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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Is this an average of starting field position over the course of the game?
  2. I think everyone got equally stressed with MOS on the expiring contract; but then when it was time, he re-upped for 3 years. It is just how our operation works. Right now, there are more important things to do. When it is time, Kyle will sign his deal, which is probably already sitting on his "to-do" pile. I can't see anyone leaving before the Grey Cup year. At that point, everyone might stop and re-evaluate and make some decisions. But not now.
  3. I can see that. The Jets started to make some small moves last year that caught my eye. Cheap seat nights, craft beer corner. The PLD trade and recent extensions are intriguing. I'm more invested pre-season than another other time over the past couple of years.
  4. The lower bowl still holds over 31k. The place is just too massive.
  5. I 100% agree with sitting Schoen if they felt it warranted. The man fights through all injury, but let's not lose him at this point of the year, please.
  6. He's a radio personality. It's literally his job (or was).
  7. 165k is the absolute max I could see (and that's if Brady wants to take us for all we're worth).
  8. Yeah, I didn’t see that as a late hit at all.
  9. Buck is underutilizing Brady, imo. We could have prevented a whole lot of hand-wringing mistakes from this game had we just fed him the ball and taken our god-given points.
  10. Zach’s looked ok except for the int. We have still been a second half team for much of the year. I think we’re ok.
  11. And if you’re going to immediately look for that shot, can you have a crossing route at a lower depth to retreat to when the primary is double covered??
  12. Like Matthew just said, we’re gifting them yardage on a couple of penalties.
  13. Do Canadian universities have marching bands? I’ve never seen one.
  14. And that might be on the DLine. We don't seem to causing nearly the disruption in the backfield that we used to.
  15. Sheer adrenaline from all of the touchdowns we're going to score.
  16. And yet they're trotting out a hobbled AJ Ouellette who clearly needs to be on the training table. Both need to be thinking retirement. All good guys have moved on or died (RIP Shultzy), but we're left with the crappy old timers who just wont move on.
  17. I always imagine it as Ron Howard doing the Arrested Development narration.
  18. I think, at his best, he was making impactful plays. You could honestly tell me he hasn't played a game this year and I'd believe you.
  19. He does lead the league in interceptions, you know.
  20. He has said that they try to make incremental changes so they're not forced to do it all at once. He also specifically stated that this group went 15-3 and deserved to "run it back". That said, there are any number of reasons why we may have to make more changes than normal next season. Some things are out of Walters' hands, after all.
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