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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. For the good of the Bomber community you should chain yourself to the bed post on game day it that is all that will make them lose
  2. It is very hard to hang most the blame on O'Shea not knowing how much the coordinators control their respective areas during the game. We just don't seem to be able to adjust the game plan as the game progresses. That falls under the responsibility of the coordinators. My feelings are they are not in tune with current schemes and attempt to be too cute. However, it is the responsibility on the head coach to maintain the level of discipline that will not interrupt the flow of the game. Kuale is on him.
  3. No offence intended but why should we hope for a miracle when we have been unable to do what was within out power to accomplish? I like O'Shea but he will be left holding the bag while the coordinators failed to come up with appropriate game plans. I guess they got hung up on the success of the first six games and believed they could just go with that.
  4. Tackle: To stop the forward progress of (the ball carrier) by seizing them and knocking them to the ground. This is accomplished by wrapping your arms around the carrier as you are contacting same with a force that is greater than the forward force used by the carrier. There are different means of tackling. The Python Tackle is extremely effective but must be applied to a carrier who is standing still near some type of fixture, preferably a tree. It will render the carrier totally immobile but it might take a quarter of so to complete. The Howe Tackle was once used with great effectiveness in the corners by the man who perfected the tackle in the game of hockey. This type of tackle though it did not take down the carrier of the puck rendered him useless. Redefined, holding now carries a two minute penalty. The Fly-by Tackle is in some organization used on a regular basis in an attempt to take down the carrier by using the least amount of effort as is possible. It has always been considered very ineffective but might be accepted as normal. Most teams in the modern game have discouraged its use by benching the users.
  5. weather = Reasonably warm at game time but a pretty gusty wind to 45. Not exactly what you need for passing long.
  6. This makes a lot more sense than Burris. I'm a big fan of Matt Nichols and I think he'll do quite well behind a strong Rider O-line. You would have to think it wouldn't happen until after the Riders and Esks play though right? Don't want to get burned giving a team you're close in the standings to a qb. Or you would not want to give the rider fans a chance to make Nichols life so miserable he too would not want to go to Regina.
  7. Because the only way they might get hurt is falling off the bench.
  8. It's rather pointless to question the technical problems with the helmet receiver. It would be more appropriate to discuss why we did not use the other 58.8 minutes to get it done. Just like bad ref calls/nocalls we have to put ourselves in a position to overcome the effects of these. Waiting until the last 3 seconds to win a game when we had scored only 11 points till then is not something you should hope for or betch about if it did not happen. It has become very obvious the refs will not get any better so we should use their incompetence as a 13th man we have to account for. As sad as it is that is a fact of the game at the moment and this man can have a break out game at any time.
  9. I don't stick up for officials until the accusations being made against them starting bordering on the ridiculous. Are there times when I get really frustrated and angry with the officiating (in any sport I watch) - yeah, of course. The thing is officials get bashed for making the correct calls/non-calls more often than they are bashed when making a legitimate mistake. Before this season started, the officials were instructed to call certain infractions more closely and then they get bashed for doing it. It's the players themselves who should be taking a lot of blame for the increase, not the officials. Penalties are up but the ones that have seen the biggest increases are ones that the players can control. Objectionable conduct penalties are up 45% and procedural penalties (Offside, Procedure, Time count, Delay, Too many men, Illegal participation/substitution are grouped together) are up 44% - that's on the players, not the officials. Procedural penalties are up 15% not 44%, not sure where you got that from. Objectionable conduct penalties going up isn't a good thing in my mind either, the referees need to put their flags away on a lot of those. I find it very interesting that objectionable conduct calls are seeing such a huge increase while major fouls such as face masking, roughing the passer, horse collar tackling, etc are seeing a small increase if any. In fact, when you isolate just face masking calls, they're actually down nearly 20% this year. Don't you think that is because in many cases the players know they were victimized by a bad call or by a non call? Why so much this year?
  10. Why would Taman leak info about the offer for a player that was supposedly rejected knowing that a large portion of the fanbase can't stand the player in question? Sorry not buying it, Taman has nothing to gain by that. What was there to lose in telling Madani after Desjardins had told Taman to go fly a whatever?
  11. Maybe if we could get the one receiver who is stuck in the sick bay onto the field most of the problems discussed here would be solved. Just a thought.
  12. He was getting one pass per game so hard to say how much they might miss him.
  13. I chose Bill Frank who just passed away this June. He had a quiet motor that never quit. He was voted one of the top 50 players in the CFL and one of the players on the Bombers' dream team. I don't know how he would have played in this time but in his time here he was the best. Any of those guys would sure look good right now.
  14. What would happen if we waited to see what will happen? Going against the grain I still maintain Grigsby goes as the oline goes.
  15. As competitive as Willy might be I would hope he doesn't play if there is a chance he can make it worse and be out for a long time.
  16. We don't really know what we have yet with Brohm. I'll go into the game cautiously optimistic. I hope you're considering that we could very well be in position to be tied with BC if we manage to pull this game out. Unfortunately, I fear that Brohm is more similar to Mike Quinn or Tee Martin then any competent backup. We have to hope our current management are better at evaluating QB than what was happening then. Should you be right it will be another long day and more trolling from the inbreads.
  17. Bowman became Bowman when it counted. Flashbacks of yesteryears. All of a sudden a crossover becomes less and less appealing.
  18. Isn't there a cliché about the buck? Who will get the blame in the end?
  19. Nothing can give you a warm fizzy more than when you go into a week hoping another team will loose.
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