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max power

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Posts posted by max power

  1. Here's my question:  Does anyone really care about this story at all, other than people that have an agenda to trash the Bombers at every opportunity, or one of the levels of government at every opportunity?

    Or does every Manitoban fall under one of those categories anyways, so we can expect these stadium fiascos to continue for a while?

  2. Good point. Wasn't the coalition of the left that tried to take over (along with the separatists, who may have even had veto power) supposedly formed because they were upset that the Conservatives weren't doing ENOUGH stimulus spending?  And then later they're outraged about the deficit. LOL.


    Meanwhile anyone with a brain knew it was the removal of the ridiculous pay-per-vote law that they were really desparate to stop.


    Anyone hear Paul Edmonds on TSN1290 just now?  He made some good points about the leaking.  It's a new building never designed before.  You don't know which way water will go until it is built.  You can design all you want but it might still find it's way in.  You fix it and then it's dealt with.  He also mentioned that apparently it happened at Shaw park when it was built as well.   


    Yet you have our dear Mayor making a big show of the mess at IGF ..



    And last year when the Bombers were at their lowest point on the field, and before the team had even missed a single loan payment, Selinger was threatening to have the government take over the team.


    Point being, politicians love to pile on the Bombers when they're down in order to win cheap points with the miserable Bomber-hating complainers in this city (and there are a lot of them. We call them "Winnipeggers").

  4. A strong PC for years, am I excited about Bauer on board ?----NO.

    We all know of Bauer with the Bombers and that would not excite us.

    He possibly could help as a money raiser but I would also like him to buy a razor...lol..


    He's not running for office - he's the CEO.  So basically he is a fundraiser, correct?

    As CEO (or President or whatever) he saved the Bombers from near-certain death. Maybe he can do the same for this province.

  5. Notice how the Bombers sign a whole whack load of new guys and this is the norm. But when Ottawa signs one free agent we get a whole bunch of Desjardins is a fool and over paying and blowing up his salary cap.

    I find this amusing.

    Are you comparing a bunch of no-name import rookies with 55 year old Henry Burris taking up a gazillion dollars along with their other older QB?

  6. Yeah I wouldn't get my hopes up that we'll be seeing a lot of Roberts' talk during the TSN game coverage that weekend.  It's definitely going to be an Alouettes event through and through...


    Oh well, at least Don Matthews won't be involved. Does anyone remember his first game back when the Argos hired him mid-season a few years ago? First game was against Winnipeg, but you wouldn't have known it was anything other than Don Matthews standing on the sidelines for 3 hours while Rod Black said "Don Matthews" over and over again.  Good times.

  7. Even Paul Wiecek, of all people, gets it.  There's better things to be mad about than the inexpensive stadium we just got needing some relatively cheap additions/upgrades so we can host Grey Cups and Heritage Classics.


    How many people here were negatively affected by the outdoor press box last year? Anyone? Other than having to listen to the initial crying/laughing in the media and the gleeful condescension from out of town reporters who don't even cover the CFL. That was pretty painful.

    The non-winterized plumbing also doesn't seem to have caused any problems so far, since we didn't have to suddenly host a surprise Grey Cup this year.


    Paul Wiecek @PaulWiecek 5h

    Even at $210 million, Investors Group Field is a ridiculous bargain. Seriously- check out the comparables. Only Winnipeggers would complain.


    Paul Wiecek @PaulWiecek 5h

    It's the MTS Centre debate all over again. Anyone today still think $130 million was too much to pay for that place? Get a grip.


    ...also, does anyone remember how hard it was to get that place built on time, even after a year extension?  Are we really going to be mad that some corners were cut that are now going to be done well before we need them anyways? 

  8. Lawless does a fine job. Look how worked up you all get. Mission accomplished.

    Every time someone criticizes a writer on here we have to read a million variations of this comment. I don't buy it.  Other than the odd exception (Paul Friesen?) I think these guys are actually attempting to write thought-provoking articles that people read because they inform and are interesting. It's just that they (sports media) seem to get caught up in a lot of negative, cynical groupthink a lot of the time. Probably because a lot of these guys don't appear to actually like the sports that they are covering.


    And I'm saying this all in a general context, as I don't really think Lawless really does that.  I don't mind him. I do strongly disagree with a lot of his opinions. But that's not uncommon in sports I'm sure. I can't expect everyone to be as smrt as me.

  9. Does anyone else remember how much time the media spent bashing Mike Kelly while praising Joe Mack for how much better and different he was than the previous regime? For the first 2 years anything bad that happened to the team was blamed on Kelly. Then when they turned on Mack, they turned on him hard.


    It was the same thing with Kelly. Before he ruined his goodwill by not playing ball with the media, they were all over trashing Taman for everything bad that was going on with the team. They were absolutely loving the subway napkins comments long before they were trashing him for being unprofessional by making those exact comments.



    It was something to the effect that he wouldn't walk around naked in the locker room with a gay guy in there. That he'd have to wear a robe to be around him. It was really stupid, for sure, and he deleted quickly.


    Serious question: Is he not allowed to feel that way?  Or is it just that it's not PC so they shouldn't say things that will bring heat on themselves and the CFL by the over-reacters?



    Well, you're *allowed* to hate black people but you sure as heck dont voice that idiotic opinion.  You're *allowed* to hate women but you sure as heck dont voice that one either.  So yeah, you're *allowed* to think people choose to be gay but you really have to be a backwords moron in this day and age to feel that way.



    Well you clearly didn't even understand my post at all. So I guess I'm not the backwards moron here.


    It's obvious you can't have a civil conversation about this in our society anymore. So have fun everyone spewing your intolerance at other people's "intolerance".


    Here's Turner's tweet:

    "@Blitz_Turner: Michael Sam locker room gonna come with complimentary robes."

    Not in the same league as Bruce's nonsense.

    edit: And Bruce has been released by the Als.


    Yes it is. Both comments show ignorance and are uncalled for.


    That's like someone calling a homosexual a "fruit" while another calls that person a "****". The words don't matter, it's the message behind them does.


    edit: European cigarettes!!



    Yes, the thought police can decide what is allowed to be said, and by whom.  Fantastic idea.

  12. I guess in order to be PC we must assume that anyone who is gay is also automatically a perfect human being with no potential for inappropriate sexual thoughts or actions.


    To come out and say Turner's comments are HUGELY ignorant etc, is pretty close-minded itself.


    That said, he shouldn't have said anything about it even if he thought it was clever or funny or even sincere. You can't win with this subject unless you parrot the enthusiastic acceptance and praise.


    And what Arland Bruce said was offensive to virtually anyone, gay or straight, or Christian or non-Christian. Just a ridiculous, nonsensical bunch of gibberish.

  13. It was something to the effect that he wouldn't walk around naked in the locker room with a gay guy in there. That he'd have to wear a robe to be around him. It was really stupid, for sure, and he deleted quickly.


    Serious question: Is he not allowed to feel that way?  Or is it just that it's not PC so they shouldn't say things that will bring heat on themselves and the CFL by the over-reacters?


    Oi the negativity is disgusting. I still have faith in the brain trust to figure this out...

    It's February. People need to stop getting their panties in a knot, sit their ass down and just watch it all play out. We have no slightest idea what the final product will be. People need to relax.


    This is what we were saying last year.  Fool me once shame on you...   I'm going to wait for the team to show that they can follow through and succeed with at least one thing before I gain an ounce of positivity.


    Muamba, A QB (ANY QB??), a FA Olineman who can start and be good, Kohlert??? Etienne????? Sign any of these and I'll have a glimmer of hope.  So far all they've shown is that they can hire complete rookies at all major management positions (again) and put together most of a coaching staff.


    As for all the #thanksjoemack comments, remember Mack's first offseason? Everyone blamed Mike Kelly for everything bad that happened.  And at least that year we signed Steven Jyles (the most coveted FA QB at the time), AND an experienced QB in Buck Pierce.



    So much freaking out around here for no reason. This really isn't the big deal that people are making it out to be. I'm still confident we'll be in good shape come July...


    I'm not freaking out about missing on Burris. I'm freaking out because it's obvious that we are not in any way, shape or form a desirable destination for players who have a choice. And that's a problem.



    And you're surprised by this?


    I am surprised that a qb would pick an expansion team that already has a starting qb over us, yes.


    This offseason started off with multiple free agent QB options for a starter, and with us seemingly being the only team in need of a starter.  Now two of them have chosen other teams. (including an expansion team!!!)


    As much as we are wanting/hoping/thinking that Watlers etc. are turning this team around, it's not like there is any track record AT ALL among our entire staff of rookies at their position. Would it be a big surprise if the Bombers screwed up and we're spinning our wheels again with the new management? Wouldn't it almost be a surprise if the team DIDN'T screw up?


    Knee-jerk panic reaction over.

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