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Posts posted by Tehedra

  1. Yeah but he was forcing those balls because the D had given up TD after TD of run games; I also remember that Washington bobbled the ball into rider hands for a TD.  Sure there was an interception near the end but I don't think that forced play would have happened if Washington didn't bobble that ball directly into rider hands at the beginning of the game.  Was it beginning of the game or just after half time I think it was like almost the first or second play of the game.

  2. I agree Tuscaloosa kept it entertaining; at least he brought up topics to discuss even if he did seem to be troll baiting a bit or seemed to have an error in his understandings.  We are not all super smart when it comes to football; like me I probably know the least about foot ball then everyone here but I still like to come on and chat about what's going on with the bombers ever once in awhile :D

  3. Expectation... Make the playoffs and be competitive when we get there.


    Same, make the playoffs and be competitive!  I would love it if we won the Grey Cup but would also be happy that I am not shamed to wear my football gear around work.  "Surrounded by Sask, Esk and Stamp fans"

  4. I was concerned that we gave up a first round draft pick originally but I am not as concerned now that I have heard that three or possible even four teams all offered first round draft picks.  That means that multiple teams and scouts and GM's felt this guy was worth a first round pick next year and were willing to put it out there like the Bombers did.  It's great that we have him hopefully all those GM's were right and he ends up being a starting Canadian for us!


    Could we be looking at starting 8 or even 9 Canadians this season? It seems like we keep adding more and more Canadians I thought I heard earlier in the off season that they might intend on starting 8

  5. Perhaps the tweet was a typo it was within minutes that it was withdrawn, it isn't like their phones started ringing of the hook instantly from a tweet and I doubt they were like let's put this out and read some discussion boards to gauge the reaction.  More then likely it was errenuous and that was that


    As others have said this has been blown way out of proportion by many of us here


    The sad thing is so many people were surprised that the NDP won in Alberta because they figured hey if I vote Wild Rose instead of PC that the Wild Rose party will win.  What happened is the two conservative parties (Wild Rose/PC) split the vote almost down the middle leading to an NDP majority.  Sadly NDP only got 41% of the popular vote and only won many of the ridings it won because Wild Rose took so many votes away from the PC party in the first place.


    I know I'm very scared of having the NDP party leading the province in which I reside, I know I'll be taxed more to support those single parents with children whom have those children because they couldn't bother to use protection and seldom work full time jobs enjoying government subsidization now they'll get even more subsidy while I will be making less.  The scarier part is even though I am not in the oil and gas industry, where I live everything depends on the oil and gas industry.  Having the projects shut down and seeing people move out of town means my rental properties are going to be harder to make money on, land value is going to go down.  Minimum wage will go up but top end wages will fall down as less jobs will be available.


    There are a lot of other things that scare me with the NDP I hope to hell we can make it through these next four years.

    LOL! Wow....just wow...




    I'm sure you don't agree with the statement.  But I know many people who are on subsidy probably more than the average knows; and 85% of those that I know on subsidy choose the lifestyle they live and chose to not use protection to be single moms.   They work for a month or two then find a reason not to work; the government pays for them to get education, pays them to cover their rent, pays for them to buy groceries and yet they are always broke because at any one point doing the day you can show up at their house and find empty beers littering the front porch or kitchen table.   Yes I am sure there are the 15% of those whom are on subsidy because they were in an abusive relationship; or had some other criminal injustices performed to them but that is a small minority compared to those whom are taking advantage of the system. 


    Then there are those who are single because they got divorced; they get to live in low in come housing; go on trips to mexico and the states at least once a year while the middle class income makers like myself get to work every day to pay for them to live those life styles. 

    This is only one of the reasons why I dislike social governments like NDP.  Other reasons are those whom take advantage of the EI systems in those provinces that give them 75% of their wages; come up to Alberta and work on jobs like gravel and road crews; they make 60-70k during the summer months then go back home "out of work" during the winter months and get to collect EI.  Meanwhile the middle class person making between 35k to 70k that works all year round on a full time job gets to subsidize that EI income of the person making the same wage. 


  7. I may be indifferent but who the hell cares what his beliefs are?  Me being from Canada enjoy having my right to free speech and own beliefs, if I want to believe that landing on the moon say was a conspiracy then I should be able too.  The same goes for any person in Canada.  He isn't expressing hatred himself all he was doing was posting a video to which he may find interesting, or he may agree.  He isn't expressing hatred towards someone else though, it isn't like the video or movie or documentary is illegal in Canada.  So I just don't myself understand why he should be fined, and why so many people should be up in arms regarding his own personal twitter account in which he is expressing his own personal opinions and believes.  I didn't believe we lived in a dictatorship society where freedom of speech is not allowed. 


    If you want a football player gone it should be purely based on them being football players and being shitty as a football player, or someone who takes too many penalties.  But what they do in they personal time outside of work life that is "legal" shouldn't concern us.  If he was caught selling Cocaine, or using steroids or something in the matter which is illegal or affects his ability to play football that is something completely different.

  8. Yeah there is an interesting thread on riderfans I've been following that has been going on about this sale now for a couple months.  Rodgers are being assholes about things and the TFC community has been poor about the whole thing as well.  Lot's of good information though, like the fact that BMO itself was originally intended to be for soccer and football.  The stadium is actually owned by the government but MLSE has some kind of management rights to it. Rodgers seems to be upset that the Bombers don't want to pay rent anymore to them at the diamonds but at the same time wanted them gone from there too.  It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and then the news that Tim Burke is retiring just means things will be even worse in Toronto.  I really hope things work out because I feel the CFL needs that team.

  9. The sad thing is so many people were surprised that the NDP won in Alberta because they figured hey if I vote Wild Rose instead of PC that the Wild Rose party will win.  What happened is the two conservative parties (Wild Rose/PC) split the vote almost down the middle leading to an NDP majority.  Sadly NDP only got 41% of the popular vote and only won many of the ridings it won because Wild Rose took so many votes away from the PC party in the first place.


    I know I'm very scared of having the NDP party leading the province in which I reside, I know I'll be taxed more to support those single parents with children whom have those children because they couldn't bother to use protection and seldom work full time jobs enjoying government subsidization now they'll get even more subsidy while I will be making less.  The scarier part is even though I am not in the oil and gas industry, where I live everything depends on the oil and gas industry.  Having the projects shut down and seeing people move out of town means my rental properties are going to be harder to make money on, land value is going to go down.  Minimum wage will go up but top end wages will fall down as less jobs will be available.


    There are a lot of other things that scare me with the NDP I hope to hell we can make it through these next four years.

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