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Posts posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Chamblin says Hall will not be the defensive coordinator next year but has been offered a role. #riders

    — The Green Zone (@HomeOfTheFans) December 9, 2014



    Will the Bombers have any interest?  Hall has bounced around the league and typically doesn't have a very fearful D but does tend to win them games......

    In a coaching role, hasn't he just been with the Riders and Eskies? I think a change of scenery would do him/us good, i.e., Bombers.


    It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


    Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


    IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


    If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


    What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference.


    I'd rather they be working, myself.


    Impatience debatable, entitlement no.

    If one says, impatient or not "I'd like to know, I need to know, We should know now" does not mean they think they are entitled. If however one starts to say things like "Management owes me an explanation' that's another story.

  3. Quite seriously, the sense that I get from some people here is the only way they'll be happy is if daily, all of the higher-ups in the Bomber organization appear in front of a camera wailing, rolling around on the floor sobbing, occasionally yelling "IT'S ALL GONE SO HORRIBLY WRONG!!!!".  Full sackcloth and ashes biblical funeral mode.  Nothing less.


    That will give them some sense of satisfaction.


    Sitting in their offices and meeting rooms doing stuff to make the team better for next year?  Totally disrespecting the fans.

    Appreciating sarcasm myself, I think you've overused it. I also think the word entitlement gets misused on this site at times.

    This is not how I interpreted the original post, rightly or wrongly as I'm not able to be inside BigBlue's head. For some of us who have committed our lifelong loyalty to this club, feeling we are in the know, as appropriate, on the health and direction of this club is a reasonable expectation not a sense of entitlement. Where I diverge from BigBlue's original post is I believe there has been vast improvement of an inclusive approach with fans from our previous regime of Mack. You rarely ever saw Mack engage.   

  4. IF the right deal were to present itself, I would definitely trade him.  It has been mentioned previously, but for a man of that size, when the drop off happens it is going to happen quickly.  Knees and joints take that much more of a beating with the weight and size he carries.


    He is currently 29, next year is the last year of his contract and he will be 30.  Purely a guess, but I would say his drop-off starts happening around 32 – 33.  Trade him now while the team is “on the edge” sort a speak, and a shakeup is warranted.  Be nice to get a few pieces to help the forward depth and prospects to join the up and comers.  Would need at least one top 6 forward (or a younger player who could be ready to be a top 6 this year or next) and a decent prospect.  Maybe throw in a bottom 6 to bolster our depth there and send back a later draft pick.


    My biggest fear is he is going into the last year of his contract next year, and next year we are on the bubble of making the playoffs (again) at the draft deadline and Chevy doesn’t deal him because we “may” make the playoffs, then we lose him for nothing in free agency.   Someone is likely to offer him a longer term then I’d be comfortable with when he hits free agency in a couple of years.


    Now of course it is possible no one is offering the pieces Chevy would want in return, but I would have to think there is a contender who would be interested in his services.   The one issue I do see is some of the contenders may not be able to take his cap hit of 5.2M.  While not an excessive salary in this day and age, with the rumors of the cap not going up a whole lot next year, teams that would normally be interested may not have the cap space to deal for him.  If this is the case, we wouldn’t be able to deal him until the trade deadline next season.

    Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, imho, we trade Buff, we 'take from Peter, give to Paul' as the saying goes. Not to mention the fact (which you made somewhat) that most other teams are usually smart and will feel hard pressed to give up anything substantial WE NEED.   


    Being 29/30 in this league is not really the same as it was 10/15 years ago. If he is taking care of himself (which is probably a whole other discussion), another 5-7 years of productivity is not out of the question. I say re-sign, he's too much of a special player not too. I think he likes it here, just a feeling. Doesn't seem to like the limelight all that much which he can usually get here compared to other cities. 


    Buff is a guy to trade... His play will decline sharply sooner then later.

    You don't see improvement? Don't you think this club would smoke the Antropov jets? I think the tougher division really skews just how much the team has improved.

    Yes for sure.  I do see improvement.  Ive always looked at the Jets through rose-coloured glasses.  But this win one lose one has to stop.  Regardless of the division.  This is the division they play in.  They wanted to be in the West from day one.  That is the team they should have built.  I think they play better defensively. I think they are a better puck posession team.


    But all that simply equals another season with the same record.  Its not that they havent improved, its that they are still within the same general level of success.  And thats not good enough.


    Yes Dustin Byfuglien is good for on average one or so mistakes a game but he brings such a dominance to the game that is hard to replace. Not too many players in the NHL can do what he does, e.g. defense, forward, PP, PK. He'd probably play Goalie if he had to and do it well. He helps give us an identity that other teams would kill for, e.g., the Oilers.


    If it was up to me, no way do we trade him. If anything, we build around him to help him even play more to his strengths. 

  6. I like the idea of more teams, but WTF? A second Toronto team?

    I didn't want to derail any recent NHL thread, so this is the first post I could find about the Maple Leafs.

    First, it probably would be a good idea to get the Maple Leafs right before any talk about expansion. Second, I'm going to draw a comparison between the current leafs with of all people Mike Kelly. I read in the press that the Leafs didn't do the ceremonial stick raise to their fans in last nights win against Tampa Bay. Dion Phaneuff (one of the most over rated defenseman BTW) said it was no disrespect to the fans, they just wanted to change things up. Change things up?They can even screw this up. This smacks of a Mike Kelly approach where you insulate yourself, behave in the way that suggests the only thing that matters to you is your immediate team forgetting the fact that they represent and have responsibility to much more than just their team. One of Mike Kelly's significant mistakes was suggesting to fans he didn't care about them and only his team (I won't even talk about the Media, with what Kessel recently did). If this Maple Leaf team thinks this strategy of 'changing things up' includes negating their responsibility to the fan base and the media, I'm sorry to report (not really sorry) that this will not help them win.  

  7. Seems like as good an "Off Season Topic" as any.....


    Getting one of the girlfriend's jerseys (she has a couple blank ones...) stitched up for Christmas this year. 17to85 and I have been debating who to get stitched, though. She's partial to both Cory Watson and Glenn January (...something about fat bearded guys...cough...) but both of those guys have to be considered bubble players for 2015. So I thought "Well, Drew Willy has to be a safe bet..." but is he really? What if he never recovers from the mental beating he took this year, and it's Marve's team next summer??


    Maybe Denmark? Seems like one of the only safe bets....



    Anyhow, thought I'd come here for a few thoughts on the matter....

    Hoping he works out with us as he just re-signed how about '100% Cotton'?

    It's also my wife's maiden name so I'm partial to it. :-)

  8. Considering potential changes the Leos/Riders/Argos may potentually make this off season, will Walters and gang be taking advantage of their possible "restructuring"phases?


    Considering potential changes the Leos/Riders/Argos may potentually make this off season, will Walters and gang be taking advantage of their possible "restructuring"phases?

    To appease to the people/groups that count (e.g., helping to ensure the GC is well hyped), they pretty much have too, even if it's more optics than substance when it comes to 'splashes'.

  9. Why?

    As I've said about Kane before, he considers himself as his own enterprise similar to how LeBron James conducts himself. I believe everything he does both on and off the ice is purposely meant to build and promote his 'business'. For example, if being a good team player helps his business, that's what he'll do and how he will market himself. He's a lot smarter than some people give him credit for.

    The problem with that approach is LeBron James is arguably the biggest star in the NBA. Kane is a barely average NHL player.

    My guess is a lot of NHL experts would disagree with you.

  10. Why?

    As I've said about Kane before, he considers himself as his own enterprise similar to how LeBron James conducts himself. I believe everything he does both on and off the ice is purposely meant to build and promote his 'business'. For example, if being a good team player helps his business, that's what he'll do and how he will market himself. He's a lot smarter than some people give him credit for.

  11. Wouldn't this be a dream:

    @BomberJetsTalk: If Scott Milanovich *does* want out of Toronto he would become the ultimate OC candidate. I'd expect BC & WPG to push hard for his services.


    Wouldn't this be a dream:

    @BomberJetsTalk: If Scott Milanovich *does* want out of Toronto he would become the ultimate OC candidate. I'd expect BC & WPG to push hard for his services.

    When really thinking about this and not being the biggest fan of his approach/style to coaching, someone like him maybe is what the doctor ordered.

    His type of demeanor and approach to the game might inject some needed life and might actually help give our offense an actual identity that then we can continue to build on.

    If he's not available, find someone built from the same guild.





    I live and breath this team. I even went to practice today to see what was up over there for Saturday's game.

    That being said, my hopes weren't sky high for this team this year and my expectations weren't changed due to the start of the season as I watched this team for what they were.

    My expectations never waivered. I wanted a better winning record and an all in effort for every game, win or lose. I knew that the offence was going to be rough all season and we would live or die by the performance of the defence.

    This all happened.

    Was I happy with every game? Heck no. Different reasons for different games. But I was never disappointed in the effort of this team. This team with help in certain areas will break this cycle. I also know we will get to the GC with this management team and this core but I also know we need time to get there. As long as there are no panic means to get there, we will do it. I'm not living on hope, I'm living in a realistic view of what this team needs to grow and therefore don't get all pissed off when a first year team don't make the playoffs.

    I like what you're saying overall in this post, I really do. But remarkably coming from a person like me who coaches Atom football players where 100% effort and focus is everything, this statement imho is blinding some Bomber decision-makers from corrececly evaluating players and making some tough decisions. The tough reality being that regardless of 100% effort every play every down and being a loyal team member to a fault is unfortunately not good enough to guarantee a roster spot/starting position. We aren't in Atom, Peewee or Bantam anymore. When I really think about it, that's how Wade Miller was able to be a Bomber for so long . He was simply not talented enough to warrant taking up a roster spot but boy was he loyal, focussed and a hard worker. Probably why he got into private business. Now that he's leading this organization with a head coach who seems to be molded quite similarly, this color blindedness of seeing effort/loyalty as the end all be all of who deserves to be a Bomber concerns me.


    Bullshit. Wade Miller may not have been the most talented guy but there was a time when he was one of the teams best special teams players and he clearly had the talent to be a CFLer.


    Thanks for your opinion, but to use your well used quote on other people, your opinion is not based on fact. Wade Miller was not a very good football player, that's a fact. He was also the same guy who came out and said he would quit the team if a very bad coach was fired which would suggest not the best judgement of talent as well. Do love his loyalty and commitment though, misguided at times.


    "Wade Miller was not a very good football player" but good enough to get into WBB Hall of Fame


    And I congratulate him on that, well done. I'm sure he's a great guy, bleeds blue and gold like we all do but for the 11 seasons I watched the Bombers while he was playing, knowing this can be very subjective because stats don't tell the whole story and to split hairs somewhat, I would not have put him in the 'good category'. I would have put him in the 'useable category' but within very defined parameters of use, i/e., special teams, pass protection. He was like the Scott Arniel of Hockey, okay, showed flashes at times but overall just adequate.       



    I live and breath this team. I even went to practice today to see what was up over there for Saturday's game.

    That being said, my hopes weren't sky high for this team this year and my expectations weren't changed due to the start of the season as I watched this team for what they were.

    My expectations never waivered. I wanted a better winning record and an all in effort for every game, win or lose. I knew that the offence was going to be rough all season and we would live or die by the performance of the defence.

    This all happened.

    Was I happy with every game? Heck no. Different reasons for different games. But I was never disappointed in the effort of this team. This team with help in certain areas will break this cycle. I also know we will get to the GC with this management team and this core but I also know we need time to get there. As long as there are no panic means to get there, we will do it. I'm not living on hope, I'm living in a realistic view of what this team needs to grow and therefore don't get all pissed off when a first year team don't make the playoffs.

    I like what you're saying overall in this post, I really do. But remarkably coming from a person like me who coaches Atom football players where 100% effort and focus is everything, this statement imho is blinding some Bomber decision-makers from corrececly evaluating players and making some tough decisions. The tough reality being that regardless of 100% effort every play every down and being a loyal team member to a fault is unfortunately not good enough to guarantee a roster spot/starting position. We aren't in Atom, Peewee or Bantam anymore. When I really think about it, that's how Wade Miller was able to be a Bomber for so long . He was simply not talented enough to warrant taking up a roster spot but boy was he loyal, focussed and a hard worker. Probably why he got into private business. Now that he's leading this organization with a head coach who seems to be molded quite similarly, this color blindedness of seeing effort/loyalty as the end all be all of who deserves to be a Bomber concerns me.


    Bullshit. Wade Miller may not have been the most talented guy but there was a time when he was one of the teams best special teams players and he clearly had the talent to be a CFLer. 


    Thanks for your opinion, but to use your well used quote on other people, your opinion is not based on fact. Wade Miller was not a very good football player, that's a fact. He was also the same guy who came out and said he would quit the team if a very bad coach was fired which would suggest not the best judgement of talent as well. Do love his loyalty and commitment though, misguided at times.

  14. I live and breath this team. I even went to practice today to see what was up over there for Saturday's game.

    That being said, my hopes weren't sky high for this team this year and my expectations weren't changed due to the start of the season as I watched this team for what they were.

    My expectations never waivered. I wanted a better winning record and an all in effort for every game, win or lose. I knew that the offence was going to be rough all season and we would live or die by the performance of the defence.

    This all happened.

    Was I happy with every game? Heck no. Different reasons for different games. But I was never disappointed in the effort of this team. This team with help in certain areas will break this cycle. I also know we will get to the GC with this management team and this core but I also know we need time to get there. As long as there are no panic means to get there, we will do it. I'm not living on hope, I'm living in a realistic view of what this team needs to grow and therefore don't get all pissed off when a first year team don't make the playoffs.

    I like what you're saying overall in this post, I really do. But remarkably coming from a person like me who coaches Atom football players where 100% effort and focus is everything, this statement imho is blinding some Bomber decision-makers from corrececly evaluating players and making some tough decisions. The tough reality being that regardless of 100% effort every play every down and being a loyal team member to a fault is unfortunately not good enough to guarantee a roster spot/starting position. We aren't in Atom, Peewee or Bantam anymore. When I really think about it, that's how Wade Miller was able to be a Bomber for so long . He was simply not talented enough to warrant taking up a roster spot but boy was he loyal, focussed and a hard worker. Probably why he got into private business. Now that he's leading this organization with a head coach who seems to be molded quite similarly, this color blindedness of seeing effort/loyalty as the end all be all of who deserves to be a Bomber concerns me.






     No opinion can be smart, dumb, correct or incorrect it's a personal belief something someone feels.  

    no this is 100% false. Some opinions can be dumb and incorrect and some smart and correct. "I like chocolate more than vanilla" is a subjective opinion that depends on the person expressing said opinion, "In my opinion Drew Willy can't read a defense" is a dumb and incorrect opinion. 


    All  "opinions" are subjective, regardless of their correctness. You seem to take it upon yourself frequently to be the arbiter of others opinions. I don't think that's helpful, and points I think to what the OP was saying in the first place.


    That's because I am the arbiter. 


    I bet I've been a fan of this team for longer than you've been alive.  Your judgment of others "level" of  fan support  means absolutely  nothing to anyone, except you. Don't you think it would be more productive to try to not antagonize people all the time?


    Good for you? Does that make a difference? A lot of people like to claim to be huge fans without actually backing it up, I'm just pointing out when people are wrong. If you think anything is personal, it's not, you just might happen to be one of those people who are always wrong and need the most correcting. 


    Wow, you must be a hit at work.

  16. I get the sarcasm.  The big thing is, even though we aren't leading the league in Grey Cup trophies, we are leading in Grey Cup appearances.  I don't know when the last time the Leafs even made an appearance at the Stanley Cup.

    I like the way you think!

    It's reminded me what to say next time an eskiblow, stumpeder or roughie fan gives me a hard time. 

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