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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. I've always felt that Willy is an underrated runner... sure he's not a natural scrambler, but he moves well when he has to... I wish we would design a few more plays that get him moving outside the pocket and give him the opportunity to make some plays... who's job is that again?
  2. Maybe the rational posters to a degree yes.. But there is ample reasons listed as to why this is.. I'll reinerate again tho.. -marve hurt -brohm is more experienced -brohm is more of a pocket passer These are the 3 that stand out to me as why brohm is ahead of marve at this point.. - when Marve was not hurt....Marve was outperforming Brohm. Once again, I'm going to ask the question, when? When has Marve outperformed Brohm? In practice? In preseason? It's comments like this that make me want to lose it on people. Practice and preseason mean almost nothing. Again, I'm not saying Brohm doesn't suck, or that I don't want Marve to play. I want Marve to play, and I hope he succeeds. But we haven't seen anything from him to say he is better then Brohm yet. The rest of your comments I agree with. Last season?
  3. the "bad" NFL teams are the ones most looking to improve talent... the "good" ones already have established starters, typically have groomed back-ups, and draft well... There's a reason Green Bay and New England are perennial favourites...
  4. That second and 3 play, where Edmonton stacked the box, and Willy handed off to Cotton for a two yard loss, just had me screaming at the TV. Everyone knew a hand-off was coming, and yet MB just made Willy do it anyway. Same with the hand-off to Marshall on the 3 yard line. Brohm should have had AT&T on his helmet, he was telegraphing that play so much. I do hate the way we run the ball. Where's the sweeps? Counters? Off tackle runs. Seems like shot gun formation run up the middle every time. No imagination. No variation. That falls on the coaching staff. Our left tackle was embarrassing and our centre was constantly shoved backwards without any resistance.. But yup, we shoulda been running off tackle for losses. Seems wise. You thought Bryant was embarrassing. Not what I was watching. Our OL had an overall poor game, but they are infinitely better than last year's line. I expected better run blocking than what we are getting though. I think *hope* he meant RT... Devin Tyler... then I would agree...
  5. Much better IMO. Westerman is showing why we wanted him and the interior is getting a better push with Collins in there..Makes we wonder what's up with turner? Is he playing hurt or do teams just scheme him into medocrity now? Turner is small for an interior DL. I hope the coaching staff stays with this combo and doesn't let politics, like ego, big name and contract size get in the way of who plays. I was wondering before the season why he went down to 265 or so... he usually played around 280-290... at 265 he has no chance against 310 lb interior linemen...
  6. There's always Tom Brady? And he can even play with deflated footballs. He's a system QB... not sure he would fit in MB's scheme
  7. Completely agree... I get that the offense will be a little out-of-sync when there's a QB change... but for some reason it seems to affect the D and ST too... it's a little odd
  8. we played a stellar half of football and started losing when brohm and tyler forgot how to play football.. Talking up a 0 and 5 team over "your" team... especially it being the riders... Devin Tyler was getting dominated by Willis... hopefully Jace Daniels is back soon...
  9. Seeing the Rider lose is nice consolation... but a winning Bomber team trumps anything the Riders do...
  10. Summed up my thoughts exactly... I've been willing to give MB the benefit of the doubt but more and more games go by and I watch teams run routine plays with ease that we can never execute... we seem to only have 3 plays in the book... deep ball, intermediate slant, run up the gut... I know we don't have a perfect roster... but I'm confident we have the talent to compete offensively with every team in the CFL and our offensive system isn't proving that...
  11. And the guy who is our third-string qb would really have lit it up in comparison...what was his name again...so many posters here were trashing him for some reason the last time Brohm went in and stunk it up...hmmmm.... In a sloppy, ugly game like that... Marve is exactly the kind of QB you need... reminded me a lot of the last game in Calgary last year... In the first half I was saying "good thing Nichols sucks, otherwise this could get ugly"... and it did when Edm's new backup (to Reilly) took over mid-way through the third...
  12. Can't really agree with that. The talent level in Saskatchewan is REALLY low right now. Riders have pretty much the number one offence in the league in most categories, can you explain how the talent level is low? There are 44 active members on game day. Offence is only 12 of them. Your defence is an abomination, and your STs and depth are not far behind. Hence...the talent level is low. I will agree that your starting talent on offence seems to be clicking right now, and I will even go so far as to say your defence has some talent as well but has way too many guys who are not CFL calibre being forced in due to ratio and poor recruitment. Too many scrubs to overcome.However, I earnestly believe that the D talent does not fit the scheme and that your secondary is poorly suited to the changes in the game. The Riders were a very physical secondary over the past few years and were built to be so, it just doesn't fit with the new rules. It's happening in other places too. Players that were once all star calibre secondary players but relied on physicality to do so are now being exposed. Unfortunately for the Riders...that's your entire secondary in a nutshell. Your LBs are some weak sauce, with or without Emry, and your ratio problems are forcing you to play scrubs on the DL that are creating zero push and not collapsing the pocket for Chick and Hall. Chamblin seems to be taking big time heat for this defence, and it does fall on him to find answers, but realistically Taman never put a defensive group of players on the field that is good enough. I will freely admit that your offence is playing lights out right now. It's the only reason the RIders haven't been getting completely blown out thus far. There are some deep systemic problems that are rearing there ugly heads right now, right from the GMs office on down, and the offence has been the lipstick on the pig. This gets worse before it gets better. I know...I watched this movie over and over again through the 2000's. Not to worry though, I am sure O'Day and Lapo will do their best to start a rebuild next year. There isn't anything in your post that isn't a fair statement and I generally agree. The just of my post mostly referred to Lapo being an offensive guy and our offense is pretty solid, although I imagine they will cool off a bit. At the end of the day Chamblin's biggest mistake is he refuses to adapt to the news rules and he is too stubborn to admit he can't run a effective defence, both will see him gone either during the season or at season's end. Lapolice for example only would simply hire a DC and let him run things, it seems simple but obviously it isn't because Chamblin won't do it. Just my personal opinion but I always like the head coach to be a offense guy and leave the defence/ special teams to the coordinators, things seem to work better that way and there is less meddling by the HC. The way Oshea defended Kuale last year indicates he was meddling a bit in him playing when clearly he was brutal and should have been gone. Jones clearly meddles in the EDM defence, which is fine as long as it works, which it does as they have been very good. I think it more indicated that O'Shea will not throw his players under the bus publicly... unlike a certain coach you are familiar with... but I get the frustration... it is a bit of an insult to fans to back a player that everyone can see is incompetent...
  13. I think the general consensus is... special teams was terrible AGAINST CALGARY and probably cost the game... not, our special teams is terrible all around... that was an atrocious effort...
  14. The only colour guy in all of football right now that actually does a good job of breaking down plays and giving insight is Mike Mayock... unfortunately he hasn't worked the CFL in some 20 years....
  15. I was always adamant the Bombers "signatures" were the worst... but I never really got a good look at those water-melon specials... after watching some of that Rider game, I'm starting to reconsider... Just to be clear, ours are the worst imo. But the Rider ones aren't far off. I agree... they are both horrific... at this point I'm honestly convinced Reebok did this as a social experiment to see if us prairie idiots would literally buy anything with Bomber/rider logos on it...
  16. In the OP it said Picard was sick today.Yes I know. Your point? It's not surprising that with Picard sick they would need another guy snapping the ball and that Neufeld would be that guy. What's with your snarky comments lately Jacquie? I was just stating a fact, that Neufeld was playing centre in practice. It's a notable development, even if Picard was sick. yep, Jacquie is the one being "snarky"
  17. I thought I had also read (possibly from @CFL_News) if that were the case expect Jeremy O'Day to be the GM also...
  18. I've never been able to figure out how to post gifs... can someone post step-by-step instructions? Maybe that will help get these going again... I've always loved the game day gif threads but have never been able to figure out how to contribute...
  19. I agree form a Bombers vs Stamps perspective... but having great players, especially great Canadians, is always good for the league...
  20. Actually rider fans do have some reason for optimism... they lost by 4, 2, 3, and 3... but there is also reason for pessimism... they don't appear to be getting any better... best part is they could be 4-0... but actually are 0-4
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