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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. We had enough evidence with the Drew Willy tenure behind center that it is almost inconceivable that O'Shea will pull Nichols out under any non-catastrophic circumstances. Get used to it- that's who O'Shea is.
  2. It better not happen again next weekend. Once is happenstance, but two lopsided losses are going to send fans into PTSD.
  3. Nichols was almost as safe behind his O-line as he would have been on the sidelines. He has led more than one comeback, so he was our best chance. I said "best" not "good". We had our butts kicked in all four parts of the game- offense, defense, special teams and coaching.
  4. The frustrating thing is that we've seen the problems we saw today to some degree for the past season and a half, and it finally cost us not only the game but the idea that the Bombers were a contender. Our D-line is nowhere as good as we were led to believe it would be. Westerman is good and the other Canucks are serviceable, but Nevis and Okpalaugo are s o-so at best. Poop Johnson and Jeffcoat have shown a lot. Our linebacking is terrible save for Leggett, and the DBs are mostly Ok. The coaching is questionable. So: bench the import d-linemen who are not producing, find replacements for Knox and Hurl (fat chance) and tell Hall that he will be gone by season's end if things do not improve quickly and dramatically.
  5. A waste of three hours where I could have been doing something more rewarding- like flossing.
  6. If this is as good as Dressler, Denmark and Lankford can be, we're headed downhill quickly. Thorpe could not have been worse than any of these, but I am willing to cut Dressler some slack as it was his first game back.
  7. Its not about total offense- its about scoring when you have to, and getting the first downs when you have to. Similarly, its about getting the stops when you need to. We've been getting by on field goals and getting turnovers a lot, but that was unsustainable. The coaches deserve scrutiny as well. There were a lot of weird decisions today on offense, and it has been obvious that O'Shea has Dave Richie's syndrome.
  8. This game was more anti-climactic than a cold shower and a picture of a naked Rosie O'Donnell.
  9. With all the injuries in Edmonton, I would expect the Esks to dip heavily into the recent NFL cuts. They have both the need and the cap room.
  10. I think it comes down to them not being able to distinguish between Glenn and Nichols' records. Being as how they're from Saskatchewan, its understandable.
  11. We know that we have as good a place-kicker as has ever played in the CFL, and if the Bombers could cash in more than half their red-zone chances, they would be near-unbeatable. I hope that Walters, O'Shea and LaPolice are going to tweak something to make that happen.
  12. I fearlessly predict that if the Bombers win tomorrow, they will sweep the series.
  13. Can we take up a collection so that a volunteer from here can drive over there and pick one or both of them up to bring them back here?
  14. Not much different than most threads here....
  15. Not to rain on your parade, but the whole eastern conference as well as BC and Edmonton have all fallen on hard times, and Calgary currently does not look invincible, either. The Bombers have benefited from all that, and if they at least split with the Riders and take the Riders right to the wall in the loss, it will go a long way to establishing them as a legitimate contender. PS: even if Chris Jones manages to build a decent team, he is still a jackhole.
  16. Score actually flattering the Als.
  17. Surely to goodness Neufeld has significant trade value. He may not be an all-star, but he has been steady when not injured. Some team in the East has to need a national o-lineman. To Toronto for Coombs?
  18. Mark is right, and I apologize for my poorly-chosen riposte to szardoz 71. By the way wasn't Szardoz the worst Sean Connery movie ever?
  19. Poor Collaros- being potentially moved from one team that has a pop-gun offense and porous O-line to another. On the other hand, he ain't working for minimum wage, either. Hamilton would have to eat some of that salary.
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