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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Bomber D starting to wake up and adjust
  2. Starting to remind me of the last BC Lions game.
  3. A strong opinion from a great ape.
  4. If Calgary takes Harris out of the game, Bombers are in trouble
  5. Grant nearly broke another one!
  6. Sure looked like there was air between Woli's hands and the ball when he went out
  7. So far its been encouraging, but the real test will come in the second half.
  8. Juggling doesn't count as possession
  9. Looks like Stamps are watching Harris closely.
  10. I cannot believe that our talent on D isn't good enough.
  11. Starting to look that way. Combine that with a flaccid offence and we're screwed. Gotta get back in the game ASAP.
  12. Well, we've matched the entire output of the second half of the Argo game.
  13. Bomber D being shredded- imagine if Mitchell was in...brrrr.
  14. Aaaand....Hecht arrives 20 minutes late
  15. Now, THAT'S how you run a blitz!
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