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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. It’s a life sentence, not 25 years. And with the Faint Hope clause he could apply for parole in 15 years anyway. I wouldn’t worry, I’d wager big money he isn’t going to be seeing the outside of a prison any time while I still walk this earth, and I plan on being around for 40 more years at least.
  2. Aw, it would be such a shame to see all of Trump’s “lawsuit campaign” fund (a.k.a. “recoup all the money we spent running a losing election campaign” fund) money get eaten up defending these civil suits and paying out settlements.
  3. I see what you did there. But if anyone missed the brilliant subtlety of your response, let me hammer it home I was not. But I would sure like to take DeJoy out of the Post.
  4. Because of the pardon, Flynn no longer has 5th Amendment immunity so if Congress now calls him to testify about Russian collusion in 2016 he can’t dodge the subpoena or refuse. Commutation of sentence would have still protected him.
  5. Who cares? Trump will just pardon him anyway.
  6. You mean Trump might actually win a lawsuit?
  7. Are you honestly concerned that this loyal cult is (a) willing to abandon their leader now because of logic, or (b) smart enough to see the flaw in this plan? At this point you could draw them a diagram of the self-destructive outcome of this move and they would still yell “fake news” and bow down to dear leader. If they still risk their lives not wearing masks to support the Trump mindset, I’m not too worried about them pulling off the 3D chess mental gymnastics to prevent their own demise of a Republican Senate majority.
  8. This Parler movement to write in Trump for the Georgia senate race is the first thing the MAGA crowd has suggested that I agree with. Since Trump is not registered as a candidate, any write-in for him is simply a spoiled ballot, and since it will only eat away at Republican votes, both Senate swats could flip Democrat and result in a 50-50 Senate, with the VP being the tie-breaker as needed. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  9. We all miss it, or we would not be here posting on a Bomber fan site. But to say a missed season is the worst thing he has ever had happen to him is either laughably false, or he has led the most privileged life of all time, and has no business whining about anything. And to use that self-entitlement to justify bashing the commish for nothing more than the optimistic news of next year’s schedule coming out is totally off base in my opinion. 10 people are dying daily in this Province due to a modern plague and a lost football season is the most gutting thing ever? Give US a break, not him.
  10. Here’s my criticism of your stance. You ***** when he “hides on his cave” and says nothing, and then you ***** when he comes out and says something. You are pre-dispositioned to take anything he says or doesn’t say, does or doesn’t do, in a negative light. You have no objectivity when it comes to him and it has come off as some personal vendetta. You have even bitched about him wearing scarves, for God’s sake, when that is completely irrelevant. You expect him to have a massive plan laid out For CFL perfection when we are seeing that this pandemic has flummoxed governments around the world in their responses. Sweden goes with herd immunity, did not work. Canada did early lockdown amid huge criticism about crippling the economy, and yet here we are now in a huge second wave. Ambrosie was in a no-win situation in a league that needs fans to make a profit, and he along with the owners (who are really the ones pulling the strings, as it always has been) decided not playing was the course to take to protect the players and society. Now we get news that shows they are at least planning a re-boot, and you jump all over it as being useless. But if they did not say anything you’d whine (as you already have done repeatedly on this board) that he is not saying anything to the fans who have the absolute RIGHT to full disclosure (news flash, we don’t). Hey, if you have all the answers and see the way out of this, especially a way that has zero fans and no vaccines but can sustain the league financially, please enlighten us, and run for commissioner yourself (or better yet become a politician, since they don’t have the answers either). NHL owners pitched for the season to shut down in some quarters too as they would lose less money that way, so this is not just a CFL problem.
  11. If that is honestly true, then (and I will try to say this as nicely and respectfully as possible) you need to get a f***ing life, or at least a f***ing clue.
  12. A nice poker analogy from Edward Norton of all people to explain one theory of Trump’s mentality and how the hand needs to be played against him: Click on it to get the full thread. And thanks to Fred C. Dobbs for helping me finally figure out this twitter link stuff. Maybe next he can help me reach-program the clock on my VHS machine! 🤣
  13. Hutz had a better won-loss trial record than Jackie did, though.
  14. MBB counters with its own legal expert. It’s the Clarence Darrow vs. William Jennings Bryan 2020 re-match for our times.
  15. I see Trump at some point starting to pivot the narrative just like he did with the birtherism. After peddling lies for years about Obama and Kenya, he comes out and declares “Obama is from America, period. I helped show that so all those who spread this misinformation need to stop”, praising himself for reinforcing the truth to quash the conspiracy while conveniently ignoring that he is the source of the conspiracy. Now he will pivot the election fraud stuff to “I made sure this election was legit, because of my concerns the pollsters did a great job, and we exposed and corrected all the flaws, America should thank me for being the great parrot I am for ensuring a proper election”.
  16. Remember that all CFL contracts are not guaranteed, so common practice with veterans on the edge was to cut them before Labour Day to avoid them getting paid out for the balance of the season, or cutting a vet in March just before a bonus was due. Lousy optics and a shady way to handle contracts, but all legit in the CFL, so the Lions had the chance to do this with Reilly and did not, so I say they are on the hook for it. Bombers cut loose a bunch of their guys to free them up for NFL opportunities and avoid contract headaches when it was clear this year would not happen. All teams had that option, BC chose to hold on to their guy, so honour the contract.
  17. That’s not how the law works. If he has a legit case, the courts won’t throw it out because specific performance (paying him out) can’t be met. The court could rule in his favour, but practically speaking he might still not get paid if they are bankrupt. He would just get in line with the rest of the creditors who are owed money. What you are suggesting is crazy. Imagine if I hired you to fix my fence for $10,000, and then did not pay you for services rendered under our agreed upon contract. You sue, I go to court and say, yeah, I don’t have any money to pay him so throw out his lawsuit and the court says to you that you have no case because I don’t have the money I promised you, agreeing to throw out the lawsuit because of my failings, not yours. Businesses everywhere would line up to have a court system that operated that way. Workers, not so much.
  18. That’s a ridiculous comparison. Drew Brees has 758 rushing yards in a 20 year career. Kyler Murray has almost 1,100 in a season and a half. Streveler has one carry for 3 yards. Why would you take out the better QB whose run game is better or at least equal against NFL talent than his back-up has shown against only CFL talent. The Cards are not here to give the Bomber fan boys a reason to do a circle jerk. They are here to win games with the best option available.
  19. Those ICU numbers are getting beyond manageable. And Pallister has cut 20% of the Winnipeg ICU beds since taking over.
  20. Without going to any video to refresh my memory: Against Calgary- 1)although a scoring play, Medlock’s 52 yard FG at the end of the half. Ice cold ball, brought us to within 6 points in a half we were outplayed in 2) LaPo letting Streveler stay in for a series. On Demski’s TD run, Streveler held the ball a long time on the handoff and the defender bit on the QB sneak, allowing Nic to get through the hole untouched, then it was a foot race 3) The physicality Of the defensive backs. Those first half hits made the receivers skittish and it showed in the 3rd when they did not commit to route running and dropped a few passes. No Levi had zero yards passing in that quarter and you could see his receivers were rattled 4)Mike Jones’ “simultaneous catch” INT when Calgary could have gone up 14-0 early 5) On Streveler’s nail in the coffin TD, Hardrick pulls from his right tackle spot to left tackle. Kenny Lawlor takes his spot and seals off the right side with a great block, Hardrick absolutely crushes his block and Strev is able to bounce outside and go all the way. Brilliant blocking scheme Against Sask- aside from the ones you mentioned, the goal line stand play, specifically 1) the dumb play calling from the Sask o-coordinator. If William Powell was fed the ball I think Sask just might score when they kept imploding inside the Bomber 5. 2) The defensive poise after Fajardo threw an illegal pass after running past the line of scrimmage. Obvious blown call even after the review (and I don’t but the whole”back foot still behind the line” - it was not) gives them a gift first down, but the D buckled down and held to a FG. 3) Winston Rose’s INT and even more importantly big run back 4) On the 2nd last goal line stand, 3 huge plays. First down Jefferson times the snap perfectly, goes untouched around the block and forces a bad pass out of bounds. Second down Theadric Hansen meets Powell at the one foot line and stands him straight up one on one. Even forward momentum and Powell crosses the line, Hansen refused to budge an inch and keeps him out. Third down DB Nick Taylor moves up to the line and dives in the legs of the o-line taking out 3 players. Totally opened up the hole for Matson and Bighill to make the stuff play Grey Cup 1) Hansen’s special teams double take out set the emotional tone for the dominance by the Bombers and the half heartedness of the Ticats. 2) Mike Jones hitting Brandon Banks so hard he quit the game with an injury, and then breaking up the long bomb to his Hamilton namesake when a TD could have made the game interesting.
  21. Hmmm......not sure but this might warrant an NSFW tag. It’s close.
  22. Alex Trebek’s favourite impersonation of him.
  23. 2020 couldn’t even give us one full weekend of happiness.
  24. One comment that really tells you the view of Trump was a reporter saying he had never seen a celebration of Americans in the streets like this ever, not when any other President was elected, not even to this extent WHEN BIN LADEN WAS KILLED. More loathed than Bin Laden. Congratulations on your legacy Mr Trump.
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