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Posts posted by Tehedra

  1. I'll be driving into Edmonton on the 25th myself; I am in section S and I can tell you that it is very very hot there when the sun is out.  Make sure you are well hydrated.  Drinks are expensive at the game but it seems to usually be a fun atmosphere.  I usually go to the Tilted Kilt for my pre-game although last game the park and ride that is normally right there wasn't active.  I am hoping on the 25th it is because it lets you have a couple wobbly pops right before hand, where the ladies are gorgeous and then walk out the door and hop on the bus for the park and ride.


    All the park and rides are free with a game day ticket; and bussing is free 2 hours before and 2 hours after the game with a game day ticket. 


    I'll be watching for bomber jerseys so show up wearing yours! :D

  2. How can anyone expect a ref to decide if a penalty is going to affect the play in real time?  They can't even get the calls right all the time, even with replays and coaches challenges.  I certainly don't want them trying to decide if this hold or that hold is going to affect the play.  The simplest of concepts are the best when it comes to reffing.  Be consistent and call it the same way for both teams.  If players don't want to be called for holding. Don't hold.  What makes it OK to cheat if it doesn't affect the play anyway?


    Before I get the 'you said something different about unsportsman conduct penalties'...  I think that those should be completely eliminated from flags.  I don't believe there should be any penalty for miming a flag or tapping your facemask or complaining about a penalty or lack thereof any more than their should be one for celebrating a great play or a TD.  I draw the line in unsportsmanlike conduct to getting into the face of another player or ref.


    Agreed with this philosophy, like the issue I have are receivers are still pushing off of defenders and impeding or changing the direction of their movement without getting illegal contact calls.  I'll be  more satisfied with the rules if the receivers were also being called.

  3. Good post TBurgess; I at the moment believe that Willy was not concussed but at the same time agree it is not black nor white; there is an in between but I am also not a doctor so would trust those whom were closest to the issue to what they say; but agree that they are not perfect and could be wrong.


    We have also seen a lot of swing on both this forum and the other about if he was concussed or if he wasn't and the freisen post;  friesen this time did at least post both sides of the argument even though he normally seems like an air head

  4. I don't the quarterback thing is really a problem that ails us it seems to be more of a fluke thing this year; and many of the injuries are just bodies that were injured coming back into the game.  The issue is really the game play itself; the way Illegal Contact is called, how many times did anyone see a receiver get called for "pushing" off of the defender?  I didn't see it called once yet I seen it happen many times, but at the same time how many times were defenders called for Illegal Contact? 


    I think the new rules gimps the defense so much; people called it mugging the receivers.  I actually thought our receivers already had it easy because they had so much more field to run in.  The defenses are being forced to turn into a BLITZ type defense where they purely go after the quarterback.  It worked against us and I'm sure as teams pick up we will see more and more blitzing packages created as I'm sure that's just going to be the way for it to go.  The little hand fighting that receivers and defenders already did was why we needed different types of receivers and gave a little bit more interesting aspect to the game. 

  5. Yeah it is disappointing; the solid fans are into the hard nosed defensive side of the CFL but the target market that the CFL is going for is into high scoring games.  The higher the scoring the better the game is to a lot of those casual fans whom only go to be able to cheer every time a touch down is scored.  For some of us like myself I feel it has ruined the game because that wasn't what the CFL was about

  6. For once I agree with the Power Rankings they look fairly accurate; though I don't feel Calgary is as much a power house as it was.  Hamilton definitely has to be second if they aren't first since Calgary barely won that game  with a last second fg that could have went either way.  I'm not entirely sure if I would put Toronto ahead of Winnipeg but I guess we will determine that when Winnipeg and Toronto match up against each other.

  7. The thing we have to remember is Hamilton has Banks and he seems to be a great returning/RB?  I know he was running very well against Calgary so he could be scary come Thursday.  I don't remember if Hamilton suffered any Injuries in the Calgary game.  Looks like us and them were the only two teams that didn't suffer a lot during week 1 due to injuries

  8. When did Moore get injured?  I don't remember him being injured I hope he doesn't get the injury bug like last year.  Anyways now that we have that out of the way what else is going on!? How is Addison looking, does the OLINE look like it is gelling well.  Let's get some reports from the secret TC society :D

  9. I enjoy the rogue because it creates more excitement that it forces teams to try to attempt to return the ball instead of just ending the play right away.  They have the option give up one point or put the ball into play.  How often have we got the excitement of seeing an awesome return for a TD after what would have been a rogue was kicked.  Do we think those returns would still happen if the team wasn't forced to put the ball into play?

  10. First off let me say I was wrong.  I didn't think there was a snowball's hope in hell we'd win a game with that roster, but we did.  I know I'm the only poster around here who thought a win was important and I very happy to see we got one.


    Yes Mike... I would have left Anderson at home and I would have missed a great return that probably won the game for us.  No Mike... I still don't think you give everyone a shot just because one player managed a great play.  I'd still have prefered to see more reps from 3 RB's and 1 FB to get Westerman, Randel and Moore into the game for a quarter.


    My take on the game:




    Willy - No stream, so I can't comment

    Brohm - Looked like he knew where he wanted to go, but the passess were inaccurate.

    Marve - Mixed bag.  Some good throws, yes even from the pocket, some bad throws, yes even from the scramble.  Used his legs to get a first down and a TD and threw a nice TD pass (From the pocket).  I'd move him to #2 next week to see what he can do against better competition. 

    Portis - Runs well, but a very long way from being a good QB




    Cotton - Worst of the bunch last night

    Rest didn't impress me, except for Anderson's punt return.


    O Line


    Gave up some serious pressures and didn't block that well for the run, but way better than I thought they'd be.  It wasn't until Griffiths and Everett were in that they looked really bad.




    Liked what I saw from Tuinei and Clemons.  Gordon and Adams after the TC hype were a let downs.


    D line


    Not enough pressure most of the time.  No one stood out.




    Allen looked good he made a great stop at the 1, sniffed out a screen play perfectly and a sack.  Still, 4th quarter means playing against the other teams fringe players.

    Burnett made a couple of plays too.




    Another unit that did better than I expected.  Hall played himself off of the team IMHO.  41 - Jones would have too except for his passport.  4 PI's?  Good or bad under the new rules?  


    Excellent post TBURGESS, thanks for the insight and I agree with many of your assessments.

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