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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. Pierre Lavertu - likely returns to Laval for another season David Foucault - currently making his rounds through the NFL Regional Combines. Other OL options: Mattias Goosen - can play C or G at the CFL level. Can't return to school so he's available for rookie camp in May. Aaron Picton - experience playing RT but likely a RG in the CFL Adam Hughes - to take him second overall is a big reach but could be a consideration later as a 6'5" LG that could play the right side too. Luckily we don't have a recent history of doing that
  2. I hope the team lasts for a long time, I wanna see a 10 team league soon... maybe even 12 in the next 10-15 years would be great... As far as how long Desjardins will last... that's a different story... it would have to be a colossal disaster for him get fired this year but you never know...
  3. I agree... but that's not the point I was making
  4. What round do you think Urchel will fall, 2nd round? 3rd round? Are you talking about Penn State's John Urschel?? I would be very surprised if he was ever in the CFL... I'm assuming this has been covered but does he even qualify for NI status?
  5. A little too pricey for me... Suber can still be a key cog in our secondary for a few years
  6. cuz it would be great to have a reliable NI starting safety! I just want a good football team, don't care about vengeance on the fan forums
  7. I believe he's also on the last year of his contract (I could be wrong about that) so he'll wanna start and play well so he can cash in on his next contract
  8. This deal will get done... It would be nice to see a little more money go in these players pockets... that's what I respect about the CFL, it's the "Blue Collar" pro sports league.... these guys work hard but they don't make much more than the average professional that works just as hard
  9. I've always thought he had the mental part of the game down.... he reads defenses better than most rookies, he knows how to run an offense, he has a quick release and can find the open receivers.... but his physical attributes are lacking, not a great arm, and almost zero ability to scramble... I think Mike sums it up nicely, he could turn out to be a very capable backup but never really a reliable starter
  10. I have no problem with this.... give him his shot and if he doesn't make it hopefully he remembers who treated him right... I have to give Barker the benefit of the doubt, he's proven he knows what he's doing
  11. Doug Brown basically just states what everyone already knows.... of course this applies to all QBs, I bet Max Hall would be a pretty decent starter playing for Calgary too.... And I haven't heard one single person say that matching the ridiculous price Desjardins set is a good idea.... other than the anti-Glenn contingent, it seems the general consensus is if we can get him for cheap and he accepts the role on the team's terms he would be an excellent addition to the team... otherwise not worth it
  12. This is the most ridiculous and over-used cliché to describe a QB.... has there ever been a QB in football history that likes getting hit and plays better when he's getting beat up?
  13. by just browsing the comments on TSN it seems most of the country is in agreement that Desjardins is way out of it here.... it's not just the fan bases that want him overreacting
  14. I'd be reluctant to give up a quality neg list guy... neither could end up playing in the league but it could also come back to haunt us if we give up the wrong one...
  15. I think she was wearing a clip-in mic so he was just looking in the direction of the mic....
  16. 1 - Looks like pretty good hands with an Arena sized ball - hopefully going to the bigger CFL ball won't be a problem 2 - Looks like he won't have any trouble with plays that require him to waggle... nor fighting through a DB coming off of the waggle 3 - I'm concerned that he is too used to playing against DB's who are hopelessly outmatched by him on a size basis... He won't have as easy a fight to get those balls in the CFL 1. Is the arena ball same size as the NFL? 2. good call, looks like he was the guy in motion on a lot of plays 3. How many CFL DBs are that much over 6'? I think he will still have size mismatches...
  17. Fixed that for you. Thanks Huh? Explain. The OP said he signed with NE... he actually signed with Indy
  18. He probably knows the only place where he has a shot to compete for the starters job is here.... on every other team interested he's the vet backup/injury replacement.... BC (Lulay), Sask (Durant), Edm (Reilly), Mtl (Smith), Ott (Burris).... there's no way he supplants any of those guys...
  19. I can't even listen to the call-in portion on CJOB.... I usually think "who are these people and have they ever watched football before?"
  20. Sounds like either the first and second sentence are related or the second and third sentence are related... I would guess he was on IR twice....so yes, just poor writing
  21. On principle alone I refuse to ever spell it all caps.... Redblacks is the best they're getting from me, maybe RedBlacks if I'm in a good mood
  22. I think the ideal scenario would be to see him move to QB coach, then OC and maybe HC some time down the road.... obviously this is completely speculative, he's pretty green in the coaching ranks
  23. I'm not a big fan of Lawless' opinion pieces, or him being the Winnipeg rep on TSN, but he is fairly connected and has some good info here and there
  24. I wasn't sold on KG when the off-season started but I'm starting to change my mind a bit.... I think if they come into camp and battle for the #1 then either Glenn is the better QB and it gives Willy more time to develop or Willy is the better QB and then we have the best back-up in the league.... sounds like a win/win.... many people are over-complicating this
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