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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. But not Chrysler's. The Chryslers of that era were all junk- bloated chrome-infested barges.
  2. Look at the bright side. Maybe both Wild and out starting safety will be back and Walters might find us a decent MLB. Doubtful, but possible.
  3. June Jones' rep was built on grooming quarterbacks, so maybe Masoli will get better.
  4. Now you've gone and shattered my worldview. Next you're gonna tell me there's no Orville Reddenbacher. Or the Keebler elf.
  5. Aaah. Good old Ricardo Montalban (Mendelbaum) and his "Corinthian Leather" voice over commercials for Chrysler.
  6. I'm not sure that Rider fans would be acquainted with either concept. Soap is difficult enough for them.
  7. They could have meant occidental. After all, it did occur in the western hemisphere.
  8. I'm cynical enough to believe that it wouldn't be a stretch to believe that Jones & Co. would deliberately exceed the cap in order to remain competitive. That would be consistent with Jones demonstrated attitude in the past.
  9. So you're saying we should find Worman, and get him into rehab?
  10. Damn. Now what am I going to do with 400 lbs of moosemeat?
  11. And here I thought he did it with a Tim Horton's stir stick.
  12. BLW: I think it is going to be as long for Davis to ascend to the next level as Prince Charles.
  13. About as appetizing as a tequilla-anchovy-vanilla milkshake.
  14. Okpalaugo was more noticeable in the last game, but far from dominant. Considering the dearth of D-line talent on the rosters of the Esks, Lions, Argos and Ticats, you'd think he would be in demand.
  15. Can't see that. There is a good chance that Lulay is done and Jennings has shown some promise. Collaros just might be broken and is very expensive to gamble on.
  16. Dunigan was on 1290 today- very complimentary to the Bombers. He said it was a great game and game experience in a great stadium- one of the best ever for him and he would call it that way even if he had never been a Bomber.
  17. No doubt you will cry yourself to sleep tonight.
  18. Let's compromise with the Rider fans on this. We can agree that they have the loudest whining and they can agree we have the loudest fans.
  19. It is starting to look like Chris Jones might have competition for the "Biggest Anal Aperture" award of the 2017 season. There's a difference between passion and a tantrum.
  20. But Masoli is probably better than Bridge.
  21. The TiCats are showing signs of life- would love to see them pick off the Riders, sending fans across Saskatchewan into melancholic depression.
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