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The Unknown Poster

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Posts posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. 1 hour ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    I find responding to this poster gives this person the energy they thirst for. If one doesn’t respond to their posts it denies this poster the energy they need. I’m sure some people do that to me here all the time. Free speech by all means just don't engage. (Insert Abe Simpson yelling at clouds here).

    I think that when someone is clearly trolling or baiting or just being absurd responding to that end points it out. I’m surprised he’s still allowed to post beee since he’s literally a trump surrogate at this point.  Offers nothing of value and clearly intends to start arguments or maliciously aggravate people.  Enough is enough.  The idea every single one of us pretends he’s not here is akin to him not being here.  Let’s hope that’s the next step actually.   But I hear what you’re saying lol 

  2. 2 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    Only after he exposes the hoax. 

    What hoax.  The hoax that he won the election fairly?  I agree. Hopefully it’s fully exposed but probably not without confessional investigations under a democratic presidency 

  3. 46 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    No wonder you were so upset, Jason Kenney seems to agree with me,

    wow, great minds really do think alike.

    No need to apologize to me. 

    Who are you talking to?  Or are you just randomly or generally acting like a **** to everyone?

  4. 1 minute ago, pigseye said:

    No it won't Sweden is only at about 25% right now and may not be ready by the time the second wave hits, we will be completely screwed by that point.

    New York didn't even need the temporary beds the army corps of engineers set up, China didn't need theirs either, so this argument has already been shown to be a nothing burger.


    Hey you wanted science and hard facts, you got them, sorry if they make you choke. 

    Now put your big boy pants on and deal with the facts. I would hope our leaders are able to make the tough choices and not cower and hide in their homes at time like this. 

    I like when you try to use china to prove anything. It’s funny.  Adds some levity.  Also when you pretend the virus after lockdowns was always what it was going to be without.  It’s cute you think that. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    How bad will the period between election and inauguration be? Makes no sense they have that lame duck period.

    I think on older times it was to count the votes and Ofcourse in the weird US system, they have to schedule the electoral college to actually vote.  And there have been instances of disputes. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, bustamente said:

    Trump and his brood will loot the WH then set fire to it, in all seriousness this election will be the biggest shiate show the world has ever seen.

    In 2016 he cheated but tried not to be too obvious about.  Aside from begging Russia to hack Hilary during a live debate.  This time he is cheating in broad daylight.  

  7. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    Most are. They just pretend they are not. We see the posts here and wild articles that are not based on reality. 

    Yeah I think we have to accept it as I’ve said before.  You’re with trump, you’re racist.  We all know people who you wouldn’t think were or who claim they aren’t but it’s “im not racist but...”.  

  8. Just now, Brandon said:

    And that would be best case scenario IMO. 

    Well there is something to be said for a miserable trump sitting at the inauguration with record crowds while Biden announces the long national nightmare is over.  And all the other presidents shun trump.  Lol But he’d never go.  

    he’s now trying to screw with twitter.  I hope this inspires twitter to clean up the Russian bots.  If they did, it would go a long way to stifling trumps sky right message. 

  9. He’s losing whatever tenuous grip on reality he had.  When he loses, what happens between Election Day and Inauguration Day?  He will go insane trying to reverse the election.  Do you think he will allow a transition?  Do you think he will show up for inauguration?  He’ll probably quit the day after the election and let pence do it.  

  10. 1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    You can have it both ways- pat for the course. Atta boy ****** Carlson! 



    Wow.  Like I said it’s time we stopped being polite.  If you stand with trump you’re a racist.  Period. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    50 million people died from the Spanish Flu world wide - or do you mean 500 000 Americans?

    Americans.  No surprise with the horribly high death rate around the world back then.  Different time. But certainly in the US, comparable.  

  12. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    Janala sucks,  I'm not a fan of the Cassidy gimmick (I do think he's talented though),  Cabana is over rated,  Cage and Luchasaurus both are big (which AEW needs) but as workers they are meh.   Marko Stunt should not be in AEW.... it's just terrible.  That guy should only be used as comic relief where big guys toss him like a dart (a la Big Show - Rey Mysterio WCW).    

    The rest of the guys are primo. I can remember TNA (when it was good many many years ago) and they had a tonne of indy guys who can go and put on great gimmick matches.     


    Yeah I’ll give you Janela.  Marco is good at what he does and he is used for comic relief.  Keep in mind that was cage first match in AEW and since a serious injury. I don’t know much about him but he’s apparently decent worker.  Lucha is certainly good.  The other guys are great.   I think the style of match hurt it a bit without a crowd and everyone trying to fit into slots.   Wwe has those matches down pat. 

    edit: cabana is good. Not great. I don’t love him but I don’t think the gimmick is all that.  But he can work okay. 

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