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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I actually know Rotor in real life through mutual business acquaintances. He is not blowing smoke. I'm not at liberty to discuss his personal life but it is very safe to assume that he knows Tillman very well.
  2. That's what i was thinking, eventually it looks like they will not require a National to play the corner. I think that is a position you want to transition away from a NI if you have the luxury of doing so. It's a tough position to find good NIs at.
  3. That could be. 8 NI starters would allow us a great deal of ratio flex. I certainly wouldn't mind that prospect. I do not think that a 2nd NI receiver will be utilized on a full time basis though. I suspect we will see a lot of offensive packages featuring 4 import receivers.
  4. Not necessarily. He may be taking Bucknor or JFGs spot as a starter. Further to that, he is not taking the spot of an American, he would be allowing us to put a veteran import elsewhere in the lineup. Hurl's job is not the one on the line. He won't play safety in the CFL. Unless your name is Mike O'Shea or Richie Hall you are completely unqualified to make that statement. My opinion is that he won't play safety in the CFL Fair enough. Why?
  5. Not necessarily. He may be taking Bucknor or JFGs spot as a starter. Further to that, he is not taking the spot of an American, he would be allowing us to put a veteran import elsewhere in the lineup. Hurl's job is not the one on the line. He won't play safety in the CFL. Unless your name is Mike O'Shea or Richie Hall you are completely unqualified to make that statement.
  6. I suggested this possibility a few weeks ago before the draft. It wasn't a popular opinion, but is one that makes even more sense to me now. A Waggoner/Newman safety spot makes more sense to me then them competing at WIL. I, also, think Leggett would make a great SAM. I agree that the Bomber should look at playing a NAT in the S position however I don't think Leggett would be a good SAM he is only 186 LBs, he might be a good DB or CB ? Leggett is physical for his size. If you can handle the physical demands of being a S, you can handle the physical demands of being a SAM.
  7. Not necessarily. He may be taking Bucknor or JFGs spot as a starter. Further to that, he is not taking the spot of an American, he would be allowing us to put a veteran import elsewhere in the lineup. Hurl's job is not the one on the line.
  8. I suggested this possibility a few weeks ago before the draft. It wasn't a popular opinion, but is one that makes even more sense to me now. A Waggoner/Newman safety spot makes more sense to me then them competing at WIL. I, also, think Leggett would make a great SAM.
  9. For sure. At this point and time, trading Greaves...unless we get a starting OL in return...would be like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Walters has done some excellent work in securing the future of our OL. However, we do have the present to worry about as well. It would be irresponsible to throw Chungh to the wolves before demonstrating he is ready for them. Perhaps through the course of their evaluations of Chungh, they feel he has already demonstrated that. Can't see how he could have. He may have all the physical tools necessary but until you actually put him on the field against CFL calibre defensive fronts it is just a guess as to how well he will do. Not saying he can't do it. It would be fantastic if he was ready but it would be a mistake to assume that he is. The smart play is to keep Greaves until Chungh proves that he is capable. Maybe that's the first week of camp, maybe that's until next year....who knows. Trading him now would be a big gamble though. That being said, I hope Chungh clearly beats out Greaves in camp and makes him expendable or forces him to convert to RG.
  10. I'd be shocked if Cotton was beat in camp.
  11. For sure. At this point and time, trading Greaves...unless we get a starting OL in return...would be like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Walters has done some excellent work in securing the future of our OL. However, we do have the present to worry about as well. It would be irresponsible to throw Chungh to the wolves before demonstrating he is ready for them.
  12. For sure he is a grade A stop gap. Whether that is for one season or two depends entirely on Goosen and the overall health of our OL. I think it is very safe to say that Picard was not brought in to be a long term solution.
  13. Exactly. Given everything we have heard from Walters, since he began his employment with us, about the value of the OL and it's depth this would seem a huge departure. I don't believe it for that reason. The only way I could possibly see Walters looking to trade Greaves is if Greaves asked for a trade, told the Bombers that there is no way he will re-sign, or got caught stealing Booster Juice. I think this trade rumor is a media creation.
  14. There is absolutely no way we trade Greaves. It would be monumentally stupid for Walters to do so. I don't think he is stupid, but I do think that Winnipeg Sun sportswriters trying to meet a deadline on a slow news day can be. This is pure fiction.
  15. I'm not surprised at the Booker release. It is what I hoped for. We needed to upgrade our DEs.
  16. Duane Slay was a victim of internal Bomber politics. The guy was a future DPOY. At least if you believed the hype that is......
  17. Some players will go home, some will stay. If the Bombers were to draft solely on the basis of a players hometown we wouldn't have too many CFL capable NIs. It's a myth perpetuated by Rider fans that they all come home to play for them. For some odd reason a lot of people here seem to buy into it. They lose as many NI FAs as they get....that's a fact of life for most CFL teams that allow their players to enter FA. I can think of far more CFL NIs hailing from Saskatchewan that play elsewhere than there are Saskatchewan born NIs on the Riders.
  18. I'm not sure why anyone would be overly concerned that he signed a two year deal. Was he supposed to play under his rookie contract for life?
  19. He did exactly what I thought he would in the first two picks. After that I don't know if it's good or bad. Have no idea who the guys are that we drafted. Really stoked we got Chungh, as the more and more I read about him the more and more I hoped he would be our guy. That makes the draft a win in my books. In so far as you can measure wins the day after the draft that is.
  20. I don't think anyone would. I would find it hard to believe that Hus would be the difference maker in any draft day trade scenario. However, wth do I know, look what Taman did today...
  21. After some thought, I am quite angry with Walters right now. We could have traded Cronk and our 3rd rounder next year and gotten Watson back and the Riders 2nd rounder next year. lmao. Imagine that one for a minute. Could you imagine the bloody murder that Rider fans would be screaming after that.
  22. If Hus finds NFL work and doesn't sign with the Riders maybe we can pry away Taman's 2nd rounder in 2017 for Cronk. Only half kidding.
  23. He called a press conference to say that?
  24. What was said? I tried the link just now but it must be over.
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