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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Even funnier was that RAF pilots had castor oil in their planes' crankcases in WW1 which was inevitably sprayed back into the pilots' faces causing no end of gastronomic distress, often while the plane was still in flight. And that's where Castrol oil got its name, but it no longer has castor oil in it.
  2. I am certain he will find someone other than himself to blame- his dad, his college coaches, the NFL, NFL coaches and GMs etc
  3. I feel bad for a good guy and great receiver whom time has caught up to. He is a giant step closer to retiring.
  4. But he would be at least the #2 receiver in Regina. Or nose tackle.
  5. At least we have a quarterback who stands a chance of winning.
  6. A deep threat is not the threat if the receiver cannot (a) run good patterns,(b) get open or (c) catch (and hold onto) the ball on a consistent basis. Lankford is fast, may or may not be quick and is questionable to go get the ball.
  7. The alleged logic of trotting your future "all-star" quarterback back onto the filed after he was clearly knocked unconscious totally escapes me. This apart from the medical reasons.
  8. Desperation makes for strange bedfellows. Look at the bars at closing time.
  9. It looks like its gonna be the Argos or the Arena Football league.
  10. If Nichols has a wonky knee, it would explain why his longer throws were off. If a QB cannot plant one leg, that has to take a bit off the accuracy and power of the throw.
  11. It was confirmed this afternoon that Lankford is starting Friday. I like Lankford as a person, but Jeez, if he is the best receiver the Bombers can put out there, it's very sad.
  12. It was even nuttier because there was no way the Als were going to compete in that game, let alone win. What was to be gained by not giving him the rest of the game off?
  13. A lot of humble pie being consumed in Regina.
  14. How about the concept that when we interact with others, the exchange reveals who we are?
  15. If someone gets caught for steroids repeatedly, would that make him a PED-ophile?
  16. In slightly different vein, did the Bombers not bring in a speed demon kick returner a few weeks ago who has apparently disappeared into the void?
  17. Yup. Stealing gasoline from another vehicle by using a hose to siphon is the correct definition.
  18. When you consider that "fan" is an abbreviation for "fanatic", it gives a better perspective. A fanatic is one who will not change his mind or the subject no matter what evidence there is to the contrary.
  19. You cannot officially be a hoser until you have employed the technique or at least know what it means.
  20. I will forgive you this one time. Next time you will required to throw yourself onto your sword.
  21. Apparently his pass-catching prowess doesn't have much space on his CV, either.
  22. I share your horror at the prospect of Lankford replacing Dressler. I am baffled at why he is still on the roster let alone being considered as a starter. Alexander would be loss we would feel as well.
  23. It seems to me that there is mounting evidence that Nichols is not the Nichols of last year, and the probable culprit is the weird injury he suffered of late. He dies not look entirely settled or mobile in the pocket and he has zero runs, even when pressured. I hope that he doesn't aggravate things by playing, because we need him to be at his best for the playoffs.
  24. When considering the collective smarts in Saskatchewan, bear in mind that they elected an MP who said that the way to keep kids safe in schools was to arm them.
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