Al's came to town with Vince Ferragamo et al and the Bombers just pounded them.  I want that level of poundage once again.  Cody Fajardo is a third-string bum.  And tomorrow he's going to prove it.
    EDIT - I always forget in 1984 that we were down 14-0 when John Hufnagel came in for Clements, and the whole game changed.  We never looked back after Huffer came in and calmed everyone down.
  6. Haha
    coach17 reacted to Super Duper Negatron in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    Jackson pulls off his mask to reveal Miller underneath, Scooby Doo style. Booch's head explodes.
  7. Go Bombers
    coach17 reacted to WinnipegGordo in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
  8. Like
    coach17 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    basement apartment with no indoor plumbing...can't blame the wife for taking a pass lol....in 2011 TW and I bought tickets Grey Cup week and headed down on the Saturday, got a hotel room last minute in downtown Vancouver, then walked to Elephant & Castle in the pouring rain.  Got to Bomber House and just set up shop for eight hours while we dried out from being totally soaking wet.  Then headed down to the Convention center and ran around until 3 in the morning.  Good times.  Saw Pinball sitting only one section away from us at the game, did NOT get a selfie, will not make that mistake again.
    While we were checking in to our hotel the McMaster Marauders came walking in (they were staying at the same hotel) with the Vanier Cup they had just won the day before, and set the Vanier down in the lobby, and JUST LEFT IT THERE.  I looked over at Tacklewasher and said "should we just walk off with this thing and see if anyone notices"?  LOL
  9. Like
    coach17 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    The 2011 Cup was special because the Bombers were in it, and in those meagre sad days Bomber cup appearances were few and far between.  Also got to hang out with Bluto which was fun as well.  Most of the events are down in the Convention Center so very central, though all of the CFL team houses were in bars all over downtown.  Winnipeg's bar was the Elephant & Castle in 2011, not sure where it was in 2014 as I was there but with the inlaws so not really allowed to go party like I did in 2011.
  10. Like
    coach17 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    Seriously looking at going next year for Vancouver.  Hope the Blue are in it but if I'm going I'm going to get tickets well in advance.  Still remember 2011 when BC got into the Cup and suddenly all of the bandwagon jumpers from BC decided to become Lions fans for one game.  Never to be seen again.
  11. Like
    coach17 reacted to kelownabomberfan in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    only home brew we get out here in BC is CR, and THAT will be tomorrow....and probably tonight as well who am I kidding....
  12. Like
    coach17 reacted to Wideleft in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    Willie J so good in all the interview packages during Grey Cup Saturday. Dieter Brock was long my favourite Bomber, but if anyone can carry the weight of #5, it’s Willie. 
  13. Like
    coach17 reacted to Booch in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    I have seen Schoen moving about quite well this week too...so ....
  14. Like
    coach17 reacted to SpeedFlex27 in More On Jim Van Pelt   
    Yeah, I had cropped it to get rid of the ugly brown borders as well as enlarged it so it could be read but it wouldn't upload here. If van pelt had stayed healthy & not have been drafted then we'd have been talking about Ken Ploen as an all time cornerback rather than a qb. Things happen for a reason, I guess. Yet, he's virtually forgotten today. 
  15. Like
    coach17 reacted to Jpan85 in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    My guy Chris Randle #RandleIsland. Wore his jersey out tonight.
  16. Like
    coach17 reacted to wbbfan in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    100%. Such a beast. 
  17. Like
    coach17 reacted to Mark H. in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
  18. Like
    coach17 reacted to Wideleft in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    Rod Hill, Less Browne too. 
  19. Like
    coach17 reacted to Booch in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    Hill was great too....Stick tho just brought everything....those 2...Roy Bennet and James Jefferson...4 the best ever to suit em up in my time.....Randle would be right there with them 
  20. Like
    coach17 reacted to Jesse in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    While Hefney was the perfect tweener, made for the CFL, guy.
  21. Like
    coach17 reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Blue Bombers - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    Rod Hill says hello.
  22. Like
    coach17 reacted to TrueBlue4ever in CFL - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    How does one train to make the interviewee feel more relaxed and open to telling a good story? What I mean is how much is on the interviewer’s skill and how much is simply having a good person on the other end to answer those questions? And how does the interviewer make the interviewee better? 
    By the way, just want to say that I’m really liking the organic way this topic about broadcasting came about in this thread and the points made by many, and especially the insights of those in the know. Really fascinating talk. Great discussion all around gents (and ladies). 
  23. Like
    coach17 reacted to SpeedFlex27 in CFL - 2023 Regular Season - Discussion Thread   
    If I was Steinhauer, I'd show BLM the door along with Schilz & sign a healthy MBT & keep the kid Taylor Powell as backup. Sign a young qb to learn behind them. Bo should be in broadcasting with TSN like LaPo is & hopefully stays. I was watching LaPo today on TSN's coverage of events leading up to tomorrow's game. He's relaxed & engaged. Knows his stuff. He's better than some of the panelists. LaPo has become a star & if TSN wants to keep him then they better pay him. He looks excited to be there & seems happy to be away from the pressures of being a head coach. 
  24. Thanks
    coach17 reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    No one asks hard questions anymore out of fear they'll lose their press credentials. The days of the media holding the HC & GM's feet to the fire is over.
    There are no more Jack Matheson's Don Blanchard's or John Robertson's. They were as smart as the team manager as they'd all covered the Bombers for at least 30 years. Matheson back into the early 50's for the old Winnipeg Tribune. If they wanted to, they could make life miserable for any GM & HC duo if they got on their bad side.
    Then on the radio side was Jack Wells who also was hard to fool. Although, he generally had a good relationship with Lunsford & any of the coaches he hired. Being on radio, he could only really give sound bites & not go into anything in great detail. The same in local TV with Don Wittman, Bob Picken & Stew McPherson. Thyey only had maybe 3 or 4 minutes to tell a story about the Bombers before having to move on to other subjects in an 8-10 minute sprtscast.
    They all had insider CFL contacts in every city & more importantly were never intimidated by guys like GM Earl Lunsford or any of the many head coaches he hired at the time. And there were a few. If there were tough questions to ask then they all did it.
    The only head coach that I remember Jack Matheson & the rest of the media holding in high esteem was Bud Grant after he left. I do remember that Grant was pretty close with most of them. I know Bud shared more than a few drinks after hours with those guys & some of them were his good friends. 
    Bud Riley never got along with the local media very much. It was always frosty as he never never trusted them. That changed when Ray Jauch was hired. He knew most of them from his time as a player with the Bombers & he won a GC as a Head Coach in Edmonton. When Matheson smelled a story, he was relentless uncovering it. Guys like Earl Lunsford had to treat the media with respect even if he didn't like them. It made for some great reading in both newspapers.
    Times are certainly different today. It would be interesting to see the relationship those old media types would have with Mike O'Shea today as he keeps a lot of things close to the vest. I think they'd have a hard time getting info from their sources as the league has closed ranks in a lot of ways to the media. Things aren't as open as they used to be. 
  25. Go Bombers
    coach17 reacted to O2L in Grey Cup - Game Week Thread   
    I’m flying in from sunny Los Angeles to the frigid north tomorrow! It’ll be my first Bomber game live since the 2021 Grey Cup despite still having season tickets so I fully plan on losing my voice!
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