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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. No we had a meeting, everything is blamed on the NDP now. Rightfully so, I might add.
  2. I highly doubt it. What would be the point? Why let someone else control your contract negotiations.
  3. I personally do not think this rumor has any legs.
  4. As long as the Riders suck and we make the playoffs. I don't care how any other position in the standings turns out. Riders out/Bombers in = good season. Bombers winning the Grey Cup....oh man...I would hold the land speed record for joining a forum and getting kicked off a forum...yes Riderfans I'm talking about you.
  5. It's better if you sound intelligent whilst stirring though. I originally wrote Jade 2.0 and nothing else lol. ....and how exactly was that intelligent?
  6. I'm not sure that is something to brag about. It's not terribly difficult to be **** disturber, one just needs a big mouth and an extreme view.
  7. Our FOOTBALLS used to be bigger, but when they switched over to Wilson from the J5V the ball size was changed to match our American football counterparts. Adding to the confusion is the well known fact that Canadians have bigger balls. Just not footballs anymore.
  8. He's getting crapped on solely because his last name isn't Demski or Durant....although he stands a chance of being better than either of them.
  9. I don't like floating rumors, but I have a pretty decent source telling me he signed for 3 years. Take it for what you will. I think we will find out in the next few hours for sure.
  10. You may be right. However, that is a big improvement over what was. I look forward to Walters having difficult cap decisions to make next offseason. It means we maxed out.
  11. I am hoping that Richards can push JFG to bench duty.
  12. I agree with your premise. I should qualify that the bulk of my objection would be to trading him for a draft pick, even if it was a first rounder. I see no reason why we couldn't accomplish that after the season.
  13. I don't feel like listening to Huffer ramble on for an hour and 15 minutes. Anyone have a time in the audio where he talks about the Bombers?
  14. Personally I would prefer not to take Poblah back. Just think he is damaged goods. However, I could certainly understand why the Bombers might think about it. Kohlert is average at best, and JFG should not be starting in a CFL offence. When those are your starters, you gotta try and get better and leave no stone unturned to do so. Although, I do think JFG will not be starting this year because we will go 4 imports.
  15. Ball would not come cheap, Walters has to watch his salary cap or he will end up paying tomorrow for today's hamburger. Following Brendan Taman's footsteps could lead to places one does not wish to visit.....like Regina. I get what you're saying, but sitting around on a 5 year plan gets you a trip to Regina as well....in a losing effort. I like that we are all in. It's about damn time.
  16. I expect a Grey Cup win in 2015. I expect a Grey Cup every year. I will settle for 2 things. Making the playoffs and eliminating the Riders from the playoffs in the process. The season won't live up to my lofty expectations but I will still be happy.
  17. Absolutely, if there was one knock to Milt's game is that occasionally he would drop an easy one. ALL receivers do it. Kito's hands were no better but no worse than many good CFL receivers. People tend to want to pile on players after they leave. From what I remember of Kito is that he rarely hit the field because of injury, and at times appeared to take plays off. Those are bad enough knocks for a player to have, we don't need to pile on.
  18. You shouldn't need other GM's to justify the decision but after the way Kelly and Mack went their own way it is good to know that other GM's saw something in this guy worth throwing all the chips to the center of the table. I know we shouldn't dwell on the past but the present is not good enough to make the future so enticing. But I am still getting excited about this season. For sure. Walters is showing that he, at the very least, will not stand by and watch other teams get better. I like the all in approach. It's about damn time our organization became aggressive.
  19. Cool beans...haven't had an excuse to go to PP lately.
  20. Also don't forget about the dark Mike Kelly year.... ugh completely destroyed our team... That was many years ago now, Kelly might have done some damage to the team but... Mack had a chance to fix it and didn't. Kelly had 1 year, Mack had what? 3.. this is walters what? 2nd? And for as much heat as this may get, I think Mike Kelly was quite misunderstood, yup he told it like it was, fans and media didn't like that but... reality is, if he was given 3 years like Mack was, my guess, the team is better off now than it was under Mack canadian depth wise at least... Can talk about Mike Kelly messing up all you want but his main man was John Murphy who is now in Calgary with Huff, Murphy knows his stuff, the 'database' was legit, just never got more than a year to see what it could do. Sounds pretty reasonable. How did you get in here? You need to throw a wild ass accusation or pugnacious prognostication to be liked you know. Dr Seuss is that you? lol
  21. He didn't just burn bridges with the fans. He did so at every level possible and then poured Napalm on them to make sure they were really torched.
  22. He singlehandedly removed any credibility we had as a franchise. It was a clown show during his time here and the Bombers came off looking like a nightmare. People fail to understand that the damage he did was not just for one year. We are STILL trying to recover from that. When someone does so much damage to a franchises credibility amongst the fans, media, players, scouts, and agents it takes YEARS to build the trust again. Kelly is equally responsible for the failures we have had since his tenure than anyone. His damage did not stop the day we fired him. He screwed us over to the point of needing years just to rebuild from his errors. Worst Bomber employee of all time. After Kelly, players didn't want to be here and they didn't want to come here. Agents wouldn't even pick up the phone to talk to the Bombers about playing here. We were the least desirable destination in professional football. I guess you could call us football Hell. Mack and Buchko, may have been a lot of things, but at least they were professional and started us, as a franchise, back on the road to being a professionally run franchise. They got this team in about as bad a shape as one could inherit a team and with limited options on making it better since Kelly traded away all our draft picks for magic beans.
  23. Also don't forget about the dark Mike Kelly year.... ugh completely destroyed our team... That was many years ago now, Kelly might have done some damage to the team but... Mack had a chance to fix it and didn't. Kelly had 1 year, Mack had what? 3.. this is walters what? 2nd? And for as much heat as this may get, I think Mike Kelly was quite misunderstood, yup he told it like it was, fans and media didn't like that but... reality is, if he was given 3 years like Mack was, my guess, the team is better off now than it was under Mack canadian depth wise at least... Can talk about Mike Kelly messing up all you want but his main man was John Murphy who is now in Calgary with Huff, Murphy knows his stuff, the 'database' was legit, just never got more than a year to see what it could do. Not sure how Mike Kelly would ever have got that done when he traded our draft picks away like they were Skittles on Halloween. Kelly was not misunderstood...he was terrible. Suggesting anything else is revisionist history. Take a look at the draft picks he traded away in his one year and tell me with a straight face that our NI talent would have been better with him.
  24. An aging olineman, a mediocre lb, one legit ni talent and three draft picks? I'm sure nearly every year every team does the same. Migs, is that you?
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