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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Sounds like the QB controversy is is not only going to persist but intensify from here on. Walters has proven himself to be pretty astute in talent assessment and recruitment and no doubt is aware of the same concerns expressed in this forum. What about trading Nichols to the Argos and signing Ricky Ray for the balance of the season if Ray has recovered from his concussions? Ray has proven that he can get the job done when stepping in on short notice.
  2. Hate to think where the Bombers would be without #33
  3. Okay, that ought to do it. An unsatisfying win, but a win nonetheless
  4. Not dead yet! Nichols has to have an extended drive, not another 2 and out
  5. At the risk of tempting fate, this game feels different than the last at this point.
  6. They must need to time Nichols in the 40 with a calendar
  7. You could probably get a decent Lada for Bighill at this point
  8. The footyball gods have smiled upon the boys in Blue and Gold.
  9. No one has said it yet, but thank God for no Rod Black on the telecast
  10. This may fall into the category of an ugly win
  11. I think we are seeing Calgary adapt to Bomber offence
  12. Bomber kick coverage has been excellent tonight
  13. Hard-fought yards for Harris there.
  14. Bryant getting noticed for all the wrong reasons tonight
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