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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. In a shocking twist, the outgoing President was on the golf course when the news came in.
  2. So aside from the obvious “You’re fired!” headline, a British journalist Andy Ryan suggested a number of others. The Lying King Down in the Trumps Lord of the Lies Donald Dumped Unpresidented Orange is the New Sacked Game Over, Combover and my favourite - POTUS Out of Our Misery
  3. 10:25 am Saturday, as his Pennsylvania lead goes over 30,000, CNN has now officially declared that Joe Biden has been elected as the 46th President of America (I can’t really call it the “United” States anymore).
  4. Not as hard as people here if the Riders got the first pick, or vice versa.
  5. Given how they reached out to people to cobble it together. You’d hope they would reach out to Bob Irving to get him to simulcast a play by play and then put it out as a TSN special broadcast.
  6. My favourite random tweet of the day so far: https://twitter.com/thejasonkirk/status/1324773842791944194?s=20
  7. Um, Trump knows he is trailing in Arizona and Nevada, and needs to count those votes or he will lose the election, right?
  8. So the RINO’s at FOX called Arizona for Biden yesterday, as did many others, but CNN refuses to. Trump’s new favourite network. And CNN looking smarter by not calling it, Trump is cutting in to that lead rapidly. And for those scoring at home, Trump and his supporters were screaming “stop the count” consistently right up until the moment they were trailing but showing gains in Arizona, now it is “count them all”. Love to see how they explain that inconsistency away in a court of law when they bring their election lawsuits. And kind of pathetic but on brand that the Arizona protestors who disrupted the polling centre demanding that all votes be counted were actively protesting for something that was already happening, and all they managed to do was stop it because of safety concerns, effectively achieving the opposite effect of their protest at their own hand.
  9. Biden has now taken the lead in Michigan. Those crumbs are delicious.
  10. Maybe. We shall see. FYI Trump already has 3,000,000 more votes nationwide this election compared to last. Looks like he broadened his base. And Biden has received more votes than any Presidential candidate in US history.
  11. I like the way CNN has been explaining the voting patterns and why the vote is moving the way it is. Their “magic wall” does a great job of breaking down the voting to counties and shows where there are still a lot of votes to be counted. Right now largely urban areas and traditional Democrat strongholds. Right now if Biden can win Arizona (currently up 130,000 votes, 5% lead), Nevada (up 7,500, 0.6% lead in a state Dems won last time), Maine (up 78,400, 12.5% lead), Wisconsin (now leading by 21,000, up 0.6%) and Michigan (trailing by 27,000, down 28,000 after trailing by 270,000 last night when they took a break from counting, down 0.5%) then Pennsylvania does not even come into play as he would hit 271 electoral college votes. And Pennsylvania still has 1.4 million advance mail in votes received that are still to be counted. Trump up by 600,000 right now, and they won’t apparently start counting again until 9:00 am Winnipeg time. All this as of 7:30 am local time. If Michigan shifts blue in the next hour Trump really goes crazy. But Nevada still in play big time, which was supposed to be Democrat safe.
  12. But how will you ever learn otherwise?
  13. So just Before 11:30 pm local time, CNN says that Fulton County, Georgia (which contains Atlanta metro area) has over 46,000 mail in votes still to count, but they are packing it in for the night and will resume the counting tomorrow at 8:00 am. There is a lot I just don’t get about America (love of guns, race wars) but how in the world does this “greatest country on earth” have 11 hour line-ups for voting and no ability to tally votes in a timely manner with all the advances in computers and all the early voting they did? And who just stops counting halfway through to pick it up later? This is once every 4 years, one would hope an all-nighter is not too much to ask. This is bush league stuff.
  14. Just don’t start whining about the Lapp playbook, the defensive breakdowns of Richie Hall’s schemes, and scream about blowing up the failed Canadian mafia at halftime if we are behind. Football is a 60 minute game, and all you negative Nancy doom and gloomers are getting tiring to me.
  15. 1. He hasn’t played with the Riders since 2017, so not like this happened under their watch. 2. Doesn’t sound good, but hey let’s just remind ourselves of the whole “innocent until proven guilty” thing 3. As a follow up to those 2 points, the Blue Bombers once employed Garry Sawatsky as an offensive lineman AFTER he was convicted of 2nd degree murder as a known gang member. Good on him for turning his life around after a stint in Stony Mountain, but maybe just tone down the sanctimonious Rider bashing a few dozen notches.
  16. Wish Biden would point out that one of the groups that relies most on mail-in ballots and late counting are the US soldiers stationed overseas defending US democracy, and Trump is trying to invalidate the voting rights of the armed forces with his rhetoric. Let’s see the MAGA crowd defend THAT stance.
  17. Another day in the White House https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-national-day-remembrance-americans-killed-illegal-aliens-2020/
  18. I refuse to set my clock back an hour. Not spending one second longer in 2020 than I have to.
  19. So Trump’s SCOTUS play seems to be that any votes not counted on Election Day won’t count. So what does he do if Biden is leading on election night with ballots still needing to be counted? With all the advance voting and it seemingly being driven by Democrat voters according to exit polls, the early votes would seem to skew to Biden’s favour. Wouldn’t it be fitting for the stupidity of this administration if he screwed himself one final time by being behind on election night and then needing uncounted votes to catch up, having established the fiction himself that late votes are tainted?
  20. Anyone know the real story behind the car crash with Nike and Vesaleinen last year? Media kind of dances around how they ended up in the dog house all year, any intel on what triggered it? Seems like a fender bender would not cause that much tension
  21. Not saying you specifically Frosty, but why do so many bash Wheeler for his age and declining skills but praise signing an older Stastny and say we should sign guys like this?
  22. It just means they do not hold his rights any more and any team can sign him as a free agent (I think) or draft him next year.
  23. So to recap Arizona’s 2020 draft, they had traded their 1st found pick to New Jersey for Taylor Hall, who has now left for Buffalo. Their 2nd round pick was forfeited due to violating the league policy on testing Junior prospects outside of accepted time frames. They had traded their 3rd round pick to acquire Carl Soderberg, who is now an unrestricted free agent, and they just renounced their 4th round pick because of his conviction for bullying. And their GM quit just before the playoffs this year.
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