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The Unknown Poster

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Posts posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. 20 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    You think George W Bush endorsing Biden is a good thing???  Trump will destroy them with his drain the swamp rhetoric yet again...

    Everyone falling for the same rope a dope...

    Lol you’re wrong. But sure whatever. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    You're joking right...  these are people who have just been pushed out of the GOP and are looking for a candidate - this is scary not 'good news'

    It’s good news if it helps push bush to a Biden endorsement. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    If Trump loses, I don't think he pushes as much as he is pushed by the GOP to go through the courts to claim the election (with the Bush v Gore precedent) and have the votes discounted. They have more to hold on to than him as they are career politicos. For him it is a game show starring him, and if it is more effort than it is worth to carry on, he walks out on his own terms. If that Supreme Court intervention does not work, I do not see him starting an insurrection. His followers may well protest, and there may be a lot of residual violence, but Trump is not going to put himself at the forefront of it, IMO.

    Why? Look at his history. In business, he always talked a tough game, would threaten lawsuits, would not pay his bills, but when push came to shove he would settle and pay out of pocket, conceding defeat in the lawsuits against him, and buy his way out of it. He'd give in, and the only "win" was that he would exhaust the other side enough to take a lesser amount to end the squabble. And he's declared bankruptcy 6 times to "re-finance", not caring what damage he's left in his wake but not staying around to clean up the mess or fight and carry on and rebuild.

    I suspect what he will do is sow discord amongst the public with his rhetoric until inauguration day, not to try and overturn the result but merely to provide distraction and cover while he silently feathers his nest on the way out. He will not bother with the "peaceful transition of power" not as a revolt but simply because he doesn't care to clean up shop and turn over the keys before he leaves. To him, it's easier to leave the destruction, shrug and say "here's the damage deposit, just easier and less work for me on the way out" and not care how he leaves his supporters hanging (THAT'S when they'll finally realize they've been conned all along, when the payoff they've been waiting for doesn't come in and it's obvious he's fled town - that's how all con men operate). Since he doesn't answer to the people any more, and they cannot help feed his ego, screw them.

    His only real concern after his defeat will be "now that I'm on the clock, how do I grab what I can on the way out?" He may or may not pardon his buddies. Remember how many people he leaves high and dry? If his political allies cannot help him in the business world, who cares about what they sacrificed to get him to where he was? Cost of doing business. Roger Stone who? If releasing Stone helps Trump later, then he gets out. If not, why bother? Trump demands loyalty but gives none in return, so I would not be surprised to see him walk away from those he has hinted (promised) to pardon. The only pardon he cares about will be his own, or anyone who will be a part of his next venture. Trump does not care about the fascist revolution he has started, he only likes the power he personally derives from it, so I don't see him leading a rebellion if he loses, he just skips town with the gold and his supporters stand around saying "what do we do now, dear leader? Dear Leader? Anybody seen him?" Think Hitler's exit in his bunker or the other members of the Gestapo sneaking off to Argentina and leaving the rank and file soldiers to face judgment at Nuremburg.


    Trump is a bully who threatens lawsuits but never follows through because he cant handle a deposition. I think he'd take the election to SCOTUS because he wouldnt have to say anything.  And he desperately needs to avoid being a citizen again because he and perhaps his family are going to be inundated with criminal investigations.

    And I think a lot of the GOP cant stand him.  They just love power more than they hate trump.  If Trump loses, they will be rats off the sinking ship and he'll be alone in the wilderness.  Especially if its a big loss.  GOP will see the way the wind is blowing and running harder to the left and becoming the part of racists will guarantee the end of the party.  Plus, Trump likely forms his own party anyway.  GOP will have to move to the centre to have a hope, especially if they see the future of the Dems as a further left-leaning party.  The battle for power will be in the middle.

  4. I like good wrestling as a needed distraction at times.  For older fans that remember Tully or new fans that dont know why he was so great, here's one reason.  Great promo!

    Really shows the difference between a lot of the older guys who learned to cut promos vs the newer way of scripted promo.  Tully is the man!

  5. 3 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Tucker Carlson is promoting violence. At some point down the road my hope is he and others of his ilk are held accountable for their actions and words. For all you vocal and non vocal MAGAts out there, there will be a day you will have to crawl back under the rock you came from that was temporary lifted up by this deranged idiot and his deranged administration. It’s coming. Take your hate and racism dressed up in religion and freedom and gtfo.

    Really, FOX NEWS should have their license pulled since they had admitted they are "entertainment" and not news.  Maybe the next admin.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Arlington police ‘reevaluating’ agreement with DC police after officers were used ‘for a purpose not worthy of our mutual aid obligations’

    On Monday, June 1, police from Arlington, Virginia (a Washington, D.C. suburb) helped police in the nation’s capital control large protests demanding justice for George Floyd. But Arlington officers, according to Washington television station WUSA 9 (a CBS-affiliation station) are now “reevaluating” their “agreement with” Washington law enforcement because of their actions on behalf of President Donald Trump.

    Washington police have been widely criticized for using violent force against peaceful protestors in order to clear the way for Trump to speak at St. John’s Episcopal Church and rally his base with a photo op. And Arlington police, according to WUSA, see that as a misuse of law enforcement.



    I do wonder if, as this continues, we will see authority groups (law enforcement, military) begin to openly question the orders from the White House.  If States refuse to allow federal military to act against citizens and Trump tries to order them in, I suspect a lot of hand-wringing by some senior officers.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    ‘Very proud of themselves’: Senior WH official says Trump team was ‘celebrating’ tear gas stunt

    The Trump White House is “celebrating” Monday evening’s gassing of protestors in Lafayette Park to clear the area so the President could walk to St. John’s Church to hold up a bible for a photo-op. President Donald Trump made the decision to hold a Rose Garden speech during which he threatened to deploy the Military throughout the country to “quell” protestors demonstrating over the police killing of George Floyd, then march to the historic house of worship.

    “One senior aide was exuberantly telling friends the photograph of [Trump] holding a Bible in front of the church that had been attacked by vandals was an ‘iconic’ moment for the president,” Axios’ Jonathan Swan reports.


    Oh, its going to be iconic alright.  It will be iconic 100 years from now too.  The night the President ordered his own people attacked by federal officers because his ego was bruised.

  8. It really is sickening to see how much support Trump has.  But a few things we know are fact.

    Trump lost the popular vote by quite a lot.  He was polling (yeah I know) to lose the election all the way through.  He would have lost even with Russian interference.  And when the Grab 'em tape came out, he was finished (the only time Trump ever made a statement of apology and looked like a very very defeated man, begging for a second chance).

    We know the Comey boner sunk Hilary (not debating that many didnt like Hilary, she was going to win) which was forced by NY FBI loyal to Rudy G.  

    And knowing all that, that was Trump who was seen as a blustery, arrogant, celebrity.  But also seen by many as a brilliant businessman (which he know is not true) and outsider who would drain the swamp (also not true) and a man of the people and not an elitist (very not true).  There were many people willing to give him a chance vs Hilary who represented a political dynasty.

    What's changed this time is we know what Trump is.  Im not sure he has done anything to generate NEW support.  He had the evangelicals last time (and surely at least *some* of them now know the truth and may not vote or all if they wont vote for a Dem).  He had the white nationals and racists.  Are there MORE racists this time that will increase his base?  Maybe.  But I dont think largely.  

    The GOP has always known that if everyone who wants to vote CAN vote, if they make voting easier, if they encourage MORE people to vote, that they lose.  Every single time.  The potential gains are much much larger on the Democrat side.

    So what can we predict?  We can predict that barring something wild, Biden easily beats Trump.  But what can happen to change that?  A major health issue for Biden, even better cheating by Trump, voter intimidation, voter suppression, manufactured scandal (and there WILL be October surprises).

    Let's assume for a moment all goes right and Biden wins.  What happens next depends on how much he wins by.  A narrow victory (possible knowing Trump will cheat and suppress as much as possible) and Trump will question the results potentially leading to a constitutional crises (the plan would likely be to contest key districts and take it to SCOTUS where he likely loses based on the Chief Justice being a moderate but who knows and if RBG dies before then, SCOTUS will hand Trump his dictatorship).

    If Trump accepts the loss (or has no choice but to), what does he do between Election Day and Inauguration Day. That will be scary.  

    My fear is two-fold.  The protests and riots we're seeing now will look like a picnic compared to what will happen on election day.  And what will happen between election day and inauguration day.

    Trump might like that.  If he wins and its due to cheating, people WILL take to the streets.  Allowing Trump to "dominate" them, declare martial law, find some 200 year old laws to provide himself with absolute power and we have a Fourth Reich.  

    If he loses I could see him calling upon his supporters to not accept the results and not allow the election to be "stolen".  What happens when Trump motivates tens of millions of racist gun nuts to seize power on his behalf?  Assuming he loses and assuming law enforcement and military abide their oaths and take orders from Biden, order will eventually be restored but at what cost.  What happens if a couple of Trump loving states throw their support behind him?

    Is there a legitimate potential for a civil war?  For a separation of the union?

    Scary times ahead folks.

  9. 8 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    How do people avoid crowds at the 4 entrance points of the stadium? If queueing occurs like at big box stores, with 6 feet between each person, then even a line of 2,500 people will extend 3 miles. How long do you want to wait to get in or out of the stadium? 2hours, 3? And with 18,000 season ticket holders, who are the half who get denied the chance to go to a game? And if I pay for a P1 seat on the 45 yard line, who decides that for social distancing and equal spreading out I will now be seated in the end zone, while my neighbour still gets his same seat we both paid the same prime price for, just because random selection? 

    Yeah its tough.  But I think there will be a very strong desire to find a middle ground between zero fans and 30,000 fans.

    The flip side might be, especially using two hub cities and a short season, to be very careful during the season games, have no fans and then hope you can have fans for the Grey Cup game.  

    If you're using two hub cities, thats multiple games were week in one city so many games.  Even if they allowed 5000 fans per game, it would be a lot more overall.  But then you risk out of towners as well.  

    The worst case scenario would be reduced fans and COVID ramps back up and leads to infection among a team(s) and you end up playing most of the season but have to shut down before Grey Cup.  So I imagine they will be careful.

    They'll get money from the feds and the TV contract and make it through.  

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