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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. If Couture is close to being as good as Neufeld, then it would make sense to trade Neufeld- his paycheque is a lot heftier and we could use that money better elsewhere.
  2. Does anyone else here detect a whiff of bovine excrement when O'Shea and Hall talk about Hurl being used primarily to engage an opposing O-lineman as opposed to a "traditional" linebacking role? I cannot see how a 218 lb linebacker is expected to consistently stop or even slow down a 300lb O-lineman who will have 2-3 yards to pick up speed. It seems to me that they are stuck with him in that position due to having no better options and they have sort of adapted the role to try to minimize his liabilities- in other words, he is expected to serve as a speed-bump with the number 10 on it.
  3. You are assuming that they would know what indoor plumbing is.
  4. Well, we're going to see how much intestinal fortitude our new commissioner has which will be shown by how aggressively he deals with this crap. Its not that Wally Buono who did this- its a coach who has shown arrogance and contempt for the league and its rules, so he ought to be squashed SAP.
  5. The Esks have legitimate injury excuses for their plummet, Toronto- not so much. They're just plain bad.
  6. There may be a secondary change as well if Lawrence (be still my heart) finds his way to Winnipeg. On those plays where Briggs was plugged in for Knox, he didn't look any worse, so if that is so, then Hurl is expendable.
  7. The most obvious differences will be that almost all of the crowd will have their own teeth and not look suspiciously like their dates for the game.
  8. And remember- if life gives you melons, you're probably dyslexic as well.
  9. Welcome aboard and please do not feel the trolls.
  10. Engineers are not all that smart. Apparently one designed the human body- who else but an engineer would run a sewer through a prime recreational area?
  11. Who is going to give up a starting Canuck? Maybe a team which is already out of the playoffs- Hamilton and Toronto? I would love to see a home-grown upgrade on Hurl, but I do not see how that would be possible.
  12. I am no fan of Hall and his porous defense, but Hall has to work with what he has, and if Walters cannot find better players , that's that. I would love to see Walters or even O'shea show some impatience with the defense, but I'm not holding my breath.
  13. As embarrassing as it is to admit it, the Bombers look to be rated appropriately due to the debacle in Regina. Glenn is playing the best football of his career and he has some darned good targets to hit.
  14. Bass was very good as an outside linebacker- in the middle he was roadkill more often than not, but he was a bit better than Hurl.
  15. I'm betting that there will be few or NONE new players flown in. Maybe a trade.
  16. Lawrence alone would be worth the trade.
  17. Lankford has a lot of speed- maybe one of the fastest in the league, but his hands are still a question mark and his speed is all still in a straight line. How well does he run patterns and fight for the ball? Who knows?
  18. Where are you getting your stats from? Citation, please. Going at the linebackers doesn't stop at passes to them- it includes running plays as well. We did have a few good runs but overall, we let a potentially weak area of the Riders go.
  19. Even though our receivers were inadequate this game, I am still trying to understand why , in critical moments, Nichols was throwing at Gainey who is both very good and having a career year. Rider linebackers are questionable and yet we didn't test them very often.
  20. Hall is definitely at fault, but our D-line has not been good enough as a unit, two of our three linebackers would have a very hard time starting for any other team in the league and it sure as spit looks like the defense is skewed to compensate for that. How much blame can be laid at the feet of the coaching if if there is little pressure on the opposing quarterback and the linebacking cannot stop critical runs up the middle or drop back into coverage well enough?
  21. All valid points. The pressure is squarely on the Bombers in the Banjo Bowl. If they get thumped again, it would be some comfort to think that major changes will be made, but somehow....
  22. If memory serves, that spit of saliva expelling would have to cover quite a distance. But yes, that was really low-class if it happened and the video reviews ought to identify them and get them banned with an apology to Carter from the club.
  23. I do not see how Nichols is the problem. Yesterday was not one of his better outings, but we have, on balance, an average or slightly below average set of receivers and an offensive coach who cannot seem to adapt to the opposition's defensive schemes. None of our receivers looked like they belonged in the CFL, except Dressler who is probably not up to speed.
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