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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Coney Barrett, like Anton Scalia before her, believes in an “originalist” interpretation of the Constitution, meaning she’ll apply the laws as the original framers intended, and not adapt her reasoning for any change in policy, adaptation to modern day thinking, and such. Forget for a moment that the Constitution itself allows for (and intended to have) Amendments as a way of self-correcting over time to recognize changes in society, and focus on just this one issue: the original framers lived in a society that did not recognize either black people or women as equals (or even people based on the legal definition of such) the former allowed to be subjected to ownership by others, and the latter not given rights such as voting or working to name but 2. So if she believes in that doctrine, then she must admit that per the original framers’ intent she cannot be allowed to sit on the very court that would not have allowed women to practice law or be a candidate for a judgeship. But hey, if you want to start with that “originalist” mindset, let’s not apply 2nd Amendment logic to anything beyond muskets. Oh I forgot, Republicans and Trump defenders alike don’t worry themselves with inconsistency and hypocrisy, they just demand strict adherence to the rules when it suits their interests and conveniently shrug it off with What-about-isms when it boxes them in to a morally inescapable losing argument any time they want to break those same rules because it no longer helps them.
  2. Patrick S. Tomlinson @stealthygeek I don't give a **** that she lives her faith. I give a **** that she'll force the rest of us to live her faith.
  3. Had the pizza burger once. Absolutely gross. Now, bring back the steak bites, and I will listen.
  4. Judges can get removed if they have perjured themselves. The “nothing” answer is the safe way to avoid that. And to be fair, expecting her to know every statute off the top of her head is a stretch. Now logically, common sense would dictate that the answer is likely a “yes”. Now, if one ants to question her credentials, point out that she was a law clerk for 2 years, only practiced law for 3, has been an academic for 15, and was appointed to an appeals court for 3 years before this nomination. So 6 years practical legal experience and gets appointed to the highest court on the land.
  5. There won’t be any dental plan with that contract, so I’d walk away.
  6. I could never hear that name and not think of this. RIP.
  7. These are the kind of contracts that throw the whole NHL salary structure out of whack. Ridiculous overpay.
  8. I feel like they did not get enough here. Vegas very desperate to shed cap dollars, we should have gotten a draft pick back from them, forced them to retain salary, or offered no better than a 5th or not given a player as well. They were in more need to make this deal than we were. And I don’t know how much 2 years older and the injuries will offset the prior chemistry with Laine and Ehlers in a short sample size. If we had the 2018 Stastny and not the 2021 Stastny I’d be more pleased with the deal. We shall see.
  9. I agree with the wish that the Knights retain some of that salary. I guess we’ll see what the Jets are giving up, because it should be essentially nothing if we’re paying all of his salary. Funny though that people shrug off the knee injury and age here (he’ll be 35 before the season starts) and yet sound alarm bells over Blake Wheeler’s declining skill set due to age (he is 8.5 months younger, BTW).
  10. So he’s quitting? This seems so off- brand for a guy who has declared bankruptcy 6 times, had 2 failed marriages, has settled over 100 personal lawsuits against him, and dodged the draft 5 times. Biden should wait until just before the debate (or at the debate) to use the “quitter” tag for his campaign. Don’t want to goad Trump too early and guilt him into attending, better that you have an uninterrupted voice to answer the questions of the American people solo and continually point out that you are the one candidate willing to stand up and be accountable to them.
  11. 11 broadcasts. 6 different games in total, 5 of them repeated. Not sure who gets it worse - Montreal fans who get to see 4 different losses played 7 times over, or B.C. and Ottawa fans who apparently don’t have CFL teams.
  12. Perfetti still available. Also Winnipegger Seth Jarvis. Would fill the need at Centre going forward.
  13. Jets are now in line to draft Cole Perfetti (#5 in Central scouting rankings) or Marco Rossi (#6) who are both Centres. This after 8 picks in.
  14. CJOB reporting that they are taking over radio rights for the Jets.
  15. You know, as a single issue voter, I am disappointed the debate moderators have not put a question about Space Force to the candidates. Still undecided until I get answers. Thanks for the reminder Mr. President.
  16. I get the idea of trading Laine if they don’t think they can afford him long term (I.e. if he costs them $10-11 million. + for 7-8 years), but the idea of trading him to fill holes elsewhere seems kind of silly. What is the point of trading for a legit 2nd line centre to feed Laine if it costs you Laine to get him? Unless you want to bring in 2 solid top 4 d-men and turn this team into a trap style all defence first Islanders clone.
  17. Boy, when Kellyanne resigned to focus on her family, did not think that meant lying to your kid about your diagnosis and knowingly exposing and then infecting them.
  18. Elliot Friedman reporting that Bryan Little is unlikely to play again. If his contract is now freed up ($5.3 million) along with Buff ($7.5) and Kulikov($4.3), what are the chances we can go after a decent 2nd line centre, starting D-man, re-sign DeMelo and extend Laine (who is already at $6.75 so even at $9 million/yr longer term only “costs” us $2.25 million over our current cap)?
  19. So the number of cases connected to the Trump outbreak now stands at 25 at least: Donny, Melania, Rona and Brad from his campaign, 3 GOP senators, ND President, Chris Christie, Kellyanne, Hope, 3 White House reporters, and 11 Cleveland Clinic Centre employees. Yes, 11 people from Monday’s debate. And Trump told his half of the room not to wear masks. But what may be more telling is that attendees, Wallace, and both candidates were to be tested before the debate. but Trump and his team showed up late and did not leave enough time to be tested before the debate started. After the debate he was lethargic on the flight home on Air Force One and fell asleep. A conspiracy-minded person might suggest that he knew he had COVID before the debate and showed up late to avoid the test result leaking. Hope Hocks positive test was being covered up by the White House before a journalist broke the news, forcing the administration to open up about Trump being tested, and we’ve all heard about the timeline fudging. If Biden falls ill, the chaos would be unbelievable. The VP debate suddenly has become the most consequential in US history.
  20. Gee, where was their anger when he downplayed a known threat in February? When Democrat states like New York And California were getting hammered? When he refused to provide PPE to states that were not effusive enough in their praise of him? When his rallies led to Herman Cain’s death? I guess when someone else’s life was put in jeopardy, it was not worth their indignation, only when it impacted their selfish interests did it become an issue.
  21. St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson, age 84. In1968 won the CyYoung with a stunningly low ERA of 1.12.
  22. Body language experts say arms crossed is always indicative of a defensive posture.
  23. I don’t really but the sentiment that the GOP would be worried about ramming in their SCOTUS pick in a lame duck session if they lost the Presidency and the Senate majority. Everything in their antics these past 8 years would suggest the opposite in fact, and what more would they have to lose at that point? If I recall from the movie “Lincoln”, he got the necessary votes to abolish slavery from lame duck senators on their way out, which is why he rushed it through between winning his team-election and Inauguration Day, before the new Senate took hold which would have voted him down on it. What I wonder is, if a 4th GOP senator falls ill with COVID (not an unlikely scenario given the last 24 hours) and has to quarantine, could the Dems tam through a motion to bypass the confirmation hearing and proceed straight to a vote, and then vote “no” with the majority of votes present. This gamesmanship has been done before in Parliament (even in MB) where the minority catches the majority napping with reduced numbers in chambers and gets in a quickie vote while they hold the balance. Right now the plan is to boycott and keep the numbers below quorum (which is only the case with the current COVID-reduced GOP numbers). Two final thoughts - Since the US is such a religious country (especially fundamentalist Republicans) I like to think that when Ruth Bader Ginsberg died and went to heaven, she looked down on the Barrett SCOTUS announcement, saw her life’s legacy about to be torn down, and got in God’s ear. God then said “Hold my beer, and BTW the irony of this GOP victory party being their undoing of the Presidency and the SCOTUS vote In one fell swoop will be delicious”. At least that’s what I tell the Trump backers happened to see them get all triggered. 🤣 And finally, not sure I like this new “merging of posts” when you write consecutive posts on a topic. My posts are more than long enough as it is with out combining 3 of them into 1 (yes, I am self-aware enough to know how much I blathering, don’t need the “TLDR” smarty pants responses telling me so).
  24. Understandable that you posted here. The two topics are so intertwined now (sadly) that I fear a number of discussions back and forth on both threads, just thought declaring one place to do it would keep things cleaner. But no harm, no foul.
  25. I still suck at posting twitter links, so I will just recap what I read. Kellyanne’s positive test was revealed - by her daughter on Tiktok. Claudia Conway went on to say that her mom did not want her to post the COVID diagnosis but rather keep it quiet, but Claudia was “furious” because Kellyanne lied to her and said the test was negative while walking around her all day before telling her the truth, and now Claudia will spend her birthday in quarantine. Unless this is a fake TikTok account, this was a post straight from Claudia. Dinnertime conversations at the Conway household must be next level, even if George is not thrown into the mix. CNN said there would be an update from doctors at 11:00 am EST. But the shortness of breath claims make this suddenly much more problematic than “mild symptoms”. I did not think about this yesterday, but Biden took off his mask for the debate. Imagine if both candidates caught the virus. The VP debate suddenly became the most consequential one in history.
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