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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I hope there is a plan B should one of our import receivers go down. This is a puzzlement and it would be nice if the Bombers cared enough to tell us fans what was going on.
  2. Would that be a lama or a llama?
  3. For the first time since the Mulumba watch started, I feel hope that he will actually come here, and when sorely needed.
  4. Very reminiscent of a certain Michael O'Shea.
  5. You would need someone at the top with intelligence and vision, and I'm not sure such a person exists in the Alouette organization.
  6. I thought that Lindley didn't look all that worse than either Tate, Durant or Willy. There has to be something wrong with Durant- mentally or physically. I have never seen him look that bad as he has in the last three games- he is making bad reads or his throwing arm is screwed up, because his passes were nothing short of terrible.
  7. Considering the poor state of quarterbacking in the league this season, if Nichols stays healthy, anything is possible.
  8. If Walters' history is any indication, there will be no significant additions to the lineup before the end of the season, so do not hold your breath.
  9. Sad kitties, soft kitties, little balls of fear. Worn-down kitties, sloppy kitties, Poor, poor, poor.
  10. I think either one of our backup QB's would have won this game for the TiCats.
  11. Gawd. Wasn't anyone blocking for the TiCat punt returner?
  12. THAT is pass interference. Lets see if the CFL has the guts to call it.
  13. Collaros has not been put in the game, so that means, come hell or high water, he is done as a TiCat.
  14. The only way this game is going to be replayed on video is as a bad example of CFL football.
  15. They have so few reasons to celebrate, so let them enjoy it while it lasts.
  16. Reminds me of how the Bombers played under Burke.
  17. I feel embarrassed for the TiCat fans.They are actually paying to watch their team comes unhinged.
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