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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I was expecting Lankford to completely flop, but he did make a couple of catches as well as dropping that guaranteed touchdown pass which might have changed the whole flow of the game But he did not cost us the game, and it is clear to all that he is not a kick returner and if used as such, it sets him up for failure.
  2. I think its symptomatic of one of O'Shea's failings as he sticks with what he has used rather than adapt.
  3. Even if Dressler had played at his 100% last night, we still would have lost badly. I have been critical of Lankford, but he played reasonably well last night, given his long benchwarming. I would still have started Peterman, though and replaced the late Mr. Loffler.
  4. After consideration. I cannot see that this is about the talent. The talent could always be better, but this has to fall at the feet of the coaches and if O'Shea cannot make the changes needed (Hall), then he is the wrong choice for head coach. As frustrating as it is for us fans, it has to be at least as bad for the players to see their head coach not do the right thing to make the team competitive.
  5. Given how poorly the team played tonight, I am losing confidence that we can even split with the Riders in the home and home. Jones will be desperate to keep his playoff hopes and job security alive and we've been getting worse.
  6. Disagree. Nichols was terrible, particularly when blitzed and this is the third or fourth game this year when he has looked bad.
  7. Lankford was better than I expected but no one player change is gonna save this team
  8. And apparently doesn't play offence very well, either
  9. I am looking forward to the game, and think its going to be close. High scoring, I think.
  10. Albertans getting a "head" start on the legalization of pot?
  11. You don't have to be mean like Diaper DonTrump.
  12. You are assuming they both have the same sort and degree of wonkiness.
  13. I would not doubt this. I do not think that LaPolice has headcoaching out of his blood yet.
  14. Hiring O'Shea was a bit of a gamble that hasn't quite paid off just yet ( I was rooting for Tom Higgins) but despite the lack of playoff wins, he is still pretty safe here.
  15. And Jones will have to walk on water to avoid the gallows after all the screwups, and if he is not fired, the Riders deserve their fate.
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