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Posts posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. In the Freep interview today, Walters says clearly that there are no major personnel changes planned, and no mouth-watering players to be announced any time soon, so the roster we see in probably the one we are going to have for the rest of the season. Good, bad or indifferent, this is it with maybe a tweak or two, so winning two of the remaining games  (and Hamilton is playing better, so that one is not a gimme) is about what we can expect. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth and wailing, but that is the price of change. Pass the Valium around.

    I thought Walters handled the interview well. I especially appreciate this line:



    ' . . .efore you start pointing fingers or worrying about refs or run defence or turnovers -- what can each of us individually do differently or what can we improve on to make our team better?'


    We were 3-15 last year and the roster was alarmingly bad period. Not all the holes in the roster are going to be filled in one season, considering the group we had last year. It is going to take time to put together a well rounded roster from top to bottom. It may be frustrating but we'll get there. We're already miles ahead of where we were. To imply that Walters "neglected" parts of the roster is foolish. No one could have adequately addressed every position considering the shape we were in last season. It's just not possible.


    The competition at defensive line and receiver was abysmal, arguably two of the easier spots to find players along with running back.  I'm fine with giving a pass on finding Canadians, that takes time, but literally no one was found at receiver and one guy was found at DL, a guy who has been pretty marginal.  Mack found Jeffers-Harris, Carr, Denmark and Matthews in his first 3 seasons, Hopkins, Turner, Vega, Hall, hell even a guy like Kenny Mainor.  


    I've seen nobody close to any of those guys.  Hopefully we start seeing some guys at those two spots that give us some hope for being useful players when we'll be a great team, cause Bryant and Kelly sure won't be those guys, and Greg Peach probably won't be either.


    Peach's play sure has dropped over the last 4 or 5 games.


    I was tempted to say good luck the rest of the way without a quarterback, but I didn't want to stoop down to his level...


    Ricky Foley ‏@Foley4Real 1h

    Just came back from shopping in Winnipeg & talk is still cheap...Get the brooms out #BanjoBowl #Riders

    Yea, I read that and couldn't help but think "stay classy foley.." Then remembered, he is simply incapable of class.. Or being even noticed during a game this season..


    Free unsolicited advice for Mr. Foley. Start planning for your 'after football future' right now. You'll thank me later. 

  4. First off, why blame Millanovich for an Argos team that's been decimated by injuries?  I mean they've rolled in how many backup WRs now?  Craziness, on top of also losing Anthony Coombs.  Gonna be interesting to see what they do with the RB situation next year though and if they're gonna keep Steele as a number 1 guy.


    But that being said, this is way off topic and this silly thread should be deleted as O'Shea did not in any way shape or form hand over the Labor Day Classic.

    imo, coaches don't get off that easy because of injury as you suggest. Of course it has a tremendous effect but this is where good coaches really do earn their salary. And management who need to build depth.

  5. The question then becomes how long do the Bombers wait if the poor play of the Dline rests on Etch? Seems it's a pretty steep price to pay. If they won't bring in guys who don't fit in Etch system maybe he should revise it to accommodate these guys.  


    There were two things that happened Sunday that had me wondering:

    1 - During the early part of the game we had great success with the short game. Then we went to the long plays and were 2 and out most times. 

    2 - Up to the late part of the fourth quarter we seem to have the running game managed. According to Brown who I think knows defence we changed our game plan and they exploited that.


    The question then becomes how long do the Bombers wait if the poor play of the Dline rests on Etch? Seems it's a pretty steep price to pay. If they won't bring in guys who don't fit in Etch system maybe he should revise it to accommodate these guys.  


    There were two things that happened Sunday that had me wondering:

    1 - During the early part of the game we had great success with the short game. Then we went to the long plays and were 2 and out most times. 

    2 - Up to the late part of the fourth quarter we seem to have the running game managed. According to Brown who I think knows defence we changed our game plan and they exploited that.

    That's football 101. The assumption I'm making is Etch is devising defensive packages to fit with the players he has not trying to fit his existing players into a scheme he believes would work . I would hope this assumption is true..

  6. I didn't say the receiver was trying to come back to the ball.  I said the DB didn't stop him from coming back to the ball, which could be called PI.  


    If the DB's head didn't turn it would be PI.  He turned his head, not all the way back to the QB, but far enough to see the ball. 


    If the ref right on the play doesn't see the early contact in real time, then I don't think it should be overturned by slowmo.  If the contact is obvious in real time, but it was missed, then I don't have a problem with it being overturned, but I don't see it in this case.  In other words, if you can't see obvious PI at the time, then it shouldn't be overturned.  


    I know most of you think this one was obvious PI, but you wrong according to the CFL and they are the only folks who matter.

    Good gracious, this is exhausting. The DB did not turn his head in the direction it needed to be, not one bit. Not only did he use his arm to screen, he ran threw the player prior to the ball arriving as the replay clearly shows. 

    This is not borderline PI as some are suggesting. This is not homerism as some are suggesting. This is not running counter to the rule book as some are suggesting. It's PI plain and simple, they should take a still photo, place it in the rule book to provide a visual. Seriously. And yes, if it had been say Randle doing this, Riders are at the one, Ist and Goal.  

  7. Messam has had 2 good games this entire season, both vs the bombers, i wish people would actually look at the bigger picture and realize that our team is very vulnerable to the run, it's not just messam and the riders that have run on us, it's the entire league. Doesn't matter what team we play, they all run on us.

    with Messam isn't it because he's only played against us since being picked up by Saskatchewan?

  8. The Non-PI call was the right call.  The DB turned his head enough to locate the ball.  He got his hand on the ball in front of the receiver.  The only thing you could call him on is the arm on the shoulder and they almost never call that unless the DB turns the receiver and he didn't.  I didn't expect a call the first time I saw it at game speed and I didn't expect one when I saw it over and over in slowmo.  That's exactly the kind of non-PI that shouldn't be reversed on a challenge. It was the right call by O'Shea to throw the challenge flag just in case.


    I did think the Riders were off side on Durants 9 yard run.  It wasn't the only time in the game that I thought a receiver was off side.  Half the time it was us and almost none of them were called.

    we see it different. The defender did not turn his head at all. It was pi no question. Screening, illegal contact take your pick. But that didn't lose us the game.

  9. I suspect you're probably right.  Once Bomber fans stop worrying about making the playoffs they'll get back to appreciating how much better this team is and what a bright future they have.

    actually I don't think it's unreasonable for fans to expect us make the playoffs. It's a two way street and I would say the winnipeg market has been extremely patient with this team but is predictably very fragile.

  10. Dear dipshit,

    If we went for the TD, it tives us 34 points, and we still lose 35-34. Congrats on being a total dipshit, you win a slap upsode the head. Message me to collect your prize

    One thing you are forgetting here is the intangible. O'Shea keeps saying how much faith he has in his team but when the crunch comes he throws his faith in away. We can't say they would have scored because it never happened but they would not have had the time they got to do it. I don't think your comment was appropriate. This is a forum.

    How did he throw the faith away? He said to the team, Ok take the lead and defense go win the game. He showed complete trust in his defense to win the game. They failed.

    it's called interpretation and perspective. One could also see it as "I'm not sure how much faith I have in us getting one yard therefore I chose we kick and rely on our prevent defense" but at the end of the day none of us are in O'Shea head to really know that.

  11. I hear Marcel Desjardins has 250K or so in his budget.




    That's how you know your football team is some kind of bad, when players turn down that kind of money and prefer to go to Regina.

    Dressler turned down a higher offer from the Stamps as well.  So what's your theory now?

    Chemistry with Durant, familiar surroundings, good relationship with management, playing with a contender. It's that simple.



  12. Bad idea not having Cotton on the roster this week. Run game will be important and if Grigbsy gets injured Volny is our RB.

    Could be Volny's time to shine.

    Only few times I've seen him in the game he either fumbled or got injured. So let's just say I don't have lots of confidence in Volny.

    yee of little faith

  13. We're lucky Messam has an injury, with our current roster we would have very little chance at stopping him...

    lets see if we can manage to stop Mr. Allen who's a more balanced back, but still fairly powerful nonetheless

    Messam is playing today. I was at Riders practice yesterday and I expect him to have a big role today.

    Bit of a strange move inserting Messam over Allen. I hope it backfires on them.

    To clarify a bit.  McHenry is out for the season so Messam is dressing as a full back.  Both Allen and Ford are expected to see touches at the Tailback position.  All three are dressing.

    Ok got yea. Messam not that great of a blocker, need to expose that.

  14. We're lucky Messam has an injury, with our current roster we would have very little chance at stopping him...

    lets see if we can manage to stop Mr. Allen who's a more balanced back, but still fairly powerful nonetheless

    Messam is playing today. I was at Riders practice yesterday and I expect him to have a big role today.

    Bit of a strange move inserting Messam over Allen. I hope it backfires on them.

  15. O'Shea is starting to trend toward irrational loyalty to certain players.  What does Don Unamba bring to our team that Johnny Sears wouldn't bring, or Alex Suber, or Marty Markett?  Unamba is not very good on D, good on special teams.  All of the previously mentioned guys have been excellent special teamers, and two of them have been or are arguably elite CFL defenders.  Unamba and Kuale always fly around at 100 mph (often to the detriment of their game), but they don't make a lot of plays for us on D.

    hey you know better than I do when it comes to skill but with Sears it's all a moot point if he can't stay healthy.

  16. I'm disapointed Kromah's Off, and not sure why we're keeping Unamba on over Sears

    I've been really liking Fraser so I'm happy he's getting another chance

    I'm assuming Sears isn't a 100% or it has to do with his comment about the signature jerseys :)
    According to Sears he‘s been healthy since last week. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/labour-day-hex-vexes-bombers-272988891.html

    Right Dr. Sears it is then. :) With his health history, if I'm the coach I'm not playing him until I'm completely sure he's healthy. Like any position, we need consistency at his position that requires more than 2 games and done.

  17. I'm disapointed Kromah's Off, and not sure why we're keeping Unamba on over Sears


    I've been really liking Fraser so I'm happy he's getting another chance

    I'm assuming Sears isn't a 100% or it has to do with his comment about the signature jerseys :)

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