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Posts posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. I can only imagine that the Drew Tate bandwagon fans are breaking their ankles jumping off hugely right now. And the Bo Levi Mitchell haters are going into hiding.There is a core of Stamps fans that hate BLM & wanted Tate to be the starting Stamps qb. The Stamps fanbase is spoiled & entitled. They should walk a mile in our shoes to realize how lucky they are to have a young talented qb in Mitchell & a backup in Tate.

    listen, in terms of the crop of gb's availlable, especially at the back-up position, Tate probably leads at the best option any team has this season to have available from the bullpen, crapper today or not. For example, I'm thinking I'm not taking Brohm over Tate. But hey, Tate doesn't play for us so the more he caps the better.

  2. Haven't heard the Argos injury report lately, but with Durie, Owens, and Barnes in town again, will Ricky Ray's offense be able to do enough to curb Bighill and the Leo's D?


    Bigger story is, the Argos D has been in the crapper all year, and once again Burke is on the CFL hot seat.  What is he going to do to try and mitigate the problems done in Toronto?[/q

    After watching this game, I just officially became a Chad Owens fan. Great team attitude, good energy, awesome athlletitism. Can't stand the head coach though, comes across as a major d@ck that wears it as a badge of honor, pathetic imo



    How does someone your age become an Oilers fan? Is it purely because of Eberle and rah rah Regina? Cause even 2006 you'd have been just a wee little tyke and that team was all downhill from there.

    Glencross is from Kindersley. Do I cheer for Calgary? No, I hate them.


    born in Kindersley maybe but he always said he was from Red Deer, plus he was an Oiler before he was a Flame so I don't know what that has to do with anything. Fact is there are a lot of gappers who love Eberle and the Oilers because of it. I understand when you say you're a penguins fan, tons of kids are because Crosby, but the Oilers have sucked for a long time it's puzzling when kids pick them up unless there's some other connection. 


    With some, maybe because of their parents i.e., Gretzky, Messier, Coffey, Fuhr et al era

  4. Fitzgerald in the slot makes no sense. You have to put a guy like that in a position closer to line of scrimmage so he can leak out into coverage. He gets open due to deception.

    I can't remember what game it was or even the team (maybe Calgary), but I remember Suitor pointing out on a couple of occasions the offense lined everyone up as a receiver, no emptying the backfield, just all at receiver to begin the play. It would be interesting to see the Bombers try this (maybe keep Fitzgerald back for pass protection). Especially with Brohm trying to gain some confidence other than handing off to Grigsby. Unless of course the Bombers have done this and I haven't noticed.


    TSN 3 wont be available in Alberta?


    I believe all the TSN channels are national channels.  But the regional hockey games will be blacked out in out of market areas.  So my understanding is, you will get TSN3 in Alberta but during a Jets game, you will see something else.


    Great development for Manitobans.  Funny thing is, I saw one of the local providers asking people to sign up for the pay channel about a week or so ago.


    TSN3 will be available in Alberta, but the Jets games on it will be blacked out.


    Why on earth would they black out Jet games in Alberta? That would be like blacking out the Bomber games in Alberta.

    I do know the answer though that I don't like. It's because it's not our 'home' team.

    They want us to follow the Flames and the Oilers. I told them my 'home' team is actually the Jets, I just happen to live in Alberta.


    Im not sure where to put this so Ill just stick it here,



    Per #CFL sources: The #Argos are trying to trade for DL Jabar Westerman from the #BCLions. Westerman has fallen out of favour in BC.



    Maybe we can join the fun.


    Wonder what that's all about?


    Gotta love these trades between the same owner, can basically formulate any rumor you want to justify bolstering the weak sister. Complete crock of **** if you ask me and should be rule against this sort of collusion and clear conflict of interest.


    Does David Braley have to give his blessings for trades to happen? If the organizations are run correctly, my guess is no, therefore no conflict.

    Not to mention the fact we're a nine team league. BC and Toronto have to have the option of dealing with one another.


    After watching Brohm play against B.C. in the second half........ only way we win any game with him is if he does QB sneaks only and Marve takes the snaps. 6 of 13 for 33 yards in a half, regardless of who your opponent is, is simply not good enough. 


    I'd still be happy with 8 - 10 but to me it's looking like we may only get one more win, as Willy wasn't exactly setting the world on fire lately either was he?


    If you look at the last three games:


    1. The Riders are a team that matches up well against the Bombers.  In particular, their Offense is well designed to take what a Defense like ours gives them.  However, a few less mistakes in those Rider games, and we win in spite of their advantages.  


    2. Against B.C., the shallow depth of this team was exposed.  It was clearly shown that the Bombers can't compete very well with so many starters in the sick bay.  But the game was close and our boys were fighting a good fight until Willy went down.


    IMO, with fewer errors and turnovers they would have 2 wins against the Riders.  Mistake free football is what it will take to win one or two games without Willy.  But if we keep snapping over the punter's head, fumbling at critical times, costly drops from receivers, giving up long kick returns etc. etc. etc. we'll be hard pressed to win even with Willy behind centre.


    Will they get some of the other starters back?  Can they limit mistakes in spite of playing with a depleted line up?


    Just my 0.02


    I'd add the mistake of receivers NOT fighting to get open will continue to spell disaster.

  8. The blood is in the water.  With Sunseri lacking confidence and Ottawa needing a win desperately, change it up.  Burris has killed the life on that offense, it's time for him to sit.  Campbell, you got a young gun that was unfairly dropped out of the Peg a year ago yet showed the ability to hit some big deep balls and even pick defenses apart at times.  Time to start him and let him bring your offense to life.  Upset can happen in Mosaic, but just make sure you got the right man under center, and that would be Joey Elliot.

    I think it was more of a shared responsibility on that one.



    Does Tino last the whole game this week or do they go to Doege or even Price?


    Well, if he has the same performance has last game, quite possibly.


    I really wish Sunseri was pulled in the last game to try out the other QBs when we knew the game was over. Now we have no clue if the others are any better than Tino.



    You'd just be putting Doege in a position to fail throwing him into a game when he had limited reps in practice.  You wouldn't get any kind of read on how good or bad the guy actually is.  If they plan on potentially using him because of Sunseri's lack of production, they need to get him more reps in practice this week, but it's a catch-22 cause Sunseri obviously needs the work too if he's going to play.  Welcome to not having a starting QB.


    Not to mention the fact the potential negative impact it can have on how your defense plays knowing their down their main guy on Offense and knowing they'll be on the field more..

  10. Yeah.....bunch of things,,,


    Injuries in the D front 7 are catching up with them - the patchwork front 4 looked none too good.  Ian Wild is sorely missed

    Needed a bye a couple of weeks ago

    Tough that Willy went down.....but we need more than 33 yds from the backup

    Special teams and discipline have taken a left turn

    Still question what our OC and DC are doing out there - BC made more adjustments.

    Running game still sporadic

    We have some receivers who are not fighting through tough coverage

    OL still at the bottom 3rd of league

    Western teams are just far better than the East

    Exactly. Ask Calgary how it worked out for them. O'Shea put it best that this is what they signed up for.

    Oh and get Romby off the field. Use Grigsby more as a slot back, couldn't hurt. 

  11. Well when you post a meme directed at the coach moments after a loss... In a thread dedicated to the belief that our coaches feelings on the run are wrong.... What tha hell were you trying to say?


    I'm not sure why you're taking such a point against this. MOS said the running game isn't a problem for our D. It clearly is as evidenced again where another CFL team just runs roughshod over us.

    they didn't run roughshod over us, they did run effectively at key points which killed us.

  12. I will admit, seeing him hesitate and get tackled over and over again at the LOS was frustrating, but he seems to have really improved; and when he DOES get a hole (not often) he sees the field quite well and is very fast.  He has a couple of plays a game where you nod and say "oh, ok, you're ok in my books."  But JBR is right, he doesn't seem to dig in and drag some guys 4 yards after initial contact. 


    ... Grigsby in Calgary's offence would be incredible.  That oline.. .dang. 


    Cotton -could- do well with more consistent play, but he is not light years ahead of Grigsby from what he has shown.  Putting him on the PR is not the end of the world - for the Bombers or Cotton.

    Actually my hunch, and a hunch it is, he's released in the near future to make room for another RB. As I've said before, one of the most cruel positions to have in the CFL.





    Hold on there bad ball Louie, it is exactly that reason (that they lead in holding but none was called in two games) that raises more questions, not less.

    It is curious, especially when a rather serious injury to Ian Wild is a result of such an infraction.(not called)

    Like conspiracies do you? If it's all you got stick with it.


    No, I'm not into conspiracies at all, unless it involves a movie, then I'm interested.

    It's is a curious fact and that is all.

    Penalties called or not called are very irritating but all officials have a very tough job and will never be absolved no matter which way the call is made.


    It still doesn't change the fact that a team, that gets called for holds more than anybody,  as per your information, suddenly has no holding calls.

    And that's all I said.

    Chances are Sask's front four will have to hold their blocks even longer now that Durant is out.

    This you'd think will make it very difficult to overlook blatant holds. You'd think. My guess is their next game will be filled with penalities or, business as usual.

    Yep. It's a conspiracy. Dirty Riders getting away with everything. I'll tell you what it's ridiculous. No holding penalties? Not a one? How's that possible?

    I'm done in this thread. Continue with the beeyotch fest.


    I'm sorry you're done with this thread. Sometime ago you stated your age of 14. If that was truthful and I assume it was, then it's showing. I'm and most other Bomber fans on this site aren't suggesting conspiracy theories. We leave that for Mike , that guy is full of conspiracy theories. :) We're simply having a discussion on blatant holding that weren't called. We're frustrated, nothing more, nothing less. This is the beauty of a fan forum. Misery loves company.    




    We need an airlift. At the moment we are a mediocre club. Keep turning over stones Walters.


    I'll reiterate what a few others have already said... even if we "airlifted" in 4 or 5 NFL cuts, the chances of even one of them playing and making a difference at this point in the season is very low... 


    I disagree if we're talking about an O-Lineman...  I think if there's an opportunity to bring in a lineman that can make a difference and help our run game,  the brass would be stupid not to.  It's our weakest spot.  Sure there's going to be a learning curve, but I don't agree that an "airlifted" O-lineman couldn't make a quick impact if he's got the talent!


    But they inserted someone from the PR onto the OL and hasn't our running game looked better the last couple weeks? Even facing one of the tougher defensive lines in the league? The problem with the o-line right now seems more a ratio one than not having americans who can do the job. 


    They absolutely need to bring some guys in... but I am curious about the players that are already on the practise roster. Can they play at all? If they can why have we stuck with retreads who aren't doing much like Romby Bryant, if they can't play why are we still wasting time on them?  


    The idea that bringing in NFL cuts is going to improve out starters is wishful thinking, but it might improve your depth and long term prospects. 


    I think depth is the only thing we can realistically plan on. The track record of plug-in-play NFL cuts half way through the year into systems being tweaked and modified doesn't usually work out that great. If certain Bomber personal find players who instantly shine to the CFL game and to our system, we need to sign them to a long-term contract. 



    Hold on there bad ball Louie, it is exactly that reason (that they lead in holding but none was called in two games) that raises more questions, not less.

    It is curious, especially when a rather serious injury to Ian Wild is a result of such an infraction.(not called)

    Like conspiracies do you? If it's all you got stick with it.



    No, I'm not into conspiracies at all, unless it involves a movie, then I'm interested.

    It's is a curious fact and that is all.

    Penalties called or not called are very irritating but all officials have a very tough job and will never be absolved no matter which way the call is made.


    It still doesn't change the fact that a team, that gets called for holds more than anybody,  as per your information, suddenly has no holding calls.

    And that's all I said.


    Chances are Sask's front four will have to hold their blocks even longer now that Durant is out.

    This you'd think will make it very difficult to overlook blatant holds. You'd think. My guess is their next game will be filled with penalities or, business as usual.

  16. Yeah, good sign for this place to see other team's fans coming here. And yeah, good for conversation to get other POV.


    That said, the Durant thread was littered with the same Pom pom waving that we're *apparently* helping to eliminate with the help of the oh-so-knowledgeable Rider brethren.  Only instead of blue and gold pom pom's, they were green and white, and accompanied with a sign reading: "Durant or no Durant, we're the best and winning the Grey Cup!"

    Remind me how many cups they have? It's all I got.



    How is Kuale not cut yet?


    How?  Well Wild is injured, so if we cut Kuale then there is at least one defensive formation we can't run.


    Unlikely Kuale goes anywhere this year.  You're better off hoping he gets less snaps once Wild is healthy, or that we go Wild-Kromah for the rest of the year.  Given the apparent complexity of the defence, replacing a MLB would not be as simple as it would be in a Greg Marshall 4-3.  That's almost plug and play.  This requires familiarity.


    You can cut Kuale easily. Give his spot on the roster to Sears because despite Sears being smaller he does nothing but make plays. Kuale does nothing but take penalties and show up a second late to make a play. 


    Good plan until Sears goes down which history tells us it will be sooner than later. I really like Sears to but not his dependability in being able to play. 


    Running the ball doesn't mean a damn thing if your offense can't generate points on it's own.



    It is a statisticNothing more.  Sometimes it directly reflects what happened in a game, sometimes it does not.  Might as well look at a passer rating and try to do play-by-play off of it.


    Where would you place the importance of establishing a run, i.e, usually one indicator being yards produced?


    My educated guess and a guess it is, is that usually when a QB throws for over 250/300 yds in a game, the run game has produced as well, say over 80 yds.

  19. I think Labbe was totally better.


    We cant just outright cut Kuale though. there is to much risk and no reward for that. Risk being that it may have a bad effect on the locker room and no reward being that we still have to pay him anyway. Id just stick him on the injured reserve.

    Kuale is crapping the bed both with his play and mouth but Labbe was not totally better, great guy I'm sure but very very average skill.


    He was as equally frustrating to watch but in a much different way than Kuale is.



    Aw too bad...advantage us!


    I would have rather played Lulay.


    Lulay will never be the same.  He'll be lucky if he retains sensation in his arm after so many shoulder surgeries.


    Wonder if B.C. will go with Glenn or go after someone else.


    Tebowmania Reborn!


    This is exactly the reason why they signed Glenn, so they wouldn't be scrambling to sign someone. This is a perfect situation for Glenn.


    The CFL needs more guys like Lulay and not just from a talent point of view.

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