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Posts posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Dallas did own us for sure, from the second period on, but.. from Dallas's perspective, their season was on the line really, win and they are 5 back, lose like they did and they are a long way back, 9 points now, that's a lot, Stars have been streaky this year, Jets have been consistent... It's crazy how consistent actually.. 45 games play, 18 points after 15, 36 after 30, 54 after 45... 18 points every 15 games it seems, That's some consistent play and considering they just got Toby,Bogo and Stuart back and Trouba is still out, Jets have been very consistent this season.. Another point to ponder is that in their last 38 or is it 39 games now, the jets have only lost 10 games. 


    Jets started the season 1-4. Since then, they are one of the best teams in the league really... 22-10-8 since that little tough stretch to open the year. Amazing really and considering a good portion of that was without their top 2 lets say top 4 even D man and Kane missing time, pretty darn impressive. Jets are for real.


    They got owned for sure but...like i said, Dallas was basically playing for their season last night. 


    It's good we created some space between them but there's still lots of hockey to play.


    3 goals 3 assists in 42 games for Olli so far


    Funny that it is shaping up to be his worst season by far but his first playoff appearance IIRC.



    Not that I'm defending him by any stretch but he has historically demonstrated good leadership skills within the Locke room and how he represents the team which may be supporting Nashville's success right now. 



    Pavs gets the start.  I agree with it.  Play the better goalie against the better team... Hutch gets Chicago.


    Behind closed doors, I'm curious to know where Pavelec's headspace is with this hybrid rotation approach Maurice has taken.

    I'm not sure what he has said to the media, but how does this approach really sit with him. 



    I'm positive he hates it.  He is a 60+ game guy for the last what, 3 years?  Not including the lockout of course.  And it shows in his play.  He has always done better in long stretches of uninterrupted work... the rotation hasn't been great to him.



    Let's say, for argument sake, that is indeed the case. So, a) has his hate translated into affecting his play outside of not getting the minutes? and B) does this hate reflect on what kind of team player he is controlling for the competitive nature most elite athletes have. When Claude Noel was fired and the Jets went on a winning streak with Maurice at the Helm, I remember Pavelec commenting that Maurice was good at letting them know how good they were (implying Noel didn't). Where is his thought process now with Maurice who has moved to a hybrid rotational basis?

  4. Pavs gets the start.  I agree with it.  Play the better goalie against the better team... Hutch gets Chicago.


    Behind closed doors, I'm curious to know where Pavelec's headspace is with this hybrid rotation approach Maurice has taken.

    I'm not sure what he has said to the media, but how does this approach really sit with him. 

  5. Honestly prior to this 3 game trip i thought to myself, Arizona? that's an easy 2 points so we should get 2 points at least and i'd consider that somewhat of a good trip. We absolutely got dominated tho by Arizona and after that i thought, oh crap, here comes the losing streak. Beat LA in LA? you kidding? awesome. Can't believe it. Big win too since we were tied with them in the wildcard standings. Thought if we could get a point from the ducks, unlikely as the ducks are one of the best teams in the league and you know they were gonna be fired up with the Teemu Jersey retiring, it's a great trip. 3 out of 4 points in a back to back is fantastic especially against LA and Anaheim. The Arizona loss really hurt them, should have dominated that game and got 5 of 6. 


    All in all tho, i'd say it was a good road trip. Tough road trip but a good one. Jets tho are a marked team in terms of the penalties they take, they get called for some the other team gets away with. Refs are watching the Jets like hawks for sure, Jets need to be aware of this. I'd bench slater now, The guy seems to be a bit of a liability on the PK, the last 2 games he took 2 penalties that directly lead to a 5 on 3 for the other team and the other team capitalized on those power plays. Slater needs a talking too or to be taken off the PK for a while.


    Thought PAV made several huge saves, pretty spectacular ones at that, People can say what they want but Ducks had 43 shots on goal and several were pretty point blank chances. Pav played very well. Shoot-out sucked tho. Not blaming the goalie here at all, Wheeler scored on the first attempt,Ducks didn't. Chance to go up 2 and dagger the ducks in the shootout and we can't, ducks come back and can't score on PAV, last shooter can end it with a goal, he doesn't. Ducks come back and score. We had 2 chances there in the shootout to end them, 3 actually but just couldn't do it. Needed a goal but just couldn't get it. 


    I love Buff and he's a beast but what you saw last night was good buff and bad buff, definitely cost us a goal there. But all in all, he was a beast and played well.  Honestly, if someone told me we'd get 3 of 6 points prior to the road trip and those 3 points would be from the California portion, i would have said, no way in hell. 


    I'm curious to know why? Just because we're the most penalized team in the league to date doesn't mean we then need to be more scrutinized in our play than other teams.

    IMO each game played should be reffed on a clean slate should it not? I do know they're human beings but the more professional they are the better they can control their biases in how they call the game. I'm assuming the refs are taking this approach, i.e., doesn't matter who the teams are, they will be assessed equally. Any refs out there to help me out in testing my assumption.


    If it is indeed the case that we are being watched more closely/given less benefit of the doubt than our opponent (which is very hard to prove), then it becomes an issue a lack of objectivity of the part of the referees, no?   

  6. With the Jets season now half over it's all uphill from here on.




    It was a good night, three for three. My 10 year old son won his in-door soccer game 6-2. My brother's men's volleyball team beat the u of a baby bears whatever their called 3-1 AND the Jets finished the evening with a win :-)


    I caught the end of the second and third period. It's amazing how the entertainment of the game changes for the better when the refs let the players play and call actual infractions (like the one they had to call on Ladd with 30 seconds left, had to call it). 


    Kane is a beast when he wants to be, yeeesh some of those hits were hellish.

    Please don't allow Hutch to handle the puck, ever.

    I've never been an Enstrom fan but I'm coming around, he has amazing stick and positional presence in the corners that most times sees him winning battles despite his size

    Buff plays aggressive but absolutely does not want to fight. He made no eye contact with the LA player who lost his mind after Buff ragged doll him. I'd back up the Brinks truck to re-sign him

    Peluso is a guy I'm getting more and more impressed with. He's starting to show more offensive presence.

    I like how we took it to LA in overtime. That's coaching. The commentators mentioned how Sutter always has his players backs. From what I've seen, heard and read, so does Maurice.


    Regardless of how this season turns out for our Jets, we seem to be a team that others have to contend with, and as a fan, I think that's a reasonable expectation.


    Oh, and a huge congrats to Teemu Selanne, a true Jet.

  7. I didn't think the goals were weak and he made several outstanding saves. What I meant by using save % is it gives a snapshot over time. It's possible for a goalie to have poor stats in one game but play well which is the case last night.

    Sometimes he does in fact make outstanding saves but one could argue these amazing saves are sometimes a result of him being out of position in the first place . . .




    Jets have lost 4 of 5 now. Hutch in goal for 3 of those I believe. Don't matter who in net if the team in front of him don't show up. Jets owned tonight. Easily could have been 8 9 to 1. Pav made the game closer than it was. Ppl need to stop with the goalie bs. It's the team not just one guy.

    I have no problem blaming Pav but he was not THE problem tonight.


    Absolutely and I do mean that.

    I wouldn't suggest Pav is on his own when it comes to improving this team. The frustration I have, whether it's legitimate or not, is the rarity of hearing Pav stole the game for us. I guess my problem is putting elite type standards on him when in fact that would be unfair as he demonstrates being an average serviceable NHL goaltender.  


    If by serviceable you mean one of the bottom-3 starters in the league, you are right.  His career stats pretty much bear this out.


    Serviceable to me is making the NHL and sticking. He seems to at least achieved that.


    Jets have lost 4 of 5 now. Hutch in goal for 3 of those I believe. Don't matter who in net if the team in front of him don't show up. Jets owned tonight. Easily could have been 8 9 to 1. Pav made the game closer than it was. Ppl need to stop with the goalie bs. It's the team not just one guy.

    I have no problem blaming Pav but he was not THE problem tonight.


    Absolutely and I do mean that.

    I wouldn't suggest Pav is on his own when it comes to improving this team. The frustration I have, whether it's legitimate or not, is the rarity of hearing Pav stole the game for us. I guess my problem is putting elite type standards on him when in fact that would be unfair as he demonstrates being an average serviceable NHL goaltender.  

  10. my wish... :D


    Mike Benevides - Co-Defensive Coordinator / Linebackers

    Richie Hall / Co-Defensive Coordinator / Defensive Backs

    Mike Sinclair or Carl Hairston - Defensive Line

    I like it, defense by committee. 

    However, has this co-defensive coordinator approach ever been done before in the CFL? I've always assumed offense and defense as one man in charge with head coach oversight.

    Or is this a wish that will always stay a wish?


    Imagine if he was Canadian and the Oilers did this.  There would be a huge public backlash.


    If he was going to be sent down, playing in the World Juniors would be better for him then just going back to his junior team.


    What this looks like is that management has absolutely no foresight or vision or the ability to plan.  They should have known about the 40 game limit 2 - 3 weeks ago and decided to send him down in time for the tournament.  It looks like they woke up after New Years, looked at the numbers and realized that he needed to be sent down, instead of having this planned out a while back.  It reeks of mismanagement.


    I'm sure this also leaves a bad taste in Draisaitls mouth that they denied him the right to play for his country.  You don't think it matters to him because he played in the tournament twice already?   Think of how a Canadian kid would feel if he got denied the right to play for his country and the club sent him back down to juniors two weeks too late.  It is things like this that eventually make a player want to leave an organization when they can with UFA.

    He didn't want to go so I wouldn't worry about that. 


    Did you know that rather than going back to Prince Albert to start the year if he'd been sent down Draisaitl would have gone to play in Germany? That's not best for his development. Neither is going to a **** team in PA that hasn't developed anyone of note other than Draisaitl and Morissey. Guy was sheltered like nobodies business in the NHL, not like they threw him on a top line and demanded he carry the team. The NHL may not be a development league but players can develop in it. Especially guys with size like that who might pick up bad habits in the WHL where they're bigger and stronger then everyone and can just dominate that way. 


    With or without Draisaitl Germany was going to be  a team that could likely have been relegated so for a few games where the team gets its ass kicked I dunno why people think it's such a great development tool. 


    The Oilers make a lot of mistakes but not everything they do is terrible. I can recall talk early in the season regarding Draisaitl where it was talked about that the 39 game limit was more important than the 9 game one. 


    I missed hearing/reading him say that, where was that reported?



    How many of you were disgusted with Glenn Healey last night either pumping up the Leafs whenever he could or making excuses for them?? It was supposed to be a national broadcast & we were subjected to Leaf homerism the entire game. Healey's useless. And the Leaf err... HNIC studio panel has Byfuglien leaving maybe as soon as July as they think there's no way Winnipeg can re-sign him to an extension before 2016 even though we're $20 million under the salary cap.


    I am glad someone else noticed this.   I only watched the first two periods but dear lord it was bad.     People claim Beyak is a homer but he's nowhere near as bad as those ding dongs were.  


    They nit picked all the penalties ,  continually cried about Reimer being left out to dry and how he's a saviour,  continued to talk about each mistake the Leafs made... it was nauseating. 


    I was gonna mention this too, was brutal.  From saying Chiarot is a call-up from the IceDogs to the whole Kane is our leading goal scorer thing to making excuses left right and center for the leafs, it was painful to listen too. Glenn Healy is awful and even the announcers during the game were terrible, It's a shock to me when Gary Galley seems like the only knowledgable guy there. 


    Purely speculation on my part, but Glenn Healey comes across as a guy who believes being a knob is a good thing and wears it as a badge of honor.

    During the players strike for example, his true colors really came out. He was quite nauseating to listen too.  


    Some TV exec gets a boner when he looks at Strombo. And doesn't get the same level of wood when looking at Ron.

    I'm no MacLean fan but he's light years better than Strombo. Dumb decision. 


    The problem with George is he's a great interviewer (doesn't have to know content) doing a moderator's job (needs to know content).


    He's on a learning curve with obvious growing pains but if the network wants immediate results there will be less patience given. 

  14. I dont think we have done so bad the last bit considering we lost our top 4 D and then lost a forward ( Buff ) because we had to move him to D. Thats alot of guys all at once. Now we loose Kane also.


    We lack in depth forsure right now and its going to show because we are hurting big time.


    Im concerned because to fall out of spot can be quick and im jus hoping we can keep up.


    I will say that any team that looses the players like we have had to deal with would hurt any team and set them back.

    Absolutely, however what separates average teams from good teams from great teams is their depth. And right now, we're seeing what we have. It will be a good indicator where are team sits and choices we may need to make as injuries drag on. 


    Guess he was no Bud Grant. He should find work however as an oc down there or some such job. Can't see him coming back to the CFL anytime soon, with the bundle he can make down there.   


    Guess he was no Bud Grant. He should find work however as an oc down there or some such job. Can't see him coming back to the CFL anytime soon, with the bundle he can make down there.   

    Cutler is a coach killer. Even when he plays well he just gives off negative vibes all the time. All the tools to be a great one. But that's his problem, he has all the tools but he's also one himself. Always either pissed off or indifferent. Not a leader by any stretch of the word. How can you win with a player like that? He'll get the next HC in Chicago fired as well.


    Yup. His history does not lie. If Trestman's mentoring, coaching, tutoring had no effect on Cutler, I say good luck Chicago. Cutler is hands down one of the worst team 'leaders' of all time.

  16. Coaching is a bigger problem than talent for the Bombers IMO.

    Fair enough. I think though it's more of a combination of things that play a part in our bigger 'problems'.

    Every area needs to go through a continous improvement process for this organization. i think we need to cast the net quite wide in areas we feel need some refinement, some tweaking, some overhauls from executive, from management, from coaching to the team talent we field this coming season.

  17. Well there is an agreement in place for the NHL and KHL to honor each others contracts.  So there is that....

    Outside of contractual obligations and whether you were a Noel fan or not, any concerns with his attitude, his approach that could disrupt the chemistry of this team? Or was it simply the case of being completely shafted by his former coach? I'd want enough information at my disposal to get some level of assurance he's willing and able to buy in to a team approach before bringing him in.


    It's a mercy firing, Oilers aren't good, they have drafted poorly outside of top 10 picks and even one of those top picks seems to be a bust of sorts who doesn't want too or can't play a defensive game (yakupov)


    All i have to really say is how many coaches are the oilers going to have to fire to make people realize it's not the coaches, it's the players and it's even above the players, it's the management, it's lowe, it's macT, it's the old boys club running things in to the ground.


    Another coach gets fired by Edmonton, unless they make some moves with the team on the ice, another one will be fired again and the cycle will repeat itself until they actually do something about the team that actually goes out there to play.


    Scrivens? Fasth, good goalies when they have talent in front of them willing to play the way you need too in the NHL to win games, people talk about the kings and other teams, well the biggest difference between those teams and the Oilers, outside of a whole lot of stuff, the biggest difference, the kings have a team that actually is willing to play D and not coast all night long. The oilers biggest problem is they are too small, too soft, they have neglected their D and their goaltending and they are run by guys who really have no clue what they are doing. How can you have that many top 5 picks and still be awful, it's not the coach that's for sure. It's above the coach. Order or Incompetence in Edmonton probably goes 1. owner 2. Lowe 3. MacT 4. Players. 5. Coach.


    Another coach bites the dust and the roster stays the same. 

    someone else who doesn't watch the team play comments I see. You know what the #1 problem with the oilers is right now? No goal scoring. They can't score enough to win games. If they happen to give up a goal on a mistake which happens to every team in the league they can't get it back. Yakupov has made big strides defensively, trouble is he can't score. 


    I am telling you Eakins crushed the offense of that team and the confidence as well. 


    People agree that Renney and Kreuger didn't get a chance before failing and were fired simply due to impatience, but no one is saying Eakins didn't get a fair chance. He made the team worse and that's all on him. People would have been happy if the team had kept progressing. No one is under any kind of delusions about the roster, but Eakins did so many things wrong it is a true wonder he lasted as long as he did. 


    One could speculate that the reason for this was he was Mac T's hire and he kept hoping it would turnaround for his sake as a GM in his second go-around with the Oilers.

    According to Mac T, even after letting him go, believes Eakins is an excellent coach but something had to be done. Firing the goalie coach didn't have any immediate impact.

    Dallas Eakins also feels mutual admiration for Mac T by suggesting if any one can turn this team around, it will be him. Yikes.

    By Eakins saying he/they did their best with the players they had available supports the post that suggested he sounded like Tim Burke approach in assessing how he did as a head coach.  

    Apparently it's just time and patience needed.

  19. Anyone heard of any new ones? I just got the old "I am interested in buying your item but need your Pay Pal" on Kijiiji recently. Don't respond to their so called payment email.

    I've always said fight fire with fire when it comes to these types of people/groups.


    When it's obvious it's not a legit call, play along acting the part of a buffoon with great 'interest' in their 'offer'. Things like not understanding their instructions having them repeat them over and over again, providing them with fictitious numbers one number short in what their asking (e.g., visa, account numbers), putting them on hold while you go 'get' what they ask for talking in the background so they can hear you, the list goes on and on. I'm guessing comedygeek has a few he could share. Keep them on the line as long as you can to waste their human resources so they can't hook someone else who may fall to their scheme.


    The more of us who take this approach would help shut some of these outfits down and you can have some fun while you do it. Win Win :-). 


    Feel bad for Eakins. You have a rookie head coach with that young of a line-up, what do you expect? The team's farm system is a joke, and their drafts have been even worse. On top of that, the person now on the bench (albeit an interim basis) was once the coach, fired, re-hired in a role that would be a promotion over the head coach (meanwhile the previous GM who ran the team into the ground gets a promotion), and appoints himself to get back behind the bench.


    Exactly what issue was solved today? One could easily argue the Oilers added to their problems today instead of solving them. I'm not an Oilers fan at all, but even to me this logic of moves infuriates me. I can only imagine how their fans feel. In the words of Lindy Ruff: "That's a joke. That's an absolute joke is what that is. That's the definition of a joke right there."

    I always find it strange to hear that the Jets have a younger lineup then EDM. Wonder if one of the big 3 is up next. Eberle is mentioned the most.


    Being surrounded by Oiler fans for years now, I'm not sensing many loyal Oiler fans feel bad for Dallas Eakins. 

    The never ending talk about the Oilers woes over the last 8 years revolve around whose to blame, coaching?, management?, owner?, current players?, scouting?, fans?, media?, cheerleaders?


    Obviously all have to take some blame for this teams's lack of success but the debate continues on which area is in the most immediate dire straits to start to turn this team around. As a non-Oiler fan, I say focus on the cheerleaders.    




    Obviously this season things in Winnipeg didn’t work out as you hoped, what happened there and what are your plans for next season?


    I don’t know what happened there, I always respected everyone and did what I needed to do. When I came into Winnipeg they gave me a big contract, hyped me up as an impact player and everyone seemed to be on the same page. I had a great camp, picking off 8 passes in practice, was a stand up teammate and always did what I was asked. It boiled down to the fact that Gary Etcheverry had a problem with me, which I never understood since we were working towards the same goal. One day in practice I asked him a question and he just nodded and jogged off without answering me. At the next meeting he starts it off by talking about how players shouldn’t question coaches, etc. etc. This is the same guy who doesn’t use a playbook, he just writes plays on the board and then erases them. As a player you feel uncomfortable as you have nothing to reference when studying. To Etcheverry players are just horses to be run. He’s a total joke and a clown. I’m not denying he’s got a good football mind but the man’s a clown and has no relationship with his players.




    A player citing his stats from practice? Just when I heard it all.

  22. Didn’t want to be put traded in the title because people would think the Jets traded him, but he was traded between WHL teams late last night.  The Kelowna Rockets (25-4-3-0) got Morrissey and winger Gage Quinney from the Prince Albert Raiders for Austin Glover, Jesse Lees, a 2016 2nd round bantam pick and 2017 3rd round bantam pick.


    Looks like Kelowna is already stacked and just adding to make a run.   Good for Morrissey to get some potential championship experience.


    Morrissey has 7 goals and 21 assists in 26 games this season.

    This I like. Having a playmaker in our system is a nice piece to the puzzle.

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