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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. O'Shea has blown two almost certain challenge opportunities in this game.
  2. Damn. Same fourletterwording blitz that got to Streveler last time, and we have no answer.
  3. I cannot blame Streveler. He has gotten little support from his receivers and has been saddled with a very bad game plan. Get him out of there before he is screwed up. Not gonna happen.
  4. If only it was about two bad passes.
  5. I am waiting for the defenders of our coaching staff to step forward.
  6. Two terrible tosses in a row by Streveler- time for McGuire?
  7. I am getting concerned that Streveler's confidence will be impacted after two games in a row like this.
  8. Injuries and suspensions haven't affected the TiCats, Riders or Stamps.
  9. On screen plays the receiver ought to be in motion when the ball arrives, not standing still.
  10. if the Bombers do not start putting up some offence, their defence will collapse by the end of the third quarter.
  11. Then all we would have is hardened athletes.
  12. Don't know if the Bombers have played a more flaccid offence game all year.
  13. Why did O'Shea not challenge that non-penalty? Medlock looked pissed.
  14. Doesn't seem to have affected his game at all.
  15. This may go into the books as the Bombers losing the game when opposition scored only 8 points.
  16. Pretty fugly already. Its just a question of time until the Bomber defence caves.
  17. Apparently a 100-yard game is possible for the Bombers, but as a whole-team output of offence.
  18. Riders have game-planned for the Bombers perfectly.
  19. O'Shea is not going to enjoy this fall, either.
  20. We are in trouble here, folks. The whole damned team is tentative.
  21. Well, we have a pretty good idea now how the Bombers are reacting to the butt-kicking last week.
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