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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. Is Tuinei falling down the depth chart? I don't know about falling down, more like getting pushed down.
  2. Can't take them unless we release them. By the time our season ends this guy will have viewed another 1000 guys. Unless, we have someone who is going to be a pending FA that they absolutely love, I'm not sure much will come from his visit. It will do more good for the Bombers than it will do harm. I admit I don't really know the finer points of a situation like this, but I'm curious as to why you think it will do good for the Bombers? Your post has made me calm down though so I have to thank you for that. Americans often don't want to give up on their NFL dream, and view signing in the CFL as the end of it. If Walters can say we had scouts from 30 of the 32 NFL teams at practises last year, then point to a guy like Ian Wild or Enoch Muamba, that can be all it takes for a reluctant neg-lister to look at the Bombers as his path to the NFL rather than away from it. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS. LOL
  3. Not going to get into the whole ratio and roster management angle of this. I will just say this. Wally can be a pretty classless guy when it comes to parting ways with veteran multi-year Lions.
  4. Can't take them unless we release them. By the time our season ends this guy will have viewed another 1000 guys. Unless, we have someone who is going to be a pending FA that they absolutely love, I'm not sure much will come from his visit. It will do more good for the Bombers than it will do harm.
  5. I agree the ability to start 8 legit NIs from the game day roster is much more important than actually doing so.
  6. I really do hope Hurl is legit enough to beat out the IMP competition. That would be so much better than just forcing a NI into the starting lineup so we can make ratio. I liked what Hurl did in Saskatchewan last year. I thought he was playing pretty respectably. The Rider offence is what really let their team down last year. That defence was perpetually on the field and still played well....Hurl included.
  7. I don't think it will be that simple. There will be some kind of rotation in the linebacking corps. I still think we will start two NI receivers. Add in 3 OL, Westerman, and Bucknor, and you don't NEED to start a Canadian at linebacker. My opinion is that it will be a big rotation either way. We will see Hurl, Newman, and likely 2 American linebackers (not including SAM spot) on the roster and they will all play. As for Dile, who knows if he is getting paid like a starter. He has big time injury history, I don't think they would have broken the bank to sign him. I agree. We certainly must have gotten some kind of IMP OL that's barely played the last 2 years discount on him. His market value couldn't have been that great.
  8. I would be happy with that Bryant, Greaves, Picard, Chungh, Daniels (I think it will be DIle but whatever) looks a whole lot better to me than January, Greaves, Morley, Neufeld, Tyler. Actually now that I see last year's primary lineup in print it makes me shudder.
  9. In my best Rider fan voice possible......Durant is the best QB in the CFL bar none. He is a winner that the Riders absolutely must keep and is worth every penny. Greatest Rider QB ever. Believe it or not....these statements are all pretty much copy and pasted out of the pages of Riderfans. For some unknown reason they refuse to acknowledge that Durant has been hot and cold from year to year in his career. That 2013 season made him a god to Rider fans, and as we all know, part of Teflon Taman's long term survival plans are to appease the fans.
  10. Truthfully, Greaves was never going anywhere .. that was just a lot of idle speculation by fans .. Kirk Penton Article ... It never made sense Greaves has been one of our best OL for years, rarely gets beat... Again, it was idle speculation with nothing backing it .. and as dependable (health wise) as Greaves has been ... let's not overstate how effective he is .. he is (has been) part of the problem with the interior of our line. Again, Kirk Penton does not invent stories. If he says Greaves was on the block, then he was. No need to play revisionist. Kirk Penton may not invent stories, but Kirk can get burned just as easily as any other media member by sources he previously trusted. Or are you suggesting Kyle Walters was the one who told him Greaves was on the block?
  11. I honestly don't mind that prospect all that much. Sucks to lose a lineman though.
  12. Says a lot about going with conventional wisdom and drafting an OL at number 2 instead of getting starry eyed for a local boy as well. I get an impending sense of doom from the Bomber fans in the alternate universe in which we picked Demski at number 2.
  13. This site will do one of either two things, it will be well sourced and give us some insight between how a roster balances out cap wise, or it will be sourced primarily through the media and will illustrate how clueless they can be with their guesses in the cap age. Either way, I fully support them.
  14. I was noticing the same thing. Every time anyone talks about Reaves its the same "Looks great out there, maybe in 2023 he'll be good enough to play". ??? I think the hesitation would be that most of the fans here know they don't know enough to know how good a pro Reaves is. Easy to spot a guy who can run fast and jump high and catch the ball and be an athlete, harder to tell if he's a pro and doing what the coaches want and doing it well enough to contribute in a game. In a one on one drill a pure athlete can stand out easy, if he doesn't have all the nuances you need in a game setting doesn't really matter if you're the best athlete out there. Maybe. However, what I saw in day one was after nearly every rep he took he would go directly to the coaches and they would be giving him advice on technique and route running. I think it is understood by the coaching staff and by Reaves that he is a project. He catches the ball well when he beats coverage, and is very fast. However, he was dominated by the DBs in one on ones.
  15. At least with Richards we know it isn't a concussion. He has had hammy problems in the past. Wouldn't surprise me if they are being cautious with him.
  16. I have attended the rookie camp and Day 1 TC. Reaves is not looking entirely out of place, but he has a long way to go before he hits the field as a receiver. He is working hard and is a great athlete but needs a ton of work on route running and gaining position on DBs. He is better than I thought he would be, but he isn't going to win a job as a receiver imo. ALL the NI receivers have looked better than him so far. The glowing reports coming for him are more a matter of lower expectations and people realizing he is a project.
  17. IF they are talking contract with someone, and that's a big IF considering the source, it won't be Henoc, Andy, or Christo. They are all under contract right now and I very highly doubt we would have permission to talk to them from their respective NFL clubs.
  18. Crap...would love to go. Members of my family and a good group of childhood friends own the place. However, I am leaving for Thompson to open up my cottage for the summer. Next time guys. I get deep discounts there.
  19. No kidding. Troy Smith is just a recent reminder that there is more to being a QB than a strong arm. Doug Flutie is living proof that a legendary QB can throw an ugly ball.
  20. What? Did you watch practice or preseason at all last season? All I hear about Marve is how well the guy can throw. Marve was the Bombers' best QB in training camp, and maybe even in practice, last season and was very good with limited reps in the regular season. The offence performed incredibly well with Marve at the helm, considering the circumstances (down by 16 against the best team in the league in the first game, awful weather in the second one). They scored 29 points (should've been 36) in the 53 minutes that he played. He was only sacked once during that time, did not throw an interception nor fumble the ball... He basically did everything necessary to win games. Marve has excellent potential, and frankly, I think it's stupid to suggest he might not stay on the roster. I agree that Marve has a lot of upside and possibly could be better than WIlly in the future. I don't think JBR was disputing that, nor do I see anywhere that he thinks he will be cut. However, there is more to throwing than just arm strength. Last year Marve did not show the ability to recognize certain coverages and did not get the ball out in a timely fashion. While this made for some tremendous excitement when he scrambled, these were broken plays. Until Marve learns to read coverages, can take a 3-5 step drop and deliver the ball he will not be surpassing anyone on the DC. Marve looked decent last year in limited playing time. A quick look at his stats will show that he was far from incredible. I get it...you're stoked about what could be a good young QB, however, I think you are overstating things right now concerning Marve.
  21. Eerily similar looking to Peg Bundy.
  22. Lirim is #70... and yeah Troy was 74 when he was an emergency, out of retirement signing.... I think that was also his number in his first couple seasons before switching to 7. I believe that Randy Fabi wore 74 back in the day? According to CFLapedia Fabi wore 72, 73, and 77 73....that's right....I remember now.
  23. Lirim is #70... and yeah Troy was 74 when he was an emergency, out of retirement signing.... I think that was also his number in his first couple seasons before switching to 7. I believe that Randy Fabi wore 74 back in the day?
  24. I predict that two gorgeous blondes will knock on my door this morning and offer to wash my car in bikinis while I videotape (is videotape still a word). Geez predicting is easy and fun. If only predicting it made it so.
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